S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 656 The Whole World Knows He Likes You

Chapter 656 The whole world knows that he likes you (5)
"Hey! New here!"

Just as Pei Renrong walked in, the prison guard suddenly stopped him again.Pei Renrong's gaze changed quietly, and he slowly turned his head to look at the prison guard with a confused look on his face. "What's wrong?"

"You newcomers, don't go up to the fourth floor, where all the most wanted criminals are locked up!"

Pei Renrong's heart moved, but his expression was perverted.

He entered the cell building, was stared at by a group of vicious men in the cell with vicious eyes, and entered with his expression still on his face.There are four or five prison guards on each floor. Pei Renrong roughly looked at the distance between the prison guards and estimated how to defeat them.

He glanced at the camera, and Gu Nuoxian's voice came from the earphone:
"The surveillance system has been hacked by me, you have 8 minutes."

Pei Er nodded, and he suddenly asked, "Eric, we're going to create an all-time chaos for the warden, do you think it's a good idea?"

Gu Nuoxian froze for a moment, then sneered, "The more chaotic the better."

Pei Er pursed his lips and smiled. He went all the way to the fourth floor, but was stopped by the prison guards. "Without permission, we will not let you pass. Please show your advanced pass!" The fourth floor is full of serious criminals, and only those with advanced passes are allowed to pass.

Pei Er made a gesture to dig in his pockets, and the prison guard squinted at his movements with a serious expression on his face.

He took his hand out of his pocket, but what he took out was not a passport, but two poisonous needles.As soon as the silver light shot, the poisonous needle shot into the gatekeeper's throat. The two of them covered their throats, and suddenly lost their strength and voice.

Pei Er squinted his eyes, the fox's eyes were cunning.

He took out the suppressed gun and shot the two prison guards in the forehead, then dragged their bodies to the utility room in the corridor to hide, and then entered the fourth floor.Two of them were killed, and there were still six prison guards who were patrolling separately. They were fully armed and looked capable.

After checking the guns and making sure they were all right, Pei Er walked straight through the corridor.

A prison guard nodded to him, and Pei Er smiled back with a strange smile.The prison guard frowned, and was just about to ask him what that smile meant, but he saw Pei Renrong approaching him quickly, with his crutches pressing hard against the warning's abdomen, with his wrists up, and the muzzle of the silencer gun resting against the prison guard's chin.

The bullet dragged on, and a shot passed from the prison guard's chin through the top of his head.

Gently put down the prison guard's body, Pei Renrong killed several others one after another, and then he was relieved.Some vicious prisoners had already discovered Pei Renrong's actions, but they kept silent unanimously.

They all looked at Pei Renrong with a pair of complex and hopeful eyes, hoping that this person would also let them out together.

"I can let you out."

Pei Renrong folded his arms around his chest, with a foxy smile on his face.

Hearing his words, those people were taken aback for a moment, and then all of them showed crazy expressions on their faces. "However, I have one condition." Pei Renrong said again.

The villains thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

"I want you guys to create a big mess for me, as much chaos as you want."

Hearing this, the eyes of the villains were all filled with madness.

Seeing that they agreed, Pei Renrong took out the pass from the leader's arms and released the villains one by one.

A group of gangsters regained their freedom, and they all ran downstairs in a hurry. Along the way, they encountered gods and killed gods, and Buddhas and Buddhas.Pei Renrong walked to the room at the farthest corner. He opened the room and saw Andre, who was almost dying, with only a little will left, covered in blood.

Andre, who is usually glib and honest, is like a beaten and disabled dog at this moment.

He lay prone on the bed and didn't respond when he heard the door open.

"An..." Pei Renrong walked quickly to the bed and held Andre in his arms.Andre couldn't believe it when he heard Pei Renrong's voice.He struggled to open his eyelids and saw that it was Pei Renrong. He was about to lose his clear eyes and completely relaxed.

"I thought I was going to die this time..."

When Pei Er heard what Andre said, he felt guilty and wanted to die. "Stop talking, save your energy, I'll take you out!"

Andre nodded, and suddenly said, "Boss Xu?"

"Xiao Yu went to find him."

"Boss Xu... was injured by a gunshot during the transaction, and now he is being tortured by these days, I'm afraid..." Andre passed out before finishing his sentence, closing his eyes.These days, in order to stay awake, Andre never closed his eyes.

Now that Pei Er is here, he can finally go to sleep with confidence.

Pei Er's heart sank, he quickly hugged Andre in his arms, and walked down the fourth floor.Those gangsters had already killed all the prison guards, and now they have released all the criminals in the entire cell.For a moment, the prison was in chaos, and Pei Er took advantage of the chaos to escape with Andre in his arms, and then escaped along the underground passage.


When Song Yu pushed open the cell door, his hands were shaking.

In the small black room without a single window, Xu Mo'an was lying on the ground in ragged clothes, covered in blood.What hurt Song Yuxin even more was that he was no longer a healthy person, he was always a refined and handsome man, lost an arm, could he accept it?

Xu Mo'an curled up in the corner, his face pale.He was alone, like a puppet.

"Big... big brother..."

Song Yu took a lot of effort to pick up a broken arm on the ground, holding Xu Mo'an's broken arm in his hand, his heart ached beyond words. "Brother, wake up, I'm Xiaoyu!" Song Yu suddenly knelt down and hugged Xu Mo'an in his arms.

He looked at Xu Mo'an's bloodless face, afraid that the elder brother in his arms would never wake up again, afraid that he was just a corpse.

"I'm Xiaoyu, your little Yu, brother, open your eyes and look at me... okay?"

No matter how Song Yu pushed and pushed, Xu Mo'an never responded.

He still had his eyes closed, and his whole body was cold.

Song Yu couldn't be more aware of that feeling.

Only the dead body can be so cold!

(End of this chapter)

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