Chapter 597 The Flower of Death Takes the Blame (5)
"It's time for my eldest brother and second brother to come out and meet us."

This person is the third child of the Lyle Consortium——

Jeff, Lyle.

The man in black nodded, they turned off the infrared light, and walked to the black chair.The two pushed together, and the chair turned in a different direction, and the scene on the back of the chair was completely exposed to everyone's sight.On a large chair, sat two men.

One black and one white, the two of them stared, looking straight ahead, in their lifeless eyes, it seemed that they could still see the shock and astonishment in their eyes before they died.Both of them had a long knife stuck in their stomachs.Several mosquitoes were flying on their chests, and soft flesh worms could be seen tumbling in the pale flesh.

"My good brothers, are you satisfied with meeting me in this way?"

Jeff controlled the wheelchair and slid to the front of the black chair. He looked at the cheeks of his brothers carefully, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was full of spring breeze. "Tsk tsk, as I said, I've never been a submissive person. You ruined my legs back then, and now I'm taking your lives. That's fair!"

Jeff laughed and pushed the wheelchair out of the house.

After they left, there was only a foul smell, which was getting stronger and stronger in the house.


In the middle of the night, Lyle's boss Famir Lyle, who was sleeping on the bed, was suddenly awakened by a nightmare. He dreamed that his two sons who were on a business trip were killed, and their bones were still alive.

Famir leaned against the head of the bed. In the thick night, he was startled and broke out in cold sweat.

The windows creaked and rattled by the wind.Famir looked at the window which had been closed but was opened at some time in surprise. He lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and walked to the window wearing slippers.

Famir glanced out the window and found that the manor was extremely quiet today.

He frowned and closed the window.

Famir turned around, the lights in the room suddenly turned on, Famir covered his eyes uncomfortably, waited for a few seconds, then slowly put down his hands and opened his eyes.As far as he could see, there was a figure sitting in a wheelchair.

Famir squinted at his only unwell son.Jeff took off his gray clothes and changed into a gown as red as a devil.Sitting in a wheelchair, he looked at his dear father with a smile. The smile on the corner of his mouth was extraordinarily creepy against the backdrop of the night.

"Daddy, can you tell Jeff what you dreamed about?"

Jeff's eyes lit up, and Farmer saw the light in his son's eyes, and his eyes suddenly changed. "You!" He took two steps back in shock, a little shocked and a little surprised. "What did you do to your brothers?" With nowhere to go, Famir sat down on the bed with a look of surprise on his face.

Jeff spread his hands and shrugged innocently.

"If you mean Rick and Carlisle, then I'd be more than happy to tell you that they all went to hell." Jeff turned the wheelchair, and when he turned to face Farmer again, Jeff's hand, more A delicate and compact pistol. "Now, Tell-me, my-dera-daddy, How-do-you-want-to-die?" Jeff finished the last word, his lips touched up and down, and then opened, making a 'pop ' pose.

Famir shrank back, as if he heard the sound of bullets entering his body.

"Jeff! I'm—your—father, you—can't—do—that!" Famir couldn't believe it, his son actually wanted to kill him?He was a little scared in his heart. He hadn't taken his son seriously all these years. He didn't expect that one day, his son would point a gun at his head.

(End of this chapter)

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