S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 62 I Leave Myself

Chapter 62 I leave myself (2)
Ji Ruo picked up a can of beer, took a sip, felt bored, and took another sip.Sip after sip, and by the time she realized she had had a little too much, she had finished four beers.

The make-up artist Xiao Ai held the mic and killed a group of sheep under her heart-piercing roar of a completely out-of-tune Li song.Ji Ruo looked at Xiao Ai and envied her a little. How long has it been since she sang?
Earlier, she and Zhen Yue debuted as singers, but the record industry was in a downturn in those two years, and the two of them were abandoned by the world gorgeously.Later, Zhen Yue took the path of film and television, and Ji Ruo didn't develop well because she offended Guo Rui.

Counting it, she seems to have not sung for two and a half years.

Under the control of alcohol, Ji Ruo also ordered a song.After ordering a good song, she went back to her small place. As soon as she sat down, Wu Yue walked up to her with a beer in his hand. He put his right hand on the back of the sofa and wrapped Ji Ruo neatly middle.

Ji Ruo moved uncomfortably, coupled with her flushed face, falling into Wu Yue's eyes, she felt that she wanted to welcome but refused.Wu Yue took a sip of the wine, and boldly leaned over to Ji Ruo's ear.Although Ji Ruo was a little drunk, her consciousness was still very clear, and her movements were not slow. In the blink of an eye, she dodged to the right.

Wu Yue flinched, his eyes dimmed.

Just when Ji Ruo was cursing her mother secretly, the door of the box was pushed open from the outside, against the light, Ji Ruo saw two men standing at the door.They are tall and heroic, and their bodies are wrapped in lights, making them hazy and unreal.From a distance of three or four meters, Ji Ruo also felt the alienated and cold aura emanating from the man.

Her intuition told her that it was Gu Nuoxian.

Others also noticed the movement, Wang Sen raised his head, saw the face of the comer, and quickly stopped his movements.He greeted him with a smile, probably a little nervous, he kept grabbing his hair with his hands.

"Mr. Gu, welcome!" Wang Sen held Gu Nuoxian's right hand with both hands, and the smile on his face was a little more enthusiastic than usual.

Gu Nuoxian patted Wang Sen on the shoulder and said a few more words. He glanced at the box, but wherever his gaze swept, those people were a little cautious and timid.Gu Nuoxian saw an uncomfortable woman in the corner.

She was wearing a black down jacket and kept her head down in silence.It was Ji Ruo under his banner. Gu Nuoxian glanced to her left side, and Wu Yue, who was dressed like a dog, was looking at her with flattering and fearful eyes.Gu Nuoxian frowned slightly, such a man...


Stepped over to Wang Sen's seat and sat down, Gu Nuoxian sat down as a master, while the assistant director quickly moved his seat.

The box was quiet for a while, and then it became lively again, but this time the noise was very different from before, more cautious and restrained.Ji Ruo was not surprised why Gu Nuoxian appeared here, after all, it was Gu Nuoxian.Even if he went to the sky, Ji Ruo was not surprised.

It was displayed on the screen that a song was finished and skipped to the next one. The familiar prelude made Ji Ruo stunned.

When Gu Nuoxian heard the prelude, the two benevolents changed, and a layer of...surprise was blurred.Gu Nuoxian saw Xiao Ai handing the wheat to a woman in black in the corner, he didn't need to look, he knew who was sitting there.Suddenly, Gu Nuoxian's heart beat a little fast, which was abnormally fast.

"Ah Ruo, it's your turn." Xiao Ai put the wheat in Ji Ruo's hand, Ji Ruo was stunned, and subconsciously glanced at Gu Nuoxian.She swears that she did this because of a guilty conscience. Every time she sees Gu Nuoxian, she feels guilty.

Just like a mouse meets a cat, it will always be teased.

At this time, Gu Nuoxian was also looking at her.

In the air, a weird factor quietly permeated.Song Yu looked at Ji Ruo coldly, he was a little surprised that Ji Ruo would order this song.After all, it's an old song with decades of history.

(End of this chapter)

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