S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 588 You Make Me Breathless

Chapter 588 You Hug Me Out of Breath (1)
The sea breeze was blowing wildly, and in the middle of the night, Xu Mo'an felt a little cold.

He reached out and pulled the quilt, but he didn't expect that the quilt was completely wrapped around Song Yu's body, so he couldn't move at all.Xu Mo'an woke up in a daze, and squinted at Song Yu, only to see Song Yu's whole body was wrapped in silk, just like a super-sized baby silkworm.

Xu Mo'an had no choice but to hug Song Yu in his arms.

Song Yu woke up the next morning, feeling a little short of breath from being strangled.

The vigilance was at work, and he immediately knew that he was being hugged. Song Yu suddenly opened his eyes, but saw someone's very sweet and elegant handsome face.Xu Mo'an carried him into the sea, not letting him escape at all.

Song Yu was taken aback, and tried to move, only to find that he was completely covered by the silkworm quilt, while Xu Mo'an was not covered at all.Realizing that he occupied the quilt again last night, Song Yulue shook his head apologetically.

"Brother, you hug me so hard that I can't breathe."

Song Yu reminded Xu Mo'an in a low voice.

Xu Mo'an moved next to Song Yu's head, but soon became silent again.

Song Yu coughed lightly, raised his voice and said, "Brother! There is a surprise attack!"

As soon as the word raid landed, Xu Mo'an seemed to be hit by a thunderbolt, and immediately jumped out of bed with a carp, and took advantage of the opportunity to pull out the pistol on the second floor of the bedside table.In the blink of an eye, Song Yu heard the sound of a bullet being loaded.

Xu Mo'an narrowed his eyes and glanced around, feeling a little puzzled. "Sneaker?" He looked alert and his voice was as cold as ice.

Song Yu took the opportunity to lift the quilt, and quickly jumped out of bed to take a few breaths of fresh air. "No, I lied to you." He stood in front of the window with his arms open, facing the sea breeze mixed with the fishy smell of the sea, which was not refreshing.

Xu Mo'an squinted his eyes before putting away the pistol. "Xiao Yu, don't make fun of this kind of thing in the future." His tone was helpless and serious.

Song Yu also realized that his joke just now was a bit big, so he nodded seriously, "Got it." Song Yu turned and went to the bathroom to wash up. Xu Mo'an looked at him again and again to confirm that he really went into the bathroom, Xu Mo'an Then he crawled into bed with a guilty conscience and lay down where Song Yu slept last night.

There was Song Yu's aura on the sheets and bedspread.

Xu Mo'an took a deep breath, he thought today would be a sunny day.


During breakfast, Gu Lingmo kept staring at Ji Ruo and Gu Nuoxian.Xu Mo'an and Song Yu ate breakfast in silence, one was always taciturn, and the other adhered to the rule of not talking when eating.

"What are you looking at? The eyeballs are going to pop out!" Seeing Gu Lingmo staring at him, Gu Nuoxian almost threw a fork over him.

Gu Lingmo cut a small sandwich and put it in his mouth, his cheeks were bulging.After eating the sandwich, he took another sip of milk and wiped his mouth before responding, "Daddy, are there a lot of mosquitoes in your room?" Gu Nuoxian raised his eyebrows, but Ji Ruo turned to look at his neck. When he saw it, a suspicious blush suddenly appeared on his face.

"Your neck is red from mosquito bites!"

All were silent for a few seconds.

A group of people did not speak, but their eyes couldn't help but glance at Gu Nuoxian's neck, even Song Yu couldn't calm down anymore.Seeing that Ji Ruo was about to feel embarrassed, Gu Nuoxian shut his mouth wisely.Xu Mo'an wiped his mouth calmly, glanced at Gu Lingmo, and said calmly: "There are no mosquitoes in the room, but there are quite a lot of mosquitoes at night by the sea."

Ji Ruomeng raised his head to look at Xu Mo'an, his face blushed even more.

Gu Lingmote blinked innocently, and asked him, "Uncle Xu, have you been there?"

"I haven `t been there."

(End of this chapter)

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