S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 902 11:[-] PM The night is still long

Chapter 902: At 11:2 PM, The Night Is Still Long ([-])
That pair of eyes is colder than the snow in a thousand mountains, and that pair of black pupils are as vivid as dust, as clear as a speck of ink.

It's him!

He really woke up!
Looking greedily at those cold eyes, Ji Ruo was reluctant to blink, for she was afraid that if she blinked, the man would still be asleep when she raised her head again.Fantasy is the best, and fantasy is the worst.

The fireworks are still blooming, and the night is lit up, a little dazzling.It took Gu Nuoxian more than two minutes to get used to the strong light.He looked at Ji Ruo, also unwilling to blink.Gu Nuoxian struggled to lift his fleshless right arm, and put his palm on Ji Ruo's icy pretty face.

"How long have you been waiting for me?" he asked.

Ji Ruo rubbed her cheek against Gu Nuoxian's delicate palm, her eyes were red, but the corners of her mouth were curled into a smile. "Counting today, it happens to be the 311th day." The day he fainted was November 2036, 11, and today is September 16, 2037.

Fate finally failed her, after waiting for 311 days, Ji Ruo finally waited for the day when Gu Nuoxian woke up again.

Hearing this number, Gu Nuoxian lost his focus for a moment. "So I've been sleeping for so long..." Gu Nuoxian looked down at Ji Ruoci's delicate white face, and asked again, "You've been waiting for me?"

Ji Ruo nodded, and replied with a choked voice, "Well, I've been waiting for you to wake up."

The heart beat a little faster, and Gu Nuoxian's dark eyes were dizzy with a circle of sparkling water mist.Through the hazy vision, Gu Nuoxian saw the smile on the corner of Ji Ruo's mouth, and he could understand the meaning of that smile——

No regrets.


Gu Nuoxian suddenly bent down and hugged Ji Ruo into his arms.

Falling into the familiar embrace again, the tears in Ji Ruo's eyes fell down once again. "They all say you won't wake up, but I don't believe it. I know you will wake up sooner or later, because I'm here, how dare you not wake up?"

Hearing this, Gu Nuoxian's eyes became more moist. "Fool...what should I say about you?" He rubbed the girl tightly into his arms, reluctant to let go.

"You don't need to say anything. When you wake up, everything will be explained." Ji Ruo wrapped her arms around Gu Nuoxian's neck, her heart was both sour and sweet.

Fireworks bloom, there are lovers in the world, and they will finally get married.

After the fireworks were all set off, Gu Lingmo got up from the concrete floor. As soon as he turned around, he saw his parents hugging each other.Gu Lingmo suddenly opened his mouth. "My mother!" Gu Lingmo rubbed his eyes vigorously, and when he looked again, Daddy was still hugging Mummy.

The small face was full of excitement, Gu Lingmo rushed to Gu Nuoxian at the fastest pace, he hugged Gu Nuoxian and Ji Ruo, and shouted in surprise: "Daddy! You finally woke up!" The child He leaned his head against Gu Nuoxian's forehead and kept rubbing it.

Only then did Gu Nuoxian let go of Ji Ruo. He narrowed his eyes and sized up Gu Lingmo several times, but the first thing he asked was: "Did you take good care of Mommy while I was sleeping?"

Gu Lingmo quickly wiped the cat urine from the corner of his eyes with his hand.

"Yes! After you fell asleep, Daddy, Momo has never made Mommy angry. I often go shopping with Mommy. Sometimes Mommy can't sleep at night, so I will watch TV with her!" Gu Ling As if Mo was asking for credit, his small face was smiling, and he was pleasing to the eye.

Gu Nuoxian nodded, he lowered his head, realized something, then raised his head suddenly.He looked at Gu Lingmo carefully for a while, and then said, "Why don't you stutter?"

Gu Lingmo was embarrassed to scratch his head, "I...I stopped stuttering a long time ago!"

Ji Ruo also raised her head at this moment, and she pulled Gu Lingmo into her arms, beaming with joy. "Not only did he stop stuttering, he went to kindergarten, and he grew 11 centimeters!" When he first arrived at Gu's house, Gu Lingmo was only five years old, probably because the living conditions in the orphanage were not good, and he was only 103 centimeters at that time.During the year of living in Gu's family, Gu Lingmo's height has grown by leaps and bounds, and he is now 114 centimeters.

(End of this chapter)

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