S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 946 I Am My Mother's Son Marshal Shao

Chapter 946 I Am My Mother’s Son Marshal Shao (3)
Only then did Allen come to his senses. Even though the humidity and temperature were just right, he felt a little thirsty.

As soon as his hand touched the tie and was about to loosen it, Dinah sensitively sensed his thoughts, so she immediately bent down and picked up the cup on the table. "Wait a minute, Boss, I'll make you a cup of coffee."

"Add sugar." Allen said suddenly.

Dinah's expression flashed with surprise, but she hid it well.

She walked out of the office and made a cup of Mandheling coffee for Alan herself. When she brought the coffee into the room, she saw Alan in a daze again.A look of surprise finally appeared on Dinah's expressionless face.

She respectfully put the coffee on the table and reminded Allen: "Boss, the coffee is ready."

Allen regained his sanity, he picked up the coffee and opened his mouth to drink it.

"Be careful—" Before Dinah could finish her words, Alan's tongue was already blistered. "Ah!" Allen shook his hand and knocked over the coffee, some of the coffee stains splashed onto the corner of Dinah's OL tight skirt.Dinah hurriedly opened a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Alan. Then she straightened the coffee cup and wiped off the coffee stains on the table with a paper towel.

Allen took a sip of water, and his mouth felt less uncomfortable.He felt sorry for the coffee staining Dinah's dress. "Sorry, Dinah."

Dana quickly waved her hands, "That';';s—OK!"

His tongue still hurt a little, and Allen took another sip of water before he raised his head and looked at Dinah with a strange look.Dinah was a little embarrassed by his look, her body showed a slightly stiff posture, and she asked, "What's wrong?"

"Dinna, I want to tell you something."

"Boss, please ask."

Allen crossed his fingers on his chin. He told Dinah about the reunion with Shao Wanqing at the photography exhibition last night. At the end, he asked, "Did what I said hurt her?"

Alan used to be a playboy too, he has seen countless girls, and he has mastered the skills of picking up girls with his own hands.But against Shao Wanqing, none of the previous routines worked.

It took Dinah a little five seconds to accept the news of thunder and bangs.Their Boss with high IQ and EQ has encountered a hard nail!This is simply... so happy!

Suppressing the little excitement in her heart, Dinah's face remained calm, and she couldn't see the twisted appearance of her inner smile at all.

"I think, Boss, you shouldn't say that disrespectful thing to a lady, let alone a lady you like."


Allen was taken aback.

He smacked his lips, tasted the meaning of the word "like" carefully, and then smiled frankly. "Then tell me, what should I do to get her forgiveness?"

"Sending flowers and presents are all bad tricks. If that lady is really as strong as you said, and doesn't take you seriously, then I suggest you, it's best to let go of your figure and self-esteem, sincerely Sincerely apologize."

"Apologize?" Allen felt that an apology might be useless.

"Tell me, what is the reason that caused her to cut off all contact with me without leaving a message."

Dinah looked embarrassed. "Sorry Boss, I can't guess this. If you really want to know, then you can ask her frankly! Because you have suspicions but dare not ask to understand, there are so many misunderstandings. If you If you care about her and want to pursue her, then you should really ask about it."

Allen took another sip of water irritably, and then said, "Go out, I won't work overtime tonight, you can get off work after you finish your get off work."

(End of this chapter)

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