Chapter 586 Honeymoon Interesting Events Clothed Animals (4)
"No, what's so fun about that!"

Gu Lingmo quickly stated his position.Hearing this, Gu Nuoxian felt better.

Xu Mo'an stood on the surfboard in a daze for a while, and said to Gu Nuoxian: "Don't play, go back!" His voice was a bit muffled, and Gu Nuoxian was in a better mood than him.The three of them drove towards the coast, full of dissatisfaction.


Ji Ruo and Song Yu changed motorboats, and when they found Gu Nuoxian and the others, it was more than an hour later.

Gu Nuoxian glanced at Ji Ruo, seeing that she had changed back into her dress, the coldness in her eyes faded a bit.Xu Mo'an was still wearing sunglasses, he smiled softly at Song Yu, and patted the empty recliner beside him, "Xiao Yu, are you tired from playing? Come, drink some water."

He knew that Song Yu didn't like drinks, so he could barely drink a few sips of mineral water.

Song Yu raised his eyebrows, why did he feel that in the sentence that his elder brother said just now, the word tired of playing was very heavy?Song Yu swaggered and sat next to Xu Mo'an, took a sip of the mineral water, and imitated him by leaning on the recliner, shirtless and basking in the sun.

Xu Mo'an looked at him sideways, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth

The blue eyes behind the pair of light gray sunglasses released gusts of cold air.

"Is it fun?" Gu Nuoxian also smiled at Ji Ruo.

Ji Ruo nodded, and explained excitedly:
"When the waves hit, we passed through the middle, not to mention how exciting it was."

Ji Ruo smiled, Gu Nuoxian was also laughing, but he was thinking in his heart: Yes, of course it is exciting, you have touched Song Yu's waist behind my back, can you not be exciting?
"Also, we were driving too fast, and we almost ran into someone once. Thanks to Song Yu's good skills, nothing happened. However, it was really fun." Ji Ruohuan excitedly explained, and was happy to share it with Gu Nuoxian joy.

"Really?" It must be.

"Yes! If Song Yu hadn't helped me in time, I would have been thrown into the sea."

Hearing this, Gu Nuoxian sneered in his heart.I see.So he helped you. "Where did he touch you?"

"What?" Ji Ruo's smile faltered, she blinked in confusion, not knowing what Gu Nuoxian's sudden question meant.Gu Nuoxian got up from the recliner, sat facing Ji Ruo, and asked her again: "I said, when Song Yu helped you, where did she touch you?"

Ji Ruo seemed to have swallowed a fly. "Gu Nuoxian, is your focus wrong?"

Gu Nuoxian smiled gracefully, "Forget it, let's go back! If we don't go back, it will be dark."

Ji Ruo was confused, but still got up.

When they came, there were four people in their team, but when they went back, there were five people.


The plane landed on the private helipad near the villa.

A group of hot people walked towards the villa, at this moment, Song Yu thought of a question.

"Brother, do you live here too?"

Xu Mo'an shook his head.

"Then what are you doing here?"

Xu Mo'an let out a groan before saying, "You are all here, and I want to live here too."


Back at the villa, Xu Mo'an immediately asked about the housing situation.

"Sorry sir, our villa has only six rooms in total, of which Mr. Gu's family has reserved two rooms, Mr. Song has reserved one room, and the Browns and the Thomases have each booked a room. There are no more rooms left. gone."

The waiter looked apologetic.

Song Yu pointed out: "Isn't there another room?"

"Sorry sir, another room has been reserved by another person one day in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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