Chapter 914
Ji Ruo's murder incident broke out in the early days, and Ye Junran announced Xiying's withdrawal from the showbiz circle. Those young artists who followed the wind, sensed that the wind was not in the right direction, broke their contracts and jumped to Oulong Entertainment and Feitian Entertainment, and now stay at Those in the family are basically nostalgic kings and queens, and a few loyal little entertainers.

If Gu Nuoxian doesn't wake up again, Yanuo Entertainment will probably be over.

"Understood! Pay attention to Australia, I'll go to Yanuo."


Liu Yuebo and Chong'an are capable, but they have their own limitations. After all, they are not as good as people like Pei Renrong and Xu Mo'an. Gu Nuoxian is still asleep, and the DS organization is still standing, and there has been no major disturbance. Keyano Entertainment was miserable.

Six BMW cars and a black Bugatti parked in front of the main entrance of Yanuo Entertainment.

Twenty or so bodyguards in black got out of the car and automatically stood in two rows.Awei opened the door of the sports car, and escorted Gu Nuoxian out of the car.The man got out of the car, and the passers-by who passed by the company's gate were stunned when they saw the person who got out of the car.

The man was wearing a black shirt, no tie, and an ankle-length crimson overcoat. This monstrous color is not something ordinary people can hold.Pushing the black-rimmed glasses, Gu Nuoxian looked up at the entertainment building inlaid with insulating glass. On the top of the building, the words Yanuo Entertainment were shining in the winter sun, exuding a coldness.

Jin Min's lips licked twice, and then Gu Nuoxian took a big step and walked into the company with an expressionless face.

Stepping on the smooth ground with black shiny leather shoes, Gu Nuoxian glanced at the front desk lady who lowered her head to play with the computer and browsed some treasures, her eyes suddenly turned cold.The front desk lady was slightly taken aback, why did the air suddenly become several degrees colder?
She raised her head, and when she saw the enchanting man in red, she immediately exclaimed. "Ah! President...President!" The front desk lady hurriedly closed the web page with a panicked expression.Gu Nuoxian looked at the receptionist indifferently, and said: "Within 15 minutes, take the initiative to submit your resignation to the Human Resources Department."

The front desk lady gritted her teeth, her eyes clouded with mist.

Gu Nuoxian no longer looked at her, he turned right and walked towards the elevator passage.At this time, the employee elevator opened, and a group of young men and women dressed in hip-hop came out, all of them looked good. When they saw Gu Nuoxian, they couldn't recover for a while.

Gu Nuoxian squinted at them for a few times, barely remembering these people.

It seems that they are trainees recruited from Oulong by manager Ou Lanjie last year.

The youths blinked and came back to their senses. "Mr. Gu, good noon!" They all bowed to Gu Nuoxian to greet him. Mr. Gu is back, does it mean that their day of success is coming soon?

The eyes of several people showed a relaxed look.

Originally, the company planned to let them debut next month. Two months before their debut, they began to perform free charity performances in various variety shows. They just wanted to show their faces and arouse the audience's appetite, but they were trampled by the host and other trainees!This year, they have been bullied by other companies everywhere, and they are almost turning into grandchildren!

It's all right now, Mr. Gu is back, the company will definitely get back on track!

Gu Nuoxian is so smart, he doesn't need to think too much, and he understands what these people are thinking.At the critical moment, he did not abandon the company and leave, which is worthy of praise.

Gu Nuoxian nodded, without saying anything, turned around and entered the elevator.


Liu Yuebo was already waiting for him in the office, and when he saw him coming, he immediately greeted him.

"Mr. Gu, why don't you tell me when you arrive, so I can go down and pick you up."

"No need."

Gu Nuoxian walked to the sofa and sat down, he glanced at the hot tea on the coffee table, his eyes were slightly warm.Liu Yuebo is really caring, knowing that his current physical condition is not suitable for drinking coffee.Song Yu went to Russia, and there was no one in his office building area, it was really deserted and frightening.

(End of this chapter)

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