Chapter 955 Come to Propose Marriage and the Child’s Father (2)
Albert nodded, and then he believed that Alan and Shao Wanqing really knew each other.

"I don't know what Mr. Norman wanted to talk to me about?"

Allen smiled slightly and pointed directly to the point. "Wanqing has been studying with you all these years, thanks to your care."

"In what capacity does Mr. Norman stand here and say these things to me?"

Allen narrowed his eyes and said, "My love."

Albert was startled, and sprayed a mouthful of coffee directly on the ground. "Ahem, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Albert wiped his mouth, but still did not accept the news. "Mr. Norman is joking. As far as I know, Anastasia is still single."

Allen shrugged, "We just confirmed our relationship as lovers last night. To be precise, I will become her husband soon."

Albert: "..."

"Mr. Norman is really... immodest!" Shameless!
"It's Mr. Albert. Because of some misunderstandings, I separated from Wanqing for four years. In the past four years, we have not been in touch. When we met again, I found out that Wanqing had an extra child. I think, since Wanqing has been by your side all the time, you must know about Marshal Shao very well. I want to ask, how old is Xiaoshuai this year?"

For Albert, Marshal Shao's age is not a private matter.He didn't have many worries, and told him directly: "Three years old."

Allen was taken aback.

"What month was Xiaoshuai born?"


Allen's body became stiffer. "Is... was born at full term?"

"Yes, I was born around nine months and 20 days ago. I weighed seven catties when I was born, but it took Anastasia a long time to come out." Speaking of this, Albert still felt lingering fear.

Usually children come out head first, but Marshal Shao, this bastard, comes out feet first. Thanks to Shao Wanqing's life, there is no sign of dystocia.

"Full moon?" Allen repeated these three words blankly, feeling very complicated.At that time, she had just broken up with Mu Jingan, so Marshal Shao was Mu Jingan's child?Thinking that Marshal Shao might be Mu Jing'an's child, Allen's mood suddenly changed.

"What's wrong, is there something wrong?"

"No, it's time for me to board the plane, Mr. Albert, let's talk next time when I have time!"

After bidding farewell to Albert, Alan boarded the plane in a hurry.

Back in City C again, Shao Wanqing stepped on the grass in City C, still feeling a little dazed.

I haven't returned home for four years, and everything in my hometown is still familiar to my bones. "Mom, are we going to live in grandma's house when we go back this time?" Marshal Shao followed Shao Wanqing, fearing that he would lose him.

Shao Wanqing nodded, "No, we will temporarily live in my old apartment."

"That's good."

The mother and son took a taxi back to the apartment, and Allen followed closely behind.

As soon as Allen stepped out of the airport, a Bugatti stopped firmly in front of him.The hood was lowered, revealing a delicate and picturesque handsome man's face, his long black hair was tied with only an emerald emperor green hairpin as before.

Gu Yanxi tilted his head, leaned on his chin with his hands, and looked at Ai Lun with a smile, with a lazy demeanor, like a monster.

"Little Allen, get in the car, brother will take you there!"

Allen was a little helpless, he was no longer the cynical child he used to be.Sitting in the car, Allen looked at the more handsome and delicate man, and clicked his tongue.

"What expression do you have?" Gu Yanxi was driving the car, looking at Alan from the corner of his eye, seeing Alan's playful expression, Gu Yanxi felt a little inexplicable.Alan reached out and pulled Gu Yanxi's hair that fell behind his shoulders. He sniffed Gu Yanxi's hair and said, "Well, it smells like Min Xiuzhuang."

(End of this chapter)

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