S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 717 This gentleman is a bit perverted

Chapter 717 This gentleman is a bit perverted (5)
Luo Tong wiped away the tears on his face indiscriminately, and then slowly stopped the tears. "What are you talking about! You actually put such a big shit bowl on your head. I heard Mr. Gu said that you have suffered a lot. How are you doing now? Are you feeling better?"

Ji Ruo patted the thick down jacket on his body, gave Luo Tong a comforting smile, and replied, "It's good to be able to eat and sleep!"

Luo Tong looked at her carefully for a long time, and after confirming that she was really fine, she let go of her hanging heart.The two nestled on the sofa, drank hot tea, and chatted about some gossip. When there was no more gossip to talk about, Luo Tong brought the topic to the real thing.

"Ah Ruo, after Thompson's incident, your image in China has plummeted, and you have almost lost all your fans. Now that you return to the film industry, the situation will be very difficult..." Before Luo Tong finished speaking, Ji Ruo suddenly interrupted her. "Sister Tong, I've decided to take a break from filming for a while."

Luo Tong was startled, the quilt she was holding in her palm was a little unstable.

"Xiying?" She looked at Ji Ruo in surprise, because she really didn't expect Ji Ruo to choose Xiying at this time. "The matter is not serious enough to take a break. You should rest for a while, and wait for the M country police to thoroughly investigate this matter and return your innocence. At that time, you can return to the entertainment industry, and we can make a comeback!"

"It's just like this, are you willing?"

Are you willing?
Ji Ruo looked at the steaming cup of hot tea, and finally lowered her head slightly under Luo Tong's nervous gaze. "Sister Tong, I've made up my mind. With my personality, I'm not suitable for developing in the circle. Anyway, I'm not thinking about it now, so it's fine if I take a break. Don't worry, I'm fine."

After hearing her words, Luo Tong felt sorry for Ji Ruo, but she chose to respect Ji Ruo's meaning.

"By the way, I heard that you're pregnant. Congratulations." Ji Ruo looked at Luo Tong's belly that hadn't bulged yet, with somewhat lonely eyes.Luo Tong smiled lightly, accidentally saw the look of loneliness in Ji Ruo's eyes, and immediately stopped smiling. "Ah Ruo, this child may indeed have a short relationship with you. If he wants to leave, you can't keep him. Don't be too sad, life has to look forward, right?"

"Besides, you are still young, and there will be opportunities in the future."

"No chance." Ji Ruo shook his head, and murmured again: "There is no more chance."

Luo Tong was startled, and hurriedly asked: "What nonsense are you talking about? You are still so young, how come you don't have a chance!"

"Sister Tong, I was injured when I was a child, and it was difficult to conceive. This child was finally conceived, and it just disappeared. It is really difficult to conceive again in the future."

Hearing this, Luo Tong was shocked.

She wanted to say something, but seeing Ji Ruo's sad face, she kept silent.

On the platform at the corner of the corridor, Gu Lingmo sat on the ladder, looked at Mummy on the sofa with a hurt face, and his eyes were full of doubts.Why, he hates Mommy so much?Obviously in the past, he liked Mommy very much.


During dinner, Gu Lingmo, who had slept in the room for several days, rarely came downstairs.

A family of three sat at the dining table, Gu Lingmo subconsciously moved closer to Gu Nuoxian.During this period, Ji Ruo rarely picked up a piece of chicken for Gu Lingmo, and said, "Momo, I hurt you a few days ago, Mommy is very sorry." Ji Ruo put the chicken piece in Gu Lingmo's bowl. "Chicken is your favorite. Mommy specially asked the cook to make it for you today. If you forgive Mommy, you can eat this chicken, okay?"

Gu Lingmo stopped eating, then raised his head to look at Mummy with some doubts in his eyes.Gu Nuoxian and Ji Ruo looked at Gu Lingmo at the same time, expecting him to forgive Mommy.Gu Lingmo nodded. He picked up the chicken and put it in his mouth. After taking one bite, he spit it out.

(End of this chapter)

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