S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 704 Daddy Hurts So Much

Chapter 704 Daddy Hurts So Much (2)
What kind of torture did those people torture her?

Her current identity is so sensitive, and she doesn't have her passport or ID card with her, how did she come back?

"I ve done washing."

Ji Ruo's voice came from the bathroom.Gu Nuoxian came back to his senses, immediately found a set of thick pajamas suitable for winter, and turned back to the bathroom.Knocking on the bathroom door, Gu Nuoxian said, "I'm in." With Ji Ruo's consent, Gu Nuoxian opened the door, looked down at the floor and walked in.

He was worried that his gaze would scare Ji Ruo, so he didn't look up at her the whole time.Ji Ruo took out the pajamas, put them on slowly, and said, "It's done."

Gu Nuoxian opened his eyes, seeing that Ji Ruo's complexion had returned to rosy, he was relieved.Ji Ruo's long hair was wet, dripping water all the time, Gu Nuoxian took her hand to the room and sat down, he fetched the hair dryer, and patiently dried her hair with hot air.

Ji Ruo lowered his head, stirred his hands together restlessly, and said nothing, the atmosphere was very silent.

The sound of the hair dryer stopped, and Ji Ruo looked up at Gu Nuoxian.

"The child is gone." Without warning, Ji Ruo said sadly. "Gu Nuoxian, I'm sorry, I failed to keep our child."

Gu Nuoxian was distributing the plug of the hair dryer. When he heard Ji Ruo's words, his heart ached, and then he said to her in the calmest voice: "Don't say sorry, it's me who should say sorry. Ruo Ruo You are back, more important than anything else." After he finished speaking, he lowered his head to pull out the plug.

The three-hole electric plug could be pulled out without much effort, but Gu Nuoxian pulled it three or four times before taking it out.

He had already guessed that the child was gone, and when he really heard the news, his heart still couldn't bear it.The lost child may be the only child of him and Ji Ruo.

Gu Nuoxian put away the hair dryer before taking off his shoes and going to bed.He was worried that his actions would startle Ji Ruo, so he never dared to get too close to her.Aware of Gu Nuoxian's cautiousness, Ji Ruo pursed her lips and slowly moved her body closer to him.

Ji Ruo took the initiative to lean her head on Gu Nuoxian's shoulder, and she said, "I've been waiting for you for so long, I'm almost desperate. I thought I'd never see you again."

Gu Nuoxian's heart twitched again, unable to speak.

"Gu Nuoxian, did you look for me after my accident?" Ji Ruo stared at the pure-color quilt with her eyes downcast and asked him lonely.Gu Nuoxian's Adam's apple twitched up and down, and he replied: "I've checked, the anti-terrorist organization deliberately released wrong information, leading us to an underground secret room full of dangers."

"Of our 38 brothers, 36 of them died. In the end, even Yanxi and I almost died." Gu Nuoxian narrated the matter in a very normal tone. After hearing this, Ji Ruo was naturally worried. "Then how did you come back?" Ji Ruo looked at him and asked eagerly.

Gu Nuoxian squinted her eyes, feeling a little weird in her heart.

When Ji Ruo heard about this, shouldn't he first ask them if they were injured and whether the injury was serious or not?The first thing she cared about was how they got back...

Suppressing the weirdness in his heart, Gu Nuoxian turned his head to look at the girl leaning on his shoulder, and then stretched out his long arm, wrapping it around Ji Ruo's shoulder. "It's all over, so don't mention it." As a family with supernatural powers, the Min Xiu family has already signed agreements with various countries, and they are never allowed to use supernatural powers to harm ordinary people.

As the patriarch of the Min Xiu family, Min Xiuzhuang, it is best not to let anyone know that he killed 36 people with his supernatural powers on his own initiative.

(End of this chapter)

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