Chapter 66 Mr. You Ze (2)
Putting down the phone, he rubbed the center of his eyebrows with his slender index finger.Gu Nuoxian was surprised to find that his heart, which had been beating regularly, was quietly beating faster.


On the way back, Ji Pulin turned his head and looked outside the car with a heavy heart.

"Father, what are you thinking?"

Ji Pulin turned his head and cast a deep glance at Ji Ruo. After thinking for a long time, Ji Pulin sighed softly, "It's okay, go back to the hospital!"


Seeing Ji Pulin come back, Zhu Tong and Luo Tong both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister Tong, Zhutong, you all go back, I will stay here tonight."

The two looked at each other and left quickly.

Waiting on Ji Pulin to lie down, Ji Ruo thought, she should install a locator on Dad.

After staring at Ji Pulin's sleeping face for a long time, Ji Ruo gave up.

First of all, Ji Pulin would not allow her to put those messy things on him, and secondly, Dad didn't live long, so where could he go?Thinking about it, Ji Ruo fell asleep on the small bed, full of heartache.

When I woke up the next day, the weather was clear and the air index was good.

Early in the morning, a man came to the ward. The man was wearing a light blue coat, sitting with his back to Ji Ruo, talking to the patient next door, Lao Lin.Ji Ruo stared at the man's back, thinking that the man was quite tall. Looking at the figure alone, the man's height was estimated to be 1.8 meters [-]. He sat upright, and his back was as straight as a pen.

With just one glance, Ji Ruo knew that this man must be a soldier.

Because the domineering aura around him is really too domineering.Ji Pulin was already awake, seeing that Ji Ruo was awake, he hurriedly greeted Lao Lin, "Old Lin, my girl is awake."

Lao Lin laughed, and Ji Ruo heard him say to the strange man: "Xiao Ze, this is the girl I told you just now." Before Ji Ruo was facing the wall and his back was facing the window, the man didn't see Ji Ruo clearly. .

Even with their backs to each other, Ji Ruo sensed the helplessness of the man opposite.

"Uncle, I'm still young, so I don't think about marriage for the time being." The man's voice was full of irresistible seriousness. Ji Ruo guessed that this must be someone who issued orders all the year round.

People in country C like to be old in the same month, and men find it very weird.Hearing this, Ji Ruo secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the man saved her a lot of trouble by being so knowledgeable.

"Still young? You're already 27!" Lao Lin rolled his eyes and turned up his voice.

The man sighed helplessly, then got up and Ji Ruo walked over.He walked against the light, but Ji Ruo didn't see his appearance clearly for a moment. "Miss, hello." The man said, speaking in Chinese C dialect.He stretched out a broad hand, and Ji Ruo shook hands with him. She was sensitive to the fact that there were many calluses on the man's palm.

This is a hand that holds a gun all year round.

Ji Ruo blinked, a little surprised in his eyes. "It's you, we met again." Ji Ruo had a deep memory of this iron-boned man with a black cropped hair forever. At that time, she passed out at the airport after returning from T country. Come alive.

She remembered that his name seemed to be You Ze.

Accurately grasping the key words, You Ze squinted his eyes, and... in the middle of the slender eyes, the sharp brown eyes stared at Ji Ruo's face, You Ze had an impression. "Our meeting always seems to be in the hospital."

Ji Ruo's cold face softened a little, her lips curled up, and she said mischievously: "Wrong, it's the first time we met at the airport."

Ji Ruo laughed, she didn't have anything to do with Qingchun, she just felt cold.You Ze looked at Ji Ruo calmly, her complexion was much ruddy compared to the first time she saw her, and she seemed to be getting better.

"My name is You Ze, I remember I said it last time."

The smile on Ji Ruo's lips was even wider, and she blinked her long and narrow eyelashes up and down a few times, quite mischievously. "Mr. You, then tell me, what's my name." Ji Ruo made it clear that she wanted to make things difficult for him, and if Ji Ruo was willing to make fun of someone, it meant that she had a crush on him.She doesn't want to say much about those who are generally disdainful.

Such as Wu Yue, and Li Wei.

He touched his chin with his strong fingers, and a faint thoughtful emotion appeared on You Ze's deep and European-looking face. After a while, he smiled. "Ji Ruo, I remember correctly." Facing You Ze's narrow smiling face, Ji Ruo was rarely shy.

"You're lucky..." Ji Ruo looked away, her earlobes turned red.

Seeing the two juniors chatting happily, Lao Lin and Ji Pulin were overjoyed.The two elders blinked unscrupulously, both thinking that the two were having fun.

Look at the time, it's already 07:30.Startled, Ji Ruo jumped up from the bed and went into the bathroom.After simply washing her face and brushing her teeth, when she returned to the ward, You Ze had already left.

Ji Ruo called Luo Tong to pick her up, and then went out to buy breakfast.


Ji Ruo stood at the entrance of the hospital. Today she was wearing a turtleneck sweater, a pair of blue jeans, and a light gray hip-length down jacket.The boots were above the knee, wrapping those long legs straight and slender.

The black hair was tied up casually, and the bundle was very high.

Simple attire, inexplicably moving.

The morning sun in the cold winter season is bright and moving, and it has a warm feeling when it shines on the body. Under the bright morning sun, Ji Ruo's snow-white skin has an unreal beauty.When Luo Tong saw Ji Ruo, she was a little dazed. Three months ago, Ji Ruo always had a sense of alienation that was hard to get close to. Three months later, her demeanor was still cold, but her face became more popular.

After being dazed for a few seconds, Luo Tong opened the car door to signal Ji Ruo to go in.

When Ji Ruo got into the co-pilot, Luo Tong was smiling and in a good mood. "Find the gold? Look at you, you're so happy, you almost have five characters written on your face that I'm very happy."

Luo Tong smiled triumphantly, Shui Lingling's face looked very pleasant.

"Ji Ruo, I just received a call. Director Wang Sen wants you to sing Yingluo's character song."

Ji Ruo was quiet for a while, and then couldn't help but laugh. "When will the recording start?"


(End of this chapter)

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