S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 649 Ruo Ruo Do You Blame Me?

Chapter 649 Ruoruo Do You Blame Me (1)
There is a question mark behind the traitor, which means that Xu Mo'an is not sure whether Lucica is a traitor, he just doubts.

"Brother never doubts people, he will not point the finger at Lucica for no reason. Since he suspects Lucica, there must be his reasons." At any time, Song Yu believed in Xu Mo'an.Gu Nuoxian squinted his eyes, and couldn't help but recall the incident that Lucica provoked him and Ji Ruo last time.

He simply thought it was just a woman's jealousy.

If Lucica is really a traitor, she must not be forgiven lightly.

"Notify Pei Er, let him send someone to find out which prison Mo'an and the others are imprisoned in, and find them, the sooner the better. Also, tell him that Lucica must be strictly investigated, and the prisoner who is lurking in Find out the other water ghosts in our organization together!"

Song Yu put the mobile phone into his pocket and asked: "Lucika and I are members of the same group who entered the organization to receive special training. It's been almost 20 years. She shouldn't be a traitor!" I believe that the comrade-in-arms Lucica who fought side by side will be a water ghost hidden in the organization.

How much she has paid for the organization over the years is obvious to all.

If she is a water ghost, then Country M is really patient and actually planted a bomb beside them 20 years in advance.Gu Nuoxian looked around lightly, and said with a sneer, "Don't forget, how our insiders got into the government of country M."

Song Yu was silent.

They are located in the inside line of the government of country M, and they were inserted in it as early as during the management of the previous leader.

Thinking about it this way, the possibility of Lucica being a water ghost is not impossible.

"I see. I'll call Pei Er right now."

A group of people quickly and thoroughly while no one found them.

Song Yu called Pei Renrong, conveyed Xu Mo'an's text message and Gu Nuoxian's instructions to Pei Renrong, and then hung up the phone.He was sitting in the co-pilot, playing with the mobile phone that belonged to Xu Mo'an in his hand, and there was faint concern in his cold eyes.


When Gu Nuoxian rushed back to the hospital, Zhutong was in the ward.

He didn't know what he said, and Ji Ruoxiao's brows and eyes were all curved.

Gu Nuoxian missed that happy look for more than a month.His footsteps were fixed on the door of the ward, unable to move any further.Gu Nuoxian quietly looked at Ji Ruo, who was smiling brightly through the door and window, because Xu Mo'an and others had an accident, and his heart was a little dull, and he relaxed slightly.

"what time is it?"

Ji Ruo put away her smile, pursed her lips and looked at Zhutong.The clean smile on Zhutong's face froze slightly. He squinted his eyes and asked, "Are you worried about him? I thought you two were having an awkward fight. You don't care about his life or death."

Under Zhutong's almost scrutinizing gaze, Ji Ruo didn't hide her gaze. She looked directly into Zhutong's eyes and replied, "Of course I will worry about him." Ji Ruo held Zhutong in her hand and brought her children Reading materials, helplessly said: "No matter how awkward I feel, the fact that I love him will not change."

"You're right, if Laiya is me, then Ji Ruo is me. Why am I being jealous with myself? Besides, the way a person looks at people can't lie. He may still try to find in me the memory of his childhood. Shadow, but I can feel that he still loves me now."

Ji Ruo turned her head to look out the window, and suddenly thought of what Song Yu had said——

If you knew him as he really was, you would be very sorry to treat him like this.

Ji Ruo vaguely felt that she hadn't reached the depths of Gu Nuoxian's soul and hadn't figured it out.All along, Gu Nuoxian in her eyes was powerful and invincible, but she ignored that no matter how powerful a person is, there are secrets in his heart that are enough to crush him.

(End of this chapter)

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