Chapter 958 Come to Propose Marriage and the Child’s Father (5)
Shao Wanqing kept silent, pretending not to hear.

Her reaction reassured Shao Wanling, but made others feel embarrassed.

"That's all done, dinner will be ready soon." Zhong Lerong hurriedly opened his mouth to enliven the atmosphere, Mu Jingan felt grateful, and the two led their two-year-old daughter to the sofa and sat down.Shao Wanling glanced at Marshal Shao who had been lowering her head to fiddle with the mountaineering watch. She then looked at her husband beside her to confirm that the two of them had no similarities at all, and then she was really relieved.

Noticing Shao Wanling's sneaky scrutiny, Shao Wanqing snorted, and said blankly: "Don't worry, Xiaoshuai is not his child, you can rest assured."

Shao Wanling's face suddenly became very embarrassed, and Mu Jingan was also a little uncomfortable. Even Shao Jun, who had been reading scriptures, looked up at Shao Wanqing.Originally thought that Shao Wanqing would become gentler after becoming a mother, but now it seems that she is still as straightforward as before, and she can't tolerate a little bit of sand in her eyes.

Marshal Shao, who had been eavesdropping on their conversation with his ears upright, immediately understood everything when he heard this.It turned out that my mother really had entanglements with this man named Mu Jingan. Judging by what my mother meant, Mu Jingan was obviously not his father.

Then who is his father?
Allen parked the car in the community. He waited for the elevator to go up to the fifteenth floor. He rang the doorbell several times in a row but no one came to answer the door.

"Did it go out?"

She wasn't at home on the first day, did she go back to Shao's house?
"The food is ready, sir, it's time to serve."

Wang Ma walked to the hall, said something softly, and then left.

Shao Jun closed the scriptures and stood up. "Let's all go eat!"

"it is good."

A group of people moved into the restaurant and just sat down when the doorbell rang again.

"Who will come to my house at this point?" Zhong Lerong glanced at the door, through the courtyard wall and the gate, he couldn't see who was ringing the doorbell.Zhong Lerong stood up in surprise, opened the door and walked out.


Zhong Lerong opened the door, and saw three or four luxury cars outside the door. In front of the leading luxury car, there was a foreign boy in a black cross-section suit standing.The suit was tailored very close to the body, the neckline was made of blue cashmere, and a cross brooch was formally pinned to the chest.

Seeing the young man, Zhong Lerong was completely confused.

"you are?"

Allen quickly raised his lips and burst into a big smile.He stepped forward, took Zhong Lerong's right hand, kissed the back of her hand, and then asked gracefully: "Are you Aunt Zhong? It's the first time we meet, hello, I'm Ai Lun, Wanqing's boyfriend .”

Allen has received the most complete English etiquette education. Although he is slick on weekdays, he will not lose his chain at critical moments.

After being kissed by a handsome young man on the back of his hand, Zhong Lerong blushed on the spot. "Wanqing's boyfriend?" She recovered and frowned slightly. "When did Wanqing have a foreign boyfriend? Why haven't I heard from her?"

"Didn't Wanqing tell you? Probably because she just got off the plane today and was a little tired, so she didn't have time to tell you."

"Grandma, who is it?" Marshal Shao ran out of the villa, and when he saw Alan, his lovely eyes widened in shock. "Alan, why are you here!" He was so surprised that he forgot to call him uncle.

Allen waved to Marshal Shao and said, "Little handsome, come here."

Marshal Shao walked over as he said.

"Xiaoshuai, this kid said he is Wanqing's boyfriend, right?"

Marshal Shao didn't think too much, and nodded positively. "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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