Chapter 917
But I endured it because I was afraid of offending her.

"It's here, 300 yuan."

The driver stopped the car and said to me.

I took out my wallet, but there was no RMB in the bulging wallet.All in dollars. "Are you accepting US dollars?" I actually guessed in my heart that US dollars will not work in City C.Sure enough, the driver's eyes suddenly changed.

"No US dollars, only RMB! I want to take a taxi without RMB! Who knows if you are a liar, and besides, I don't know the real and fake US dollars. If you cheated me, wouldn't my trip be in vain? ?”

I felt a little unhappy, because the driver's tone made me unhappy.Damn it!Kill this boring driver!I tried my best to restrain the desire to kill someone immediately, but at this moment I heard the girl say: "Master, I will pay the fare for him, don't make things difficult for him!"

I am a little stunned.

I have never known each other in my life, is this girl too kind?

No wonder you get bullied.

Ren Shan was bullied, Ma Shan was ridden by others, she didn't even understand this truth, how could she live in the future?I looked at the girl's pale and pretty face, and thought badly in my heart that she might not live to be 30 years old.Because she is too simple.

It turned out later that she was not innocent at all, but she was not as bad as others thought.

"Tell me your phone number, and I will return the money to you after I exchange the RMB." This was the first time I asked for someone's number, but the girl didn't take my words seriously.

"No need, I'll pay for you, get out of the car." The girl still lowered her head, probably because she didn't want me to see her distress.I wanted to say something, but the driver got impatient. "Get out of the car after paying! Do you still want to spend the night in my car?" I was furious, thinking why the drivers in City C are so virtuous!Later I realized that not everyone deserves such a beating, and there are good drivers too.

I was kicked out of the car by the driver, and when I realized that I hadn't asked for the girl's phone number, the taxi had already disappeared into the traffic.

This is our first acquaintance.Isn't it interesting?Yes, I also find it interesting.

Later, I returned to country M, and I didn't see that girl again for more than a month.The second time I saw her was not at the press conference she mentioned, but in my papa's study. Papa's duty is to catch the bad guys. When I saw the girl's photo appear on Papa's desk, I was a little surprised.

Later I found out that there was nothing wrong with that girl, the reason why she was targeted by paap was because of another person.The third time I saw her was on TV, and that's when I knew she was a singer.It's just a pity that her music career has not been stellar.Later, she went to the showbiz and became an unlucky actor.

I accidentally saw a video posted by a netizen on a social networking site. In the video, she was intentionally bullied by her peers while filming.She was slapped three times in a row, but she didn't make a sound.I don't understand why she would rather be humiliated than live in that dirty circle. I can't drag her out of that big dye vat, but I want to silently guard her, support her, and let her understand that she is a very Great cast.

I downloaded Weibo, followed her, and posted some news about Ji Ruo on Weibo from time to time.I saw her again in person at the press conference of "Youth Burning". She was wearing a neat black suit, her long hair was tied up high, and she stood quietly on a high platform. When I looked at her, my heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Others were calling the name of the female artist who had deliberately hit her on the set. I couldn't bear to see her being left out, so I deliberately put on a clean look, raised the KT card by myself, and chanted her name.

(End of this chapter)

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