S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 623 Colosseum 1 Battle Roll Chapter Russia

Chapter 623 Return to Russia after the Battle of the Colosseum (2)
It's strange that Mommy didn't call Daddy after she left for a day.

A look of disappointment obviously flashed across Gu Nuoxian's eyes.

"... Oh." He stepped into the room, just went upstairs to take a shower, and received a call from Chong'an, saying that there was an important meeting and he needed to appear in person.

Gu Nuoxian hurriedly changed her clothes and went to the company.

The meeting discussed the establishment of a branch of GA International in Australia. In the middle of the meeting, Gu Nuoxian remained silent throughout.

"Mr. Gu, what do you think is the feasibility of this plan?"

Chong'an looked at Gu Nuoxian in surprise, who was rarely distracted during the meeting, and asked.

Gu Nuoxian raised his head, glanced at Chong'an, and suddenly asked, "How sure are we that we can successfully kill the Lyle Consortium?"

A shocking sound shocked all the directors.

Chong An raised his brows, and asked him in surprise: "Annex the Lyell Consortium? Mr. Gu, we didn't annex the Lyle Consortium in our previous plan." Their previous plan was to cooperate with the Lyle Consortium to start The popularity of GA International in Australia.

Gu Nuoxian held a pen between his index finger and middle finger, and the cap of the pen tapped on the table. He curled his lips coldly, and said in a normal tone: "It's okay, just add this item." He said it very lightly Cloudy.

A group of people, but completely not calm.

"Mr. Gu! The Lyell Consortium is one of the largest multinational corporations in Australia. They are also among the top [-] companies in the world economic rankings! How easy is it to swallow them up?"

One of the directors is about 45 six years old. He looks upright and looks like a trustworthy person.

Gu Nuoxian's eyes turned to the director, and he hooked his lips at him, exaggerating a rampant and domineering aura on his unruly eyebrows and eyes. "Chen Dong, don't forget that among the top 57 companies in the world's economic rankings, our GA International ranks seventh, while the Lyell Consortium only ranks [-]."

The pen stopped tapping, and Gu Nuoxian stood up, his delicate but domineering and indifferent figure, against the backdrop of the morning light, became even more indifferent.

"Having raised you for so many years, it's time to use it. Within three years, I want the Lyle Financial Group to disappear completely from this world." After Gu Nuoxian finished speaking, he waved his right hand into the air and said, "The meeting is over. !” He swaggered out of the conference room first.

Chong'an glanced at a group of shareholders who were obviously dissatisfied, he said a few words of comfort, and then hurriedly ran out of the meeting room.

"Mr. Gu!"

Chongan caught up with Gu Nuoxian, and asked him puzzledly: "Before you clearly agreed with Jeff Lyle, why did you suddenly decide to annex the Lyle consortium?" Which one is out.

Gu Nuoxian put one hand in his trouser pocket, leaning against the secretary's desk, his slender figure is very charming, but he has a face as cold as frost.Chong An leaned carefully next to him, not daring to get too close to him.Gu Nuoxian was not quite right today, and Chong An also guessed that he must be in a bad mood at this time.

"Tell me, if someone makes you take the blame, will you choose to continue to smile at him, or tear your face and go to war directly?"

Chong'an was stunned for a while, then he lowered his head, thought for a few seconds in silence, and replied seriously: "If he is much stronger than me, then I will choose to bear it for the time being and smile at him, and wait until one day my wings Plump, he is annihilating him in one fell swoop. If he is a small guy in my eyes, he must be torn apart." After Chongan answered these words, he was shocked to realize a terrible fact. "Jeff Lyle pissed you off?"

(End of this chapter)

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