Chapter 698
Sherman approached Ji Ruo, and he stood in front of her with his hands in the pockets of his coat.Sherman was very satisfied with Ji Ruo's reaction.

"Do you remember your name?" Sherman asked the girl in the corner, hugging her knees and trembling fingers.

Ji Ruo put away the tears in her eyes, and shook her head in doubt under Sherman's sharp gaze.She looked at Sherman's face again, and a face that looked exactly like Sherman flashed in her mind.

The Sherman in my mind was also wearing a white coat.

"Very good." Sherman nodded in satisfaction. He squatted down again, stared into Ji Ruo's eyes, and asked her, "Think about it carefully, do you still remember anything?"

Ji Ruo thought for a while, then nodded hesitantly.

Sherman's eyes changed, didn't the surgery completely take away her memory? "Tell me, who do you remember?" He asked eagerly.

Ji Ruo's fingers trembled, and he raised his right index finger, but hesitatingly pointed at Sherman.Sherman looked at Ji Ruo's finger on his chest, a little astonished, while Zhutong also looked at this scene strangely, wondering what Ji Ruo's action meant.

Ji Ruo opened her mouth and said softly, "I remember you."

Sherman's and Zhutong's complexions became exciting at the same time.However, the excitement of the former is due to excitement, while the latter feels bad.

"Tell me, who am I?" Sherman's emerald green eyes were full of excitement. He grabbed Ji Ruo's fingers and coaxed Ji Ruo, "Good girl, tell me, who am I?" Ji Ruo Blinking her innocent almond eyes, she responded, "Father..."


Zhutong's expression changed suddenly, and he took a quick step forward, intending to stop the conversation between the two.The assistant at the side stood in front of Zhutong, and warned in a cold voice: "Master Tong, have you forgotten that the ability in your body has been suppressed by us with drugs! Now, you can't beat us at all!"

Zhu Tong was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that his physical condition is now weaker than ordinary people.

Sherman turned his head and stared at Zhutong in warning, then he touched Ji Ruo's head lovingly and said, "Yes, I am your father. You are my child, remember, your name It's Nosha. And..."

Ji Ruo looked up at Sherman and asked, "What else?"

Sherman took out a document and put Gu Nuoxian's photo in front of Ji Ruo, Sherman said: "Remember the face of this person, this person killed your mother. This person is you A common enemy with Dad. His name is Gu Nuoxian, and he is a terrorist!"

"If you see him in the future, kill him directly!"

Ji Ruozai stared carefully at the photo of a stranger to her, and nodded obediently.

Seeing that Ji Ruo reacted so well, Sherman still had doubts in his heart, but it was not as serious as before.Ji Ruo is a good actress, if she really wants to act, Sherman really won't be able to see it for a while.

"Nuosha, now Dad is going to give you a physical examination. You will cooperate with Dad obediently, okay?" When Sherman mentioned the physical examination, his whole demeanor changed.It's like a grave robber meets the oldest and rarest treasure, the light in his eyes is frighteningly bright.

Ji Ruo nodded, let Sherman hold her, and walked outside.

"Where are you taking her? What are you going to do to her? You promised me that you wouldn't kill her!" Zhutong raised her arms to block the door, blocking Sherman's way.

Sherman made a mocking smile at Zhutong, and said, "With your information, we just happen to be short of an experimental subject. Tell me, what are we going to do?" After Sherman finished speaking, Zhu Hitomi suddenly raised his hand and threw a fist at him, the assistant quickly blocked his fist, then dragged Zhutong's body to the underground prison room.

(End of this chapter)

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