Chapter 635 Meeting (4)
Gu Nuoxian then turned around and looked at Ji Ruo, but no matter what, he refused to leave the room.He understands that if he doesn't explain the misunderstanding clearly today, according to Ji Ruo's extreme temperament, this relationship will definitely come to an end.

Gu Nuoxian strode up to Ji Ruo's side, he closed the door with his palm, and suddenly bent over to hug Ji Ruo, who was pale, into his arms.Ji Ruo wanted to struggle, but Gu Nuoxian stared ahead, walked steadily towards the big bed in the room, and the indifferent voice came to Ji Ruo's ears with warmth: "You are still pregnant with the child, don't Make trouble, be good."

Ji Ruo froze, she realized that it was Naiyazi who made the report again, and couldn't help biting her lower lip with her white teeth.

She no longer struggled, but there was no trace of nostalgia in those eyes.

She is like a hedgehog, wrapping her whole body with sharp thorns, unwilling to open her body, facing Gu Nuoxian sincerely.

The body was placed on the big soft bed, Gu Nuoxian covered Ji Ruo's chest with the quilt, and he put a pillow under Ji Ruo's head, and then sat down next to the edge of the bed.Ji Ruo stubbornly turned her head and looked away, pretending that he didn't exist.

Gu Nuoxian took a deep look at Ji Ruo, and suddenly let out a long sigh.

With a big palm, he stroked Ji Ruo's disobedient hair a few times. Gu Nuoxian pondered for a few seconds before he said: "Lucika is right, that girl named Lai Yaruo is indeed me. I have loved the girl for 20 years with my heart."

"And, I still love her."

Gu Nuoxian's voice was calm and without any waves.

Ji Ruo's eyes were watery.

She stared at the corner of the sofa in the room, feeling pain in her heart without warning.It turned out that this was the case, she was really just a substitute for the girl named Lai Yaruo.Ji Ruo's hands under the sheet were tightly gripping the sheet, and his face became even paler.

But in front of this man, she didn't want to show it.

Just when Ji Ruowu was feeling sad, Gu Nuoxian's words suddenly shocked her.He said:
"But you don't even know that Ji Ruo and Lai Yaruo are the same person."

Looking at Ji Ruo on the sofa: "..."

At this moment, she felt that she must have not learned Chinese well. She didn't quite understand what Gu Nuoxian said.

"Do you still remember? Several months ago, you said that you had a dream, in which you saw me with a little girl, and that girl was Lai Yaruo." Seeing that Ji Ruo still didn't understand, Gu Nuoxian said again: "Ruoruo, in fact, you are not the daughter of your father-in-law. Before the age of six, your name was not Ji Ruo, but Ji Ruo." Gu Nuoxian looked calmly at Ji Ruo, who was churning in his heart, and said three words words:
"Lai Yaruo."

Ji Ruo was stunned.

Suddenly, she remembered that time when Gu Nuoxian asked her if she remembered something like crazy, and told her like crazy that she was not Ji Pulin's daughter.She half-believed the news that she was not Ji Pulin's daughter, but she never thought that a long time ago, she would meet Gu Nuoxian in another life.

"Many years ago, you have not had an accident, and you have not forgotten me. There was a spring outing organized by the kindergarten, and you lost in the game. You sang a song in front of all the children. You may have forgotten, But I will never forget that the song you sang was "I Leave Myself". You once said that you want to be a singer when you grow up. Therefore, Yanuo Entertainment exists. "

"The meaning of Yanuo Entertainment is that Gu Nuoxian always waits for the return of the lost Ya Ruo. God is fair after all. He gave me a deadly virus, and finally brought you back to my side."

(End of this chapter)

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