Chapter 615
Before he finished speaking, Gu Nuoxian suddenly stretched out his finger and snatched the cigarette case.He pulled out a cigarette impatiently from the cigarette case and put it in his mouth, and Uncle Song quickly lit it for him.

Gu Nuoxian took a deep breath, and immediately a nurse spotted him and yelled at him: "My family, smoking is prohibited in the hospital! Didn't you see the notice on the wall?" Gu Nuoxian glanced at the nurse, Turn around and go to the toilet.

Seeing him go into the toilet, the female nurse hummed and left unwillingly.

Gu Nuoxian leaned against the wall, and there was a lingering toilet smell from the tip of his nose, but none of these could dilute the anxiety in his heart.Ji Ruo went abroad suddenly, Ji's father fell ill again, and everything happened one after another, which made him a little depressed.

What made him most uncomfortable was what Ji Xuanyu said, eight months...

Was it only eight months before he was appointed?He closed his eyes hard, his heart was so heavy that he could hardly breathe.

After smoking the cigarette, only the last butt was left, Gu Nuoxian took a deep breath and rubbed his face with cold water.He looked at himself in the mirror who was obviously depressed, and couldn't help but said to himself: "Gu Nuoxian, you are Eric, cheer me up!"

He shook his head, and when he walked out of the toilet, he was not in the slightest depressed mood.


Pushing open the door of the ward and walking in, the first thing you see are two hospital beds.

A little boy was lying on a hospital bed, and Ji Pulin, whose complexion was still blue, was on the hospital bed by the window.A few months passed, and Ji Pulin's figure became thinner and thinner. He lay on the bed and looked like he didn't have much sense of existence.

He is like a rotten tree, exposed to wind and rain, beaten and whipped by time, gradually losing vitality and fighting spirit.

Gu Nuoxian sat down next to the edge of the bed. He watched Ji Pulin's creases and slightly pale cheeks, and couldn't help wondering if he would be in this embarrassment eight months later.Is it possible that he is worse than Ji Pulin now.

Will he die?

Gu Nuoxian thought that he might die in countless ways, but it was really hard for a proud person like him to die after being defeated by illness.

Han Feng pushed open the door, Song Yu took a cautious look at him, made sure that he had no problem, and then let him in.

"Hello, I'm Han Feng, the doctor in charge of the patient. May I ask who you are?" Han Feng was dressed in a white coat, looking at the tall man with a pair of black eyes and long hair back, a little surprised.In the past, Ji Ruo came to the hospital to take care of Ji Pulin, but this time it was a stranger who was a man, and Han Feng was a little surprised for a while.

Gu Nuoxian stood up and stretched out a hand towards Han Feng. "Hello, I'm the patient's son-in-law, Gu Nuoxian."

A trace of surprise flashed in Han Feng's eyes, he took a closer look at Gu Nuoxian, and then put him together with Mr. Gu, Ji Ruo's husband on the front page of the entertainment. "Mr. Gu, hello. Unfortunately, my ability is limited, and I really can't give you and Ms. Ji a healthy old Mr. Ji." Han Feng lowered his eyebrows, he was used to seeing life and death, and he still couldn't keep his expression on his face. Declare a person's life or death.

Facing the longing eyes of every family member, he always felt powerless.

Even if he is alive, he can't turn the tide and turn the tide, let alone he is only the director of internal medicine in a small hospital.

Hearing this, Gu Nuoxian didn't have much emotional change on his face. "Doctor Han, I'm here because I want to take my father-in-law home." As soon as Gu Nuoxian said this, Han Feng's face changed suddenly, "You... are you going to give up the treatment for Mr. Ji?" Han Feng pretended Zuo looked at Gu Nuoxian with casual eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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