S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 709 Sidney Engel Pursuit Essay

Chapter 709 Sidney Engel’s Pursuit (2)
But after Ji Ruo just went through those things, Gu Nuoxian really couldn't bear to blame Ji Ruo.

This time, Gu Lingmo could only be wronged.

After hearing Gu Nuoxian's words, Gu Lingmo wrinkled his face and remained silent for a long time.

"Why, aren't you willing to forgive your mommy?" Seeing that Gu Lingmo didn't speak, Gu Nuoxian felt very uncertain.Gu Lingmo shook his head, he just looked at Gu Nuoxian curiously with a pair of watery eyes, and suddenly asked incomprehensibly: "But, Mommy should not be afraid of others, she should be afraid of Momo!"

"In the past, Mommy loved Momo the most. I kissed Momo and hugged Momo!" Gu Lingmo wrapped his little hands around the quilt, sniffled, and said something that shocked Gu Nuoxian.He said: "Daddy, I should be happy that Mommy is back. But now, I really hope that she will never come back!"

"Gu Lingmo, what do you mean by that?" Gu Nuoxian narrowed his eyes suddenly, and the cold light flickered under his eyelids.Gu Nuoxian suddenly changed his momentum, Gu Lingmo was afraid, but now he is very unhappy. "I don't have any other intentions, Momo just thinks..."

Gu Nuoxian held back his anger and didn't break out. He used his best endurance and asked, "What do you think?"

Gu Lingmo shrugged his small shoulders, and said humbly, "I think this mommy is not my mommy!"

"My mommy, it's not like this!"

Although his mommy doesn't talk much and doesn't like to laugh, she makes him feel very comfortable.The mommy who came back today always made him feel uncomfortable, especially today when the doctor was examining him, the way mommy looked at him scared him.

That gaze seemed to be looking at an annoying dirty thing.

After hearing Gu Lingmo's words, Gu Nuoxian suddenly fell silent. "Forget it, let's eat." Gu Nuoxian's heart was very complicated at the moment, he felt worthless for Ji Ruo when his child said that.However, he could not refute Gu Lingmo's words.

Ji Ruo's temperament has changed, which is indeed unacceptable.

What kind of cruel torture did Ruoruo go through to become what she is now?

The little guy was probably in a bad mood, he was reluctant to open his mouth to eat, he only ate half a bowl, and then closed his mouth. "I'm full." Gu Lingmo lay down by himself, turned over, covered the quilt obediently, and decided to ignore Daddy.

Gu Nuoxian looked at the back of the child, and the bowl in his hand suddenly became a little heavy.

"I won't take a bath tonight, you're going to sleep." Gu Nuoxian stood up, and left the children's room with a bowl.After he left, Gu Lingmo turned over.The back that was leaning on the bed sheet was still in pain, Gu Lingmo grinned, his mouth suddenly shrunk, and he kept crying while hiding under the quilt.

He suddenly missed his brother.


When Gu Nuoxian returned to the room, Ji Ruo had already fallen asleep.

But there was a set of clean pajamas stacked at the end of the bed.Gu Nuoxian touched the neatly folded set of pajamas, and his heart softened. Although his Ruoruo was a little different, he still cared about him sincerely.

After taking off his pajamas, he went to the bathroom and took a simple shower. When Gu Nuoxian stood up from the bathtub, he suddenly had a brain pain.The pain came quickly, like being pricked by hundreds of needles.The sudden pain made him a little overwhelmed. He stood for a while covering the bathroom wall, but he felt more and more severe headache.

Immediately afterwards, my whole body throbbed again!
He struggled to stand up straight, and couldn't help but think in his heart, after three days back, he had an attack every day, it seemed that his remaining time was really running out.Holding on to the wall, Gu Nuoxian walked towards the bathroom door, every step he took was very difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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