Chapter 76 The ugly dumb girl (1)
In the southern suburbs of City B, the Lukong Orphanage.

Today will be filming at the Green Sky Orphanage, where the entire crew is stationed.

Ji Ruo was wrapped in a thick down jacket and sat on a small stool with a black peaked cap on her head. She was reading the script with relish.Luo Tong was holding a warm baby in his hand, and at sunset, the sun was slightly warm, and the cold wind blew past his ears, blowing a few strands of hair hanging down Ji Ruo's ears.

Ji Ruo participated in a modern suspense movie called "Virtual Mirror".The actor played by Ye Junran has severe amnesia and hallucinations. He is an orphan. He had a car accident when he was 14 years old.

The male protagonist has a girlfriend who is Momo from the same orphanage and has a very good relationship.Both had excellent grades and were admitted to the same university.

The male protagonist Ouyang entered the university and met Ziran, a female classmate in the same class. Ouyang was handsome and had excellent grades, which easily won Ziran's admiration.Zi Ran confessed her love to Ou Yang on the first day of her sophomore year. Not surprisingly, her love was ruthlessly rejected by Ou Yang.The reason is that Ouyang has a girlfriend. He has been a childhood sweetheart since he was a child, and he has a deep relationship. It is impossible for him to betray her.

Zi Ran felt unwilling, but there was nothing she could do.

Later, I ran into Ouyang in the cafeteria and found Ouyang sitting alone at the dining table. The seat next to him was empty. There was a plate on the table, and the food on the plate had never been touched.At that time, Zi Ran was surprised, but she didn't say much. Later, she often bumped into Ou Yang talking to himself by himself.He often talks into the air, sometimes laughs while talking, and sometimes looks unhappy with a straight face.

Zi Ran began to pay more attention, and followed Ouyang one night, and found that Ouyang was holding a book, pacing downstairs in the girls' dormitory, and talking to the air with a smile.Zi Ran got closer and heard Ouyang say to the air: "Momo, good night."

Zi Ran was startled, she looked in the direction Ou Yang was looking at, but there was nothing.At that time, a strange thought came to mind, Zi Ran guessed that Ou Yang had paranoia!Later, after a series of observations and investigations, Zi Ran discovered that the girl named Momo had already passed away.

It turned out that the car accident hit two people, one was Ouyang, and there was another girl, and that girl was Momo in Ouyang's mouth.Momo was seriously injured and died on the spot. Ouyang couldn't bear the blow. When he woke up in the hospital, he forgot the fact that Momo had already passed away. He imagined that Momo was living beside him, and fell in love with her.

First-line movie star Zhao Ruozhou will play Momo, who exists in Ouyang's fantasy.

After finding out the truth, Zi Ran hurriedly told Ouyang the news, but Ou Yang lost control again and killed Zi Ran in a rage.Ouyang buried Ziran's body under the osmanthus tree on the mountain behind the school, and woke up the next day and forgot about it again.

Skynet is full of details, but as everyone knows, this murder was seen by the only disfigured female mute in the school.And this mute became the key for the police to find out the truth about Zi Ran's murder in the future.At the end of the story, Ouyang finally recognized the facts and painfully accepted the news of Momo's death. He also recalled the process of killing Ziran.

Ouyang finally went to prison and was sentenced to life imprisonment.He committed suicide less than a year after he entered the prison. Some people said that he was out of guilt for Ziran, some said that he had no love in his life, and some said that he had hallucinations and saw Momo.

In the last scene of the story, the sky is overcast and covered with dark clouds.

The mute stood in a white dress at the entrance of the orphanage, looking at the orphanage where he had grown up. Half of his white face was fair, and the other half was full of scars.The wind blew and lifted her light pleated skirt. Inside the skirt, the red thigh scar looked terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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