S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 706 Daddy Hurts So Much

Chapter 706 Daddy Hurts So Much (4)
It seems that Gu Nuoxian gave her medicine while she was asleep.

Gently stroking the scars with his fingers, Ji Ruo lowered his eyebrows and remained silent.She sat on the stool and opened the drawer under her dressing table, which was filled with all kinds of precious jewelry.Any of the jewelry is gorgeous and beautiful, and several of them have appeared in several world jewelry magazines.

Ji Ruo stared at the jewelry for a long time, then stood up, changed clothes and went downstairs.


A roomful of servants woke up this morning, only to be told by the young master that his wife had returned.

For this reason, they were busy all morning and cooked a table full of good dishes.At noon, Ji Ruo came downstairs.She changed into a loose white sweater and a gray down jacket over it.

After being tortured for two weeks, she was ridiculously skinny, and when she walked down the stairs, her two calves were so thin that it hurt my heart.Everyone stopped, nodded to Ji Ruo, and said hello together: "Welcome Madam home!"

Ji Ruo was startled, she paused, nodded to the servants, and then walked to the living room.Gu Nuoxian sat on the sofa with his head leaning against the back of the sofa, his handsome face turned pale.Ji Ruo went to sit beside him, and asked with concern, "Why are you so pale?"

Gu Nuoxian opened his eyes suddenly, a cold light flashed cautiously in his eyes.Seeing that it was Ji Ruo, she instantly softened again.

"It's okay, I got injured a few days ago and haven't recovered yet." He didn't dare to tell Ji Ruo that his time was running out.Ji Ruo looked at him several times in doubt, and although he didn't quite believe what he said in his heart, he didn't ask any further questions.

"It's not easy for you to come back this time. Mommy told Dad that she wants to see you, and she will be home in about 10 minutes." After Gu Nuoxian finished speaking, he stood up, took the coat on the floor hanger and put it on. "It's cold outside. If you are not in good health, you can't go out. I'll go out and wait for Mommy and Daddy, and you stay indoors."

Ji Ruo nodded and watched Gu Nuoxian leave the hall.

She stood up and walked slowly in the living room, looking around.Since she left without saying goodbye that night, she has not returned home for two months. Standing in the hall at this moment, Ji Ruo is like an outsider who has entered an unfamiliar territory.

Her eyes were strange and curious.

Suddenly there was a sound of light footsteps upstairs, and then a sweet voice sounded behind Ji Ruo: "Mommy! You are finally back! Baby wants to die, you are here!" Gu, who was wearing a black down jacket, Ling Mo quickly ran towards Ji Ruo, he opened his little hands to hug Ji Ruo.

Suddenly someone approached him, Ji Ruo's eyes turned cold.She turned around abruptly, raised her right foot, and kicked the little black figure running towards her.


Gu Lingmo was kicked flying by her and fell on the pillar beside the stairway.His back hit the pillar, and Gu Lingmo turned pale instantly.boom!His small body fell from the pillar and hit the cold stone floor with a splash.

"Oh my god! Second Young Master!"

The servant Qiqi changed his face and couldn't help screaming.Hearing this call, Steward Chen hurried out of the restaurant. He glanced at Ji Ruo in the hall with a cold face full of vigilance, and then looked down at Gu Lingmo who was lying on the ground and howling, and his face changed accordingly.

"Second Master! How are you?" Steward Chen raised his legs and ran towards Gu Lingmo, but a black shadow flashed in from outside and quickly approached Gu Lingmo.Gu Nuoxian hugged Gu Lingmo into his arms, and asked eagerly, "Idiot! Where did you hurt? Tell me!"

Gu Lingmo's painful little face turned pale, and after being patted by Gu Nuoxian on the shoulder, he finally burst into tears! "Wow! Daddy! It hurts!" The child's crying disturbed Gu Nuoxian's heart.He looked up at Ji Ruo who was at a loss in the middle of the hall, his eyes were full of doubts. "Chen Butler, what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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