Chapter 730 A son-in-law in the world should be like Gu Nuoxian (3)
Ji Ruo was taken aback, she looked down at Zhu Tong's slender, boneless right hand, subconsciously resisting physical contact with people. "Nuosha, don't be afraid." Zhutong took a small step towards her with his right foot.

Ji Ruo continued to retreat.

"Nuosha, remember, Zhu Tong will never hurt you." Zhu Tong's eyes were full of sincerity.Ji Ruo stared blankly at the young man with a handsome face and a warm smile in front of him, and many strange images suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Sister Ruo! I'm your fan!" The young man stood awkwardly in front of her with a notebook in his hand, his face blushed a little.

"Ji Ruo, come on! You are the best!"

"Ji Ruo! I have been paying attention to you since you started playing tricks. It doesn't matter if others don't know your goodness. I know you are the best! There are other fans who silently follow you, as long as they know! Ji Ruo, you must Come on! Don’t be afraid, you’ve been on this road for a long time, you’re tired, and we’re still here!”


"I'm not human, I'm a monster! Did you see, I'm a fucking monster!"

"Tell me, such a despicable and disgusting country, a country that turns me into a monster, what qualifications does he have to deserve my good treatment?"


"I'll take care of you and your child!"

"I don't like you because I love you!"


Who is Ji Ruo?

She shook her head, surprised that these strange pictures appeared in her mind.

"Nuosha." Zhutong's call completely shattered the fuzzy memories that suddenly flooded into Ji Ruo's mind.Ji Ruo lowered her head, glanced at the young man's hand, then slowly extended her hand to shake him.

Zhutong gently hugged Ji Ruo's waist, and he led Ji Ruo to dance lightly under the sunset in the desert.

The hem of Ji Ruo's long skirt was blown up by the strong wind, and in the yellow sand, a tall and straight young man danced lightly with his arms around a charming and graceful woman.From Youze's point of view, this scene was unbelievably beautiful.

You Ze couldn't help but took out his mobile phone, and took the men and women on the sand dunes, the desert, the sunset, and the long river into the same photo.


Russia, the headquarters of the DS organization.

On the big screen of the Ministry of Information, there are thousands of red dots flashing.

Shi Jue glanced at the big screen, took a closer look, and frowned when he saw a shiny dot on the western border of Country C. "Have we sent anyone to Territory X recently?"

Shijing, who was sitting in a wheelchair and was still wearing heavy, rigid glasses, heard what Shijue said, and asked lazily, "What's wrong?" Shijue frowned and thought for a while before saying, "I don't remember our People, recently went to the X territory to perform missions."

"Open it and see who is carrying the positioning signal."


Ten Kings turned on the positioning system, locked the position of the X territory, paused the mouse on the red dot, and a row of messages jumped into the dialog box.

— Code D, 8879.

The message is extremely short, but from this row of small characters, no key information can be seen at all.

"Hey, those whose code names start with D must be high-level figures in the organization. The current situation has been turbulent recently. Except for Song Yu and the leader, almost all the high-level figures in our organization have returned to the headquarters. Who is this person?" Ten King touched his chin, showing a confused look.

Shijue is also at a loss. "I'll ask the second leader!"

After Pei Renrong finished dealing with his colleagues, he habitually went to Xu Mo'an's room first.

After recuperating for a month, almost all the scars on Xu Mo'an's body healed, that is, the broken right arm, which is heartbreaking no matter how you look at it. "Why, look out of the window with a look of spring, miss your little Yu?"

(End of this chapter)

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