Chapter 933
Ji Xuanyu shook his head, feeling tired for a while.


I vomited every day after eating, continued to eat after vomiting, and continued to vomit again.Being tortured repeatedly, Ji Ruo became thinner day by day, but her belly grew bigger and bigger.By the seventh month, Ji Ruo couldn't turn over at night, so Gu Nuoxian gave her two hours of massage every day to make her more comfortable.

During this time, not only did Ji Ruo lose weight, but Gu Nuoxian also lost a whole body of flesh.Gu Lingmo looked at Mummy working so hard, he was considerate of Mummy's hard work, obediently went to school every day, did his homework well, and grew up several years in an instant.Once in a while, Ji Ruo would accompany Gu Lingmo to do his homework when his body didn't feel so bad.

In this way, her belly grew bigger day by day, and at the eighth month, Ji Ruo suddenly had a whim and asked Gu Nuoxian to drive her to the shopping mall.

"Your current physical condition is not suitable for shopping at all. Wait a minute, after the baby is born and you are finished confinement, I will go shopping with you again, okay?" No matter how Gu Nuoxian tried to persuade him, Ji Ruo would not listen .

"It's too late..." Ji Ruo lay on the sofa, looking at her bulging belly with sad eyes.Gu Nuoxian thought she was saying that the child would be born in two months, so it was too late. "The baby hasn't been born yet, what are you in a hurry for? It's the same if you sell it after it's born." Gu Nuoxian said earnestly, but Ji Ruo was determined to go to the mall.

Unable to be stubborn with her, Gu Nuoxian finally drove her to the shopping mall, but he tried to keep her from walking as much as possible.

Ji Ruo looked at the clothes and toys in the baby products store, his eyes that had always been shining were suddenly clouded with mist.Ji Xuanyu checked her body several times later, but the results were not optimistic. The fibroids grew day by day, blocking the birth canal.Before the baby was born, she had to seize the time to live every day well.God knows if she can make it through.

"I've got them all." Ji Ruo filled the shopping cart with toys, clothes, shoes, and even milk powder.Ji Xuanyu told them that the child in her belly was a daughter, so all Ji Ruo bought were girls' clothes.

Gu Nuoxian looked at the full shopping cart in front of him, and at the several equally full shopping carts behind him, and couldn't help frowning.

"You even bought clothes for seven years old, isn't it too early?"

Ji Ruo smiled slightly and said willfully, "I like it."

Gu Nuoxian choked, "Okay, let's buy it!" After paying the bill, the bodyguard went downstairs with all the things. Gu Nuoxian saw that it was inconvenient for Ji Ruo to walk with a big belly, so he bent down to lose weight girl in arms. "Ah!" Ji Ruo was a little startled when his feet left the ground suddenly.

"I'm seven or eight months pregnant and still so thin. As a husband, I'm really remiss." Gu Nuoxian ignored the eyes of others and carried her all the way to the gate of the shopping mall.The economy here is prosperous, and celebrities and entertainers often go shopping here, and it has also become a place for paparazzi to take pictures.

Seeing Gu Nuoxian walking out with a pregnant woman in his arms, the reporter recognized that the girl was Ji Ruo, and immediately pressed the camera button repeatedly to freeze this precious scene on the screen.

Ji Ruo looked up at Gu Nuoxian's face, with greedy eyes, as if he couldn't get enough of it. "You've been staring at me for a long time, Ruoruo, you're becoming more and more unreserved!" Gu Nuoxian suddenly lowered his head, catching Ji Ruo's peeking at him.Ji Ruo was not annoyed when she was caught. She blinked and responded with a smile: "I want to see you enough, and imprint it in my heart, so I won't forget it until I die."

Gu Nuoxian was a little happy when he heard this, but when he heard the word "death", his face suddenly became gloomy. "No nonsense!"

(End of this chapter)

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