Chapter 621
"Kill me! I'm in too much pain! Give me a treat! Will you?" Ji Pulin's uncomfortable eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets. He had gradually lost his mind, and his whole body was cold.His entire skin was bluish purple.

"The blood bag is full!"

Ji Xuanyu said in a deep voice.

Mo Mingxi glanced at the three bags full of blood on the plate, and then at the blood that was full again, his heart sank. "The toxin hasn't come out yet. Is there something wrong with this method?" He frowned tightly, but he didn't stop replacing the blood bags.

"That's the right method. The toxin has already poisoned his whole body. There is no other way but to exchange blood all over his body."

When the pumped blood vessel came into contact with the air, the blood lost faster, and Ji Pulin felt even more uncomfortable.His body arched suddenly, and his whole body convulsed like he was insane. "I don't want to live anymore! Ji Xuan... Mister! Please..." Ji Pulin looked at Ji Xuanyu humblely with blood-red eyes, "You kill me with one knife... okay?"

After he finished speaking, his body twitched violently again.


"Kill me! Please!"


Ji Pulin's last roar shocked the entire sky in Beicheng.

His arched body suddenly fell down, like a majestic city, reduced to ashes in an instant.

"What's going on?" Mo Mingxi was startled, he stretched out his hand to probe Ji Pulin's breath, his expression changed, "The breathing is very weak, if this continues, I'm afraid I'm going to die." Ji Xuanyu let go of the restraint He stared at the newly replaced blood bag, and said to Mo Mingxi, "Look at the color of the blood in the blood bag."

Mo Mingxi lowered his eyes and looked at it according to the words. When he saw it, he was suddenly speechless in surprise.

I saw that the blood that was supposed to be bright red had changed color at this moment.

It is no longer a bright red, but a dark purple like a ripe grape.The purple isn't liquid, it's more like blobs, lumpy, like crushed purple grapes.

"Is this what the Breaking Dead virus looks like after it invades the human body?"


Mo Mingxi withdrew his gaze, and asked again: "Then how long will he continue in this situation."

"It depends on the degree of his poisoning." Ji Xuanyu touched Ji Pulin's heartbeat, and he was relieved to make sure that he still had a heartbeat. "Keep vigilant, he just fainted temporarily. The heavier the body load is, the more obvious the resistance will be. At that time, he will definitely wake up a few times. The power of his instant startling is so great that you and I alone Two people, can't resist. We need someone to help."

"I'll go out and call them."


Gu Nuoxian and Gu Tan changed into white coats and rubber gloves before being allowed to enter the house.

When the two of them saw that the plate was full of three big bags of blood, their expressions immediately changed.Gu Nuoxian withdrew his gaze, stared at the purple plaque flowing out of Ji Pulin's body, and suddenly lost his mind.

Ji Pulin's present is his future.

Or, he would be worse than Ji Pulin at that time.

While thinking, Ji Pulin suddenly opened his eyes.He twisted his limbs vigorously, his mouth kept roaring.The handcuffs and fetters could hardly bind him.

"catch him!"

Ji Xuanyu snorted coldly, four men imprisoned Ji Pulin's limbs at the same time.Four adults with good abilities could barely hold Ji Pulin.


Ji Pulin stuck out his tongue, wanting to bite his tongue angrily in pain, in desperation, Gu Nuoxian quickly grabbed a surgical cloth and stuffed it into his mouth, which prevented Ji Pulin from committing self-harm.His hands, feet and tongue were bound, so Ji Pulin could only raise his head and bite instinctively.

One muffled roar echoed in Ji Pulin's throat, the sound was so painful and terrifying that even a group of elders were terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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