Chapter 744 It’s More Interesting to Throw Himself into Her Arms (1)
"Ruoruo, I made you suffer."

"It's not bitter." Ji Ruo moved his fingers, trying to take them out of Gu Nuoxian's body, but he didn't dare. "I'm sorry, I don't want to hurt you." Ji Ruo touched the tears on her face, and she said, "Hold on, I'll take you away!"

Gu Nuoxian raised his eyebrows slightly, and the five sharp nails in his stomach suddenly turned.

"Hiss..." Gu Nuoxian's face turned pale, and when Ji Ruo took out all his fingernails, streams of warm blood flowed out of Gu Nuoxian's body.Gu Nuoxian's body lost its support, and he fell towards Ji Ruo.

"Well... What a cruel heart, you can take whatever you want..." Gu Nuoxian loves and has a toothache for Ji Ruo, who is decisive and doesn't have the slightest bit of affection for him.His Ruo Ruo became so cruel, it was really overwhelming.

But because of this, Ji Ruo is Ji Ruo.

Not timid at critical moments, absolutely not crying when she shouldn't cry, not afraid in times of danger, that's the girl he admires.

"Hold on, I'll take you away!" Ji Ruo took off his coat, bound Gu Nuoxian's wound tightly, then bent over to hug Gu Nuoxian, and walked towards the elevator entrance. "Daddy, Yanxi, let's go!"

Tan Gu looked at Ji Ruo in surprise, and felt that their daughter-in-law seemed to be different.

The sister-in-law hugged her elder brother, this scene aroused Gu Yanxi's senses a little.Gu Yanxi rubbed his nose, suppressed the weird feeling in his heart, and then they took the stairs to escape. "Gu Nuoxian, you must not sleep."

Ji Ruo trotted up to the first floor, not forgetting to remind Gu Nuoxian on the way.

"" Gu Nuoxian replied in a daze, he kept silent and tried his best to conserve his energy.He finally found Ji Ruo, but he dared not close his eyes.Ji Ruo kicked open the door of the corridor, and just stepped out of the corridor platform with her front foot, but her body stopped suddenly.

The father and son of the Gu family walked too fast behind, Gu Yanxi didn't have time, and directly bumped into Ji Ruo's back. "What's wrong?" Gu Yanxi rubbed his sore nose, looked up in the direction Ji Ruo was looking at.

Sherman stood at the exit, with his hands in his pockets, looking at Ji Ruo with a cold face.

"It seems that you have recovered your memory. This is the first time someone has extracted memory. It seems that this operation is still not proficient enough." Sherman squinted slightly at Ji Ruo, who had a pretty face full of vigilance.Ji Ruo tightened her arms, and said to him coldly, "Let us go!"

Sherman stretched out his left hand from his pocket, and he spread out his left hand indifferently, his emerald eyes were full of sarcasm. "Since you're all here, I think it's better to stay here." After he finished speaking, he kept his hand in his right pocket before taking it out.

When Ji Ruo saw the red button in his hand, his gaze changed suddenly. "You!" Ji Ruo's face was ashen-gray, and despair welled up in his heart.

"My little Nuosha, in order to prevent you from rebelling, I had to plant a self-destructing explosive device in your body in advance. Now it seems that I did the right thing!" He raised his right hand and gestured Go down gesture. "All of you, either stay here obediently, or I'll let you watch Ji Ruo explode into piles of minced meat in front of your eyes!"

Gu Tan turned his gaze back and forth, this was a difficult question to decide.

Gu Nuoxian heard Sherman's words in a daze, and he wanted to jump up and kill Sherman, but he was already a half-dead person at the moment, and he couldn't even control whether he could live or not.

Powerlessness is Gu Nuoxian's only feeling at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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