S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 94 Just Because He Is Gu Nuoxian

Chapter 94 Just because he is Gu Nuoxian (2)
But, that was just a dream.


Seeing Ji Ruo's expressionless face, Song Yu suddenly felt bad.After watching her leave, he just entered the office. He saw their grandfather leaning on the seat, staring at the ceiling blankly. His appearance was shockingly decadent.

"Is this... a quarrel?"

The man sighed softly, and it was very unpleasant to Song Yu's ears.

"Have you booked your flight ticket yet?"

"eight pm."

"Okay, you go out!"

Rubbing his temples tiredly, Gu Nuoxian was exhausted.


I drove to Weiyang Lake alone. Because it was winter, there was a thick layer of ice on Weiyang Lake. Many families came here to ski, which was very lively.Ji Ruo sat down with his back against the stone chair, holding the bubble gum he just bought in his hand, playing with it expressionlessly.

In the distance, a Hummer parked under a bare willow tree.

The man in the car took off his sunglasses and frowned at the girl blowing bubbles on the stone chair in the distance.

"Major, according to the information, Eric, who has never been close to women, has been in frequent contact with that woman recently. I think this woman can be used." The man on the side said expressionlessly. The man sitting upright was silent for a long time, and asked: "They What's the relationship?"

"I don't know yet, but Eric treats her very well. I guess she is the woman he likes." They couldn't believe this idea. If Eric said that, the devil would sink into a woman.

You Ze narrowed his eyes, pushed open the car door, and walked towards the man.


The cold wind blew past, and the tip of Ji Ruo's nose turned red from the cold.

There was a rustling sound when the feet stepped on the thick fallen leaves.Ji Ruo turned her head and saw a tall man wearing a dark blue coat, covering most of the light.Ji Ruo recognized this man.

"Miss Ji, long time no see."

Ji Ruo looked at him with a wary look, but didn't speak. "Miss Ji, are you afraid of me?" You Ze's face showed a habitual indifference to the glove on his hand.

The man's face is deep and his European and American looks are not exquisite, but he has a serious and masculine air.Ji Ruo squinted her eyes, and asked coldly, "If you say that we met by chance, I wouldn't believe it." Even if this person has saved her, it doesn't mean he is a good person.

Subconsciously, Ji Ruo felt that this man was dangerous.

Gu Nuoxian is very dangerous, it is an obvious danger.

But this man, like a mountain, looks very reliable, but one day, if the mountain collapses, thousands of people will be killed.

"Miss Ji, you are really cautious." You Ze sat down next to her, and he put his gloves into his pocket.The man's legs were crossed, his spine was straightened, and a soldier's aura came to his face.Ji Ruo looked at his profile, not in the mood to admire his handsomeness.

"Miss Ji, I saw you in a magazine a few days ago."

Ji Ruo blew a string of bubbles, and the wind picked up those bubbles and slowly drifted away.Ji Ruo followed Pao Pao away, and said casually, "Oh, is that so?" It was obvious that she didn't want to talk to You Ze at the moment.

However, You Ze was completely unconscious.He grabbed the air with his left hand suddenly, and a beautiful bubble was smashed by him. When he did this, it was like hitting a human head.Coupled with his serious face, he looks very bluffing.

But Ji Ruo is not afraid, after all, she has personally seen the scene where Gu Nuoxian shot someone's head to pieces.

I've seen more horror scenes, and I've gotten used to it.

"Miss Ji, Gu Nuoxian..."

Hearing these three words, Ji Ruo paused while holding the bubble gum hand. Ji Ruo sneered, raised his eyebrows and asked him, "What do you want to say?" Ji Ruo had already guessed the identity of this person, he was a soldier, And the rank is not low.

Ji Ruoyin guessed what Gu Nuoxian was doing. The army and bandits have been incompatible since ancient times.

Ji Ruo's reaction did not escape You Ze's eyes, You Ze squinted his eyes, and there was a trace of disapproval in his eyes. "That man was cruel and ruthless, and there were nine hundred people who died in his hands. It is unimaginable how much harm such a person would do to society."

"Miss Ji, a person like him, with his head tied to his trouser belt, may lose his head at any time." When You Ze said this, he took a deep look at Ji Ruo, his eyes were very serious. "Miss Ji, for your own good, I advise you to stay away from him. There are too many people who want to kill him in this world. It is unwise to follow him."

Hearing that, Ji Ruo's face didn't change much.

Seeing her silence, You Ze thought it was his own words that made a difference, but after half a minute of silence, Ji Ruo suddenly let out a light snort, and then said in a very contemptuous tone: "Your M country uses all kinds of The reason for attacking the Middle East countries is that 90 people died if not a million. Dare I ask Mr. You, are you making a contribution to society by killing so many people?"

You Ze was stunned, speechless.

He didn't expect this girl to be so eloquent.

It is said that Gu Nuoxian has a poisonous mouth, but this woman's mouth may not be very kind.

Birds of a feather really flock together?

Ji Ruo got up and clapped his hands, glanced at You Ze, and said, "Mr. You, you can't do anything to him, trust me."

"Why? Why are you so sure?"

Ji Ruo smiled coldly, and said something that surprised her: "Because he is Gu Nuoxian. Just because he is Gu Nuoxian!" After finishing speaking, the girl left Weiyang Lake with a haughty and disdainful smile.

You Ze's heart was shocked. For the first time, he felt that this girl was different from the women he knew.

(End of this chapter)

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