Chapter 961 Come to Propose Marriage and the Child’s Father (8)
But Shao Wanqing couldn't stand it anymore, "That's enough, I'm hungry."

Hearing this, the blackness on Allen's face dissipated immediately. "Wanqing, are you hungry? You said it earlier, we'll eat when we're hungry!" Allen turned his face faster than a book. He pulled Shao Wanqing and went straight to the dining table without seeing anyone else.

Shao Jun glared at his ignorant little daughter, then turned around and went to the restaurant.


At the dinner table, except for Shao Wanling who kept making surprises, everyone else tried to be as pleasant as possible.

He learned table manners from an early age and taught Allen to speak less at the dinner table.Apart from serving food to Shao Wanqing and Marshal Shao, and asking Shao Wanqing to eat more, Allen never looked at anyone else.

Zhong Lerong sees Alan and Shao Wanqing's every move. Although this future son-in-law is a bit hopeless, he is really good to his daughter.

Shao Wanqing's face was disfigured, but she could still find such a good son-in-law. As a mother, Zhong Lerong was naturally happy to see it happen.

"I'm full. Uncles and aunts, please eat slowly." Allen wiped his mouth and stood up.

Shao Jun and Zhong Lerong also put down their chopsticks and nodded to him.

Allen left the table and walked to the restaurant.Shao Wanqing also put down her chopsticks and stood up.The two walked to the living room one after the other. Shao Wanqing was just about to sit on the sofa when Alan suddenly turned around, grabbed her wrists, and put her down on the sofa.

He bullied himself and stepped forward, while Shao Wanqing was below.

"What are you doing?" Shao Wanqing struggled, but failed.

Allen stared at Shao Wanqing's face with displeasure.Shao Wanqing didn't understand why a person who was just fine suddenly changed his mood.

"Shao Wanqing." Allen's voice was really full of anger.

Shao Wanqing blinked, and responded, "Why?" Ai Lun gritted his teeth and stared at Shao Wanqing, hating iron for being weak. "I said, why are you so self-deprecating?"

Shao Wanqing's face was covered with a capital question mark.

"Why did I let myself down?"

"Tell me about you, a good young man, it's all right to die and live for a man. If you break up, you will break up. Why can't you think about it and give birth to that useless child!" Alan hid a fire in his heart, He squeezed Shao Wanqing's wrist tightly, and said unwillingly: "Look at that trash, I hit her wife, not only did he not dare to turn back, but he slapped his wife in public."

"Such a wimp, what do you like about him?"

After being scolded bitterly by Allen, Shao Wanqing finally understood the misunderstanding.Feelings, he thought Marshal Shao was her and Mu Jingan's child...

For this, Shao Wanqing felt dumbfounded.

"Alan, remember what you said today, don't regret it."

Allen froze for a moment, then asked in a daze, "What?"

Shao Wanqing felt something, she raised her arms, put them around Alan's neck, raised her neck slightly, she was very close to him.Allen's breathing became disordered. He had been abstinent for four years, and being hugged by his loved one, his body was about to protest!
"Remember it for me, handsome, it is indeed me who gave birth to the trash."

As soon as Alan's eyes hurt, the evil fire that burst out of his body was instantly extinguished.

"However, it wasn't with that trash Mu Jingan."


Alan's eyes showed confusion, and he was confused by Shao Wanqing's words.

"The real trash has someone else. Alan, sometimes, when people say harsh words, they will stick their tongues." If Alan still can't understand this point, then Shao Wanqing will really want to I despise Allen's IQ.

(End of this chapter)

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