Chapter 925
It's not the coldness of the snowflakes, but a circle-shaped foreign body that exudes cold air.There was a daze in her eyes, Gu Nuoyan lowered her head in surprise, and saw a silver-white ring tightly wrapped around her right ring finger.That is a circle, no diamonds, no cumbersome carvings, simple... can be seen everywhere!
But she stayed still.When she came to her senses, she questioned one after another: "What are you doing? Proposing? Is there anyone who proposes like you? How can a proposer just put the ring on the ring finger? Also, look at this ring, it's simple. Don't be too shabby!" Gu Nuoyan said shabby, but her right hand couldn't stop stroking the ring.

I just can't put it down.

Finally, she met a man who was willing to hold her ring finger firmly.Sidney pulled her into his arms, and his voice came from above Gu Nuoyan's head: "Well, I made this ring myself, I don't know how to cut diamonds, don't set it, and don't know how to set it. Sculpture. It took more than a month to make such a circle. The time is a little tight, and I can’t make two in a hurry, so I just use one, which saves the step of proposing, and we put it on the ring finger directly, saving trouble!"

Gu Nuoyan couldn't laugh or cry.

"Are you so confused? Diamond rings are popular nowadays. Do you understand diamond rings? If there is a diamond and a circle, that is a diamond ring!"

Sidney frowned, and he stared at Gu Nuoyan for a few seconds before asking, "Do you like drilling?" Gu Nuoyan choked, she actually didn't like drilling.I just feel a little suffocated.

Sidney suddenly took out his wallet from his pocket and took out all his bank cards. "This is all my belongings, three Swiss bank cards, and the deposit seems to be more than four billion euros. You can buy as many diamonds as you like, and you can buy them as much as you want. I don't have enough to make money."

Gu Nuoyan: "..."

"I'll buy you big-headed ghost!"

Sidney is innocent again, he has contributed all his belongings, why is Gu Nuoyan still dissatisfied?Gu Nuoyan gave him a blank look, and then threw those cards into her pocket.

"I'll take this money!" She didn't ask for the password either, what she wanted was not his money, but his wholehearted attitude.Sidney was elated, "After taking my money, you are now part of my family!"

"Wrong, it's not that I'm from your family, but you are from my family!" Gu Nuoyan's words were a bit confusing, and it took Sidney a while to figure out the meaning.After understanding the meaning, he didn't feel unhappy, "I understand, what you mean is that from now on, I will be your family member!"

"Well," Gu Nuoyan patted Sidney on the head like teasing a child, she suddenly grinned badly, and said, "You are now the door-to-door son-in-law!" Sidney only understood the word son-in-law, and took the initiative Ignored the word door-to-door.He followed Gu Nuoyan back home, his golden eyes shone brightly.Sidney didn't realize at all that he was fooled by Gu Nuoyan and married into Gu's family.

When Gu Nuoyan returned home, the food was already on the table.Ji Ruo bent down and poured the wine from the wine jug into the goblet.Gu Nuoxian and Gu Yanxi brothers were setting the table and chopsticks, while Min Xiuzhuang stood quietly at the side, looking at Gu Yanxi tenderly.

The door was pushed open, they just looked up at Gu Nuoyan and Sidney, seeing the two holding hands together, Gu Yanxi's eyes showed playfulness. "Yo, this black light is blind, did he go out for a tryst?"

Gu Nuoyan slammed her fist on Gu Yanxi's head, she curled her lips, and said proudly: "Well, your sister is married now, see, ring!" Gu Nuoyan presented the ring like a treasure. The simple and somewhat cheap ring was displayed in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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