S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 671 I'm Sorry I Chose Your Daddy

Chapter 671 I’m Sorry I Chose Your Daddy (1)
As if a sharp sword pierced the heart, the pain was unbearable.

The majestic handsome face finally broke completely under Gu Nuoyan's cold eyes, tearing open one after another, revealing the most real and most indifferent face inside.Xia Zuo pursed his lips, then stretched out his long arms, trying to hug Gu Nuoyan.


Gu Nuoyan quickly clenched her fist with her right hand, and then hit Xia Zuo's abdomen with her fist.


Xia Zuo was caught off guard, and flew out of the room backwards, slamming hard on the balcony.Gu Nuoyan walked to the balcony in three or two steps, she raised her high heels and stepped on them hard, the sharp and sharp heels instantly made a bloody hole in Xia Zuo's right hand that was hanging on the floor.

"You dare to use me!" Gu Nuoyan leaned down, her flaming red makeup couldn't hide the anger on her face, "I'll come to see you whatever you want..." Gu Nuoyan laughed at herself, she looked straight at Xia Zuo With eyes dodging endlessly, he asked word by word: "Xia Zuo, did you ever feel a little bit reluctant to use me?"

"Yanyan..." With Gu Nuoyan looking directly at her like this, Xia Zuo couldn't continue acting.

Are you reluctant?
Of course he was not ashamed.

But he has a responsibility, so he must not disobey!
They have been planning for so many years, and he can't let Gu Nuoyan's appearance disrupt the plan.Even if Gu Nuoyan exposes her, she will hate and loathe her, Xia Zuo has no choice but to do so. "Yanyan, I'm sorry..."

A sorry, probably helpless regret.

But he also stated his position.

Officials and bandits have been hostile since ancient times.

"Huh?" Gu Nuoyan showed an exaggerated questioning expression, her whole body tensed into a straight line, and her whole temperament became dangerous and cold in an instant. "Xia Zuo, I really overestimated our relationship."

Gu Nuoyan smiled lightly, then suddenly raised her fist and ruthlessly threw it at Xia Zuo.The fists heavier than the hammer fell on Xia Zuo's body, face, abdomen, until Gu Nuoyan was weak, until Xia Zuo had only his last breath, Gu Nuoyan was exhausted from him. Get up.

Gu Nuoyan glanced at Xia Zuo, who was lying on the ground with a bruised nose and swollen face, neither humming nor screaming, she just stared at Xia Zuo with a pair of shameful eyes, she shook her fist, turned around and left.

The always proud and domineering back is wrapped in loneliness for the first time.

Xia Zuo narrowed his eyes to see her drifting away, and asked softly from his throat:
"Yanyan, do you blame me?"

The footsteps stopped in disobedience.

Gu Nuoyan raised the back of her hand to wipe her mouth, Xia Zuo heard Gu Nuoyan sniffing.she cried?

Gu Nuoyan, who is stronger than a man, actually cries?

Xia Zuo was startled, and made a gesture to get up, he didn't want to see her cry.

Gu Nuoyan slightly raised her head and looked at the ceiling. She sniffed fiercely, and replied: "I don't blame you, I only blame myself for trusting you too easily. I thought I had weight in your heart, only to find out I was wrong. Compared with your status and responsibilities, I, Gu Nuoyan, are probably not as good as a foxtail on the street."

Gu Nuoyan slowly turned her head to look at Xia Zuo, her peach blossom eyebrows were glowing red. "It's because I'm not as good as others, I admit it! It's obviously just a game of emotions, but I, the initiator, have no backbone to be moved by the truth."

"Xia Zuo, you have won this battle."

Xia Zuo felt very uncomfortable when he heard this.How could she feel that she was inferior to a dog's tail grass on the street?She was obviously the person he cared about most. "Yanyan... You have the slightest chance, and you won't give it to me, right?"

"Haha!" Gu Nuoyan laughed wildly suddenly, "Xia Zuo, aren't you too greedy! Don't you understand?" Gu Nuoyan's eyes were red with a smile, and Xia Zuo's heart sank. "You should understand, if you win this game, you should push out my chips!"

(End of this chapter)

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