Chapter 908
Ji Ruo deeply agrees with the last words.

"Yes, they are indeed enlightened."

This topic ends here.

Gu Nuoxian squinted his eyes and wanted to sleep, but when he thought of something, he opened his eyes again. "I can't figure it out, how could Song Yu, who is so ignorant, get together with Boss Xu!" Hearing Gu Nuoxian's complaints, Ji Ruo, who was in a daze, stretched out an arm directly towards Gu Nuoxian. Smashed in the face.

"go to bed!"

Gu Nuoxian put the lotus root arm on his face into the quilt and covered it. He looked at the ceiling, but still couldn't figure it out.

Song Yuna had almost nothing in his head except his gun.

How did his elm lump get enlightened?

Could it be that Xu Boss, the overlord, forced him to bow and forced him, and Song Yu had no choice but to obey him?
Gu Nuoxian was disgusted by his own thought.

Until he fell asleep in a daze, Gu Nuoxian was still struggling with this problem.


Gu Nuoxian, Ji Ruo and Gu Lingmo went back to the main house of the Gu family together.

The car stopped at the entrance of the villa. Ji Ruo and Gu Lingmo got out of the car first and entered the house. Gu Nuoxian drove to the underground parking lot alone. He parked the car. When he got out of the car, he happened to meet Sidney who had come back from some errands.

Gu Nuoxian had never had a serious chat with Sidney, the two of them nodded and said hello, and walked towards the house side by side.

The atmosphere was somewhat silent, Sidney was considering whether to find something to talk about, but Gu Nuoxian didn't take Sidney seriously at all.Seeing that he was about to enter the house, Sidney finally broke the silence.

"You are a little different from what I imagined."

Gu Nuoxian's footsteps slowed down, he looked ahead and asked, "What do you think of me?"

Sidney shrugged, and replied: "In the eyes of the world, the terrifying bosses are probably fierce and cruel, murderous, and have a cold temperament." Sidney glanced at Gu Nuoxian, and said: "In addition to temperament, You don't look like a terrorist at all."

"Then what do you think I look like?" Gu Nuoxian was amused by his words.

The light golden glazed pupils were strangely stained, and Sidney replied honestly, "Looks like a gentleman."

"Haha!" Gu Nuoxian laughed heartily in front of Sidney for the first time. "Then you must have never seen me before."


Sidney raised her eyebrows in surprise, at this moment, Ji Ruo opened the window of the restaurant, and she yelled at Gu Nuoxian: "Come in quickly, it's cold outside!" Gu Nuoxian nodded gently, and replied: "Come on! "

Gu Nuoxian turned his head to look at Sidney, and Sidney vaguely understood something when he looked at the man's eyes that instantly became tender because of Ji Ruo's words.

"I used to be so cruel that I was slandered as Yama by my lover."

Sidney lowered his head, it was really unimaginable.

"But now, I am becoming more and more like a normal person." A trench mouse that lived in the sewer all year round also began to walk into the sunshine and live a normal life.And all this is because of Ji Ruo who was standing in the restaurant talking to Su Xi.

Gu Nuoxian pushed open the door, he took off his shoes, took off his coat and hung it on the floor hanger. "Daddy, let me cook for you." Gu Nuoxian rolled up his sleeves, and his tall figure disappeared from Sidney's sight.

Sidney tilted his head and glanced at the man who was cooking with Gu Tan in the kitchen, his eyes became more complicated.

This man is not simple.

It seems that the members of the Gu family, Lan Cheng up to eighty, and Gu Yanxi down to twenty, are all earth-shattering figures.The former saw through the relationship between Gu Yanxi and Min Xiuzhuang at a glance, while the latter even dared to love his own uncle...

(End of this chapter)

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