Chapter 684: Yan Xi (4)

Autumn in country C is a bleak season.

In Chile, located in the southern hemisphere, it is spring at this time.Elsewhere, the grass grows and warblers fly, and the green leaves sprout, but this desert area has long been a barren land where no grass grows and birds refuse to come and shit.

The desert here is golden.

The endless golden light exudes a faint golden light under the night.Gu Nuoxian and his group were sailing in the desert in a jeep. The people sent before could not find the location of the so-called laboratory. Presumably, the anti-terrorist organization should set it up below the ground.

A group of people walked in the desert for more than an hour, and finally parked the car in a desert that looked particularly desolate.

"It should be here."

Song Yu jumped out of the car, holding a detector in his hand.

Several people squatted down and walked slowly, keeping their eyes on the reaction of the detector in their hands.



Gu Yanxi's eyes, which were more dazzling than the stars in the sky at the moment, suddenly lit up. He turned his head and said to the scattered people around him, "I found it! The detectors show that there are a lot of metals underground!"

Gu Nuoxian immediately came to Gu Yanxi's side.

As soon as they approached Gu Yanxi, the detectors in their hands rang.

"It's right here, the entrance should be around here, look carefully!" Gu Nuoxian gave an order, and his subordinates and Song Yu dispersed, searching carefully in this relative area.

Suddenly, Gu Nuoyan stepped on a hard rock.

She looked down, only to realize that the stone was jade white, obviously not what should be found in the desert. "There is something strange." She knelt down and tapped on the stone.

I don't know where she hit, the stone suddenly turned.

Thirty people were stunned at the same time.

"Squat down, legs apart, and balance!"

Worried about encountering quicksand, Gu Nuoxian immediately called everyone to keep calm and get ready.The expected quicksand situation did not happen, and the stone turned for about a minute before returning to calm.

They didn't see the so-called Zhima open the door, and they were a little stunned.

Gu Yanxi stood up and cursed: "I'm so happy, I didn't find it!" As he spoke, he kicked the sand on the ground. Suddenly, his feet trembled, and a big hole appeared under his feet.Gu Yanxi was caught off guard, and fell down in a daze.


Gu Nuoxian and Gu Nuoyan lowered their voices and exclaimed at the same time.

"Damn it!" Gu Yanxi's voice came from the ground less than ten meters away. The voice was a bit ethereal, which meant that there was a lot of space below.

"There are traces of elevators and artificial transformation here, we found it!"

Gu Yanxi spoke as softly as possible.

Hearing this, Gu Nuoxian and the others who were standing on the desert were overjoyed at the same time, "Yanyan, you and Song Yu are in charge of guarding outside, and let us know immediately if there is any situation!" Gu Nuoyan just hesitated a little, then nodded accepted.

Gu Nuoxian adjusted the headsets and confirmed that everyone's headsets were fine, and then they reloaded all the guns.Letting down the rope, one by one went down to the basement.

Gu Nuoxian looked at the scene in the basement and frowned slightly, "Here..." There is indeed an elevator door at the end of the basement, which is about forty or fifty square meters wide.Gu Nuoxian turned around and looked around. The walls around them were made of stone walls, and there were traces left by many years.

"Something's wrong, there's a big smell of sealing here."

Gu Nuoxian hooked his nose and smelled a dusty smell that would only be present after it had been sealed for too long.Gu Yanxi also tried to imitate him by hooking his nose to smell, and he also smelled a strong sealing smell. "Do they all stay below and rarely come out?"

Gu Nuoxian squinted his eyes, neither shook his head nor nodded.

"Be vigilant, something is not right here." Gu Nuoxian held the gun firmly in his arms, taking small steps, taking small steps carefully.

Gu Yanxi also held a rifle in his hand, and walked behind Gu Nuoxian.

Arriving safely at the elevator entrance, the expected explosion raid did not happen.Gu Yanxi breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand and pressed the elevator down button.Gu Nuoxian stared blankly at the elevator door that opened bang bang, for some reason, he subconsciously stood upside down!

"If you have any problems, get down on the ground!" He suddenly roared, and at the same time when he got down, he did not forget to kick the subordinate who was a little slower to react with his toe.

The elevator door was completely opened, and what was revealed in front of everyone was a dozen assault rifles!Gu Nuoxian recognized those guns, they are exactly the assault rifles that DS personally developed many years ago and can be fired by remote control. This gun was named by Gu Nuoxian himself——


The so-called ghost sees blood, naturally it is as fast as a ghost, powerful and powerful, once you shoot, you must see blood!

Those who reacted quickly fell to the ground, and the dozen or so people who reacted slowly were instantly blasted into a hornet's nest.Gu Nuoxian was lying on the ground, hearing the gunfire and the screams of his subordinates, his eyes were red!

On Nanwu Mountain, just after lunch, Min Xiuzhuang who was drinking tea with Lie Jingrou under the bodhi tree suddenly stood up.

A pair of vast eyes, overlooking the distance down the mountain.He stretched out his fingers and touched his heart that was beating abnormally suddenly, his complexion changed.

This feeling, this feeling that makes him panic and fear, apart from him, there is no other person in the world who can make him so nervous.

"Brother Xiaozhuang, what's the matter?" Lie Jingrou stood up with her big belly, looking at Min Xiuzhuang puzzled.

As soon as Lie Jingrou said this, Min Xiuzhuang, who was still in front of her, suddenly disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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