S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 905 11:[-] PM The night is still long

Chapter 905: At 11:5 PM, The Night Is Still Long ([-])
After lying in bed for more than ten months, he only used nutrient solution to maintain his life every day. His body was so emaciated that when he walked on the ground, his legs trembled and he could hardly stand up straight.Gu Nuoxian fell down on the carpet with a plop. He glanced at the wheelchair in the corner, and then he climbed onto the wheelchair and sat down like a cripple.

The wheelchair made the sound of wheels, and the servant who was cleaning the stairway heard the sound and hurriedly looked up to the third floor. "Master! You're awake! Do you want to go downstairs now? I'll call Madam!" The servant was about to go downstairs to ask Ji Ruo to come up, when Gu Nuoxian heard Ji Ruo's hearty laughter downstairs, the haze in his heart All washed away.

"Don't disturb Madam, you go ask Awei to come up."

Awei is an elite killer of the DS operation team. He lives in Gu's family, in order to protect the safety inside and outside of the Gu family's villa.Awei is a guy who is about 1.8 meters tall, so he can naturally send Gu Nuoxian downstairs.

Hearing this, the servant nodded slightly, then trotted to the second floor and called Awei who was on patrol.

Awei ran upstairs, saw Gu Nuoxian who finally woke up, immediately put his palm on his chest, and saluted Gu Nuoxian respectfully. "Boss, you're awake!"


Gu Nuoxian pointed to his wheelchair, motioning for Ah Wei to send him off.Awei nodded, comprehending.He picked up Gu Nuoxian and the wheelchair together, and walked downstairs.The railing of the spiral staircase was empty, and Gu Nuoxian just walked down from the corner of the second floor when he saw that the hall was full of familiar friends and relatives.

Seeing the only baby in the living room, Gu Nuoxian was taken aback.

When Ji Ruo called the child Liu Ruofei, Gu Nuoxian finally realized that it was Liu Yuebo and Luo Tong's child who was born.Gu Nuoxian stared blankly at Ji Ruo who was making the child laugh, feeling sour in his heart.

If it was their own child, Ji Ruo would be happier...

Gu Nuoxian lowered his eyes and seriously considered whether he should find a way to have a child.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Ji Ruo, Su Xi and the others turned their heads to look at the stairs at the same time, and when they saw Gu Nuoxian who was in a wheelchair and carried downstairs by Ah Wei, everyone was taken aback. "Nuo Nuo!" Su Xi was stunned for a moment, and stood up immediately.

Detective Gu also stood up.

Gu Nuoyan and Gu Yanxi put down their mobile phones at the same time, and they looked at the man wearing glasses, whose eyes were still majestic and cold, and only then did they really believe that the elder brother really woke up!Gu Nuoxian raised his right hand that was hanging on his lap, and pushed the frame with his index finger. Gu Nuoxian smiled at everyone in the hall.

"It's been a long time, everyone."

Su Xi narrowed her eyes, and then suppressed the tears swirling in her eyes. "Bastard! You are finally willing to wake up!" Su Xi rushed forward and hugged Gu Nuoxian.Gu Nuoxian was taken aback for a moment, he rarely smiled softly, and then wiped away the wet tears from the corners of Su Xi's eyes with his fingertips.

"Mommy, I'm sorry to make you worry."

Seeing Su Xi's tears, Gu Nuoxian was also very uncomfortable. He and his mother had depended on each other since childhood. Among the three brothers and sisters of the Gu family, Gu Nuoxian had the closest relationship with Su Xi.After all, they have suffered together and experienced some dark past.

Su Xi choked and cried for a long time before letting go of Gu Nuoxian.

She stared at Gu Nuoxian's body carefully for a long time before saying: "It's so thin, it doesn't look good!" Gu Nuoxian couldn't help but laugh, he slapped his thigh, and said loudly: "Then make it up!"

Su Xi smiled through tears. "Bastard!"

At this time, Tan Gu also came forward, he restrained his inner intensity and excitement, and only looked at Gu Nuoxian with plain and caring eyes.Gu Nuoxian also raised his head and looked at his father, without saying anything.

(End of this chapter)

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