S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 674 I'm Sorry I Chose Your Daddy

Chapter 674 I’m Sorry I Chose Your Daddy (4)
Mentioning that daughter, Tan Gu frowned again. "No." Last night, Gu Nuoyan called them late at night. On the phone, Gu Nuoyan said that she was being used by someone because she was blind, and she also said that Ji Ruo was very sorry for what happened to Ji Ruo.She is ashamed to see her elder brother now, she will go out for a while, and will notify her when she finds Ji Ruo.

When the time comes, she will definitely raise a gun to rescue sister-in-law.

Inspector Gu was quite puzzled at the time, unable to figure out how this matter had anything to do with her, but now it seems that there are other unspeakable secrets that they don't know about.


As expected, Gu Nuoxian changed into a pure white shirt and a pair of black casual trousers as Tan Tan said, and came downstairs.

He had shaved his beard clean, and his face seemed even thinner in this way.

Seeing him like this, Su Xi couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

"Come here, eat." Tan Gu served him a bowl of rice and ordered him to come and eat.

Gu Nuoxian glanced at his parents, and obediently sat down to eat.

It has to be said that Su Xi's food is hard to swallow.Gu Nuoxian ate slowly, as stiff as a machine. "Nono, don't you have an appetite?" Su Xi asked with concern.What to eat is the same to Gu Nuoxian, his mind is not on eating at all.

Gu Nuoxian took another mouthful of rice, and his throat suddenly felt a little choked.

"Mummy." Gu Nuoxian looked up at Su Xi, with inexplicably sad eyes.

Ms. Su hurriedly responded, and then heard Gu Nuoxian say: "I want to drink porridge."

She was overjoyed, and Su Xi was naturally happy. "What kind of porridge do you want?"

Gu Nuoxian lowered his eyelids and responded, "... Fresh shrimp porridge."

"I told your daddy to cook it for you right now." Su Xi pushed Gu Tan, Gu Tan touched his nose, resigned himself to his fate and turned to go to the kitchen.Gu Nuoxian lowered his head, and murmured, "I want to eat the fresh shrimp porridge made by Ruoruo..."

Su Xi's smile froze.

Gu Tan's gaze also became a little dark and unbearable.


In a prison cell with a size of fifteen square meters, the incandescent lights were blinding people's eyes.

Four or five men in black tights sat at a table, interrogating an exhausted woman tied to a chair.

"I'll give you one last chance, do you want to recruit or not!"

The leading officer roared like a tiger, and the woman who was about to lose consciousness slightly opened her eyes.Pain and determination flashed across his almond eyes. Ji Ruo, who had been tortured for two days, just looked at the officer with weak eyes and refused to speak.

"What a stubborn bone..."

Seeing Ji Ruo staring at him like this, the officer felt a little terrified behind his back.

The torture method in the anti-terrorism organization is very perverted. Generally, very few people can survive the next day. Not only did this woman survive, but she also refused to confess, which made it a little difficult for them.

"Sir, she has a child in her belly." The man wearing the rank of second lieutenant reminded the captain softly.

The officer squinted his eyes, and the tiger eyes showed hesitation. "You mean, threaten her child?"

"She refused to give in, she had to."

Hearing this, the captain officer was only silent for a few seconds before nodding in agreement with his subordinate's proposal.

Holding an electric baton in his hand, the second lieutenant walked up to Ji Ruo with a calm face.Ji Ruo looked at the man coldly, her gaze remained unchanged. "Listen, I know you're pregnant with a child, and we don't want to do it unless it's absolutely necessary..." The second lieutenant looked embarrassed, with pity in his eyes, and Ji Ruo subconsciously felt something was wrong.

"What do you want to do?" Ji Ruo finally spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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