S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 963 Allen, I'm Going to Find My Love

Chapter 963 Allen, I’m Going to Find My Love (1)


The deafening knock on the door woke Marshal Shao who was still sleeping.

Reluctant to get out of bed, Marshal Shao tightened his padded pajamas, then pulled on his fluffy slippers and walked to the entrance. "Who is it?" Marshal Shao cautiously stood behind the door, unwilling to open the door without authorization.

Allen, who was short of breath, heard Marshal Shao's voice, and his heart missed a beat.

The child inside turned out to be his son...

"It's me, Uncle Allen."

Marshal Shao felt relieved. He opened the door and looked up at the man in a beige checked suit with a slightly disordered breath. "Alan, why did you come here so early?" Marshal Shao pressed his head against the door, still squinting his eyes, not waking up yet.

Allen looked down at this little thing, as if he had been poured a pot of strong wine, burning his heart.

After calming down, Allen squatted down, and took out his hands behind his back. It was a bag of Western-style breakfast. "Look at you, haven't you woken up yet?" Allen took off his shoes and walked into the room with breakfast.

Marshal Shao closed the door and followed Alan into the house.

"Come over for breakfast."

Allen put the things on the table and said to the little guy who was lying on the sofa to catch up on sleep.Marshal Shao's eyes narrowed a slit, and he glanced at the breakfast in Allen's hand, his sleepiness was overcome by hunger. "Give me 5 minutes, I'll brush my teeth."

"it is good."

After watching Marshal Shao go to the bathroom, Allen looked away.

Strange that Shao Wanqing hadn't woken up yet, Allen poured milk into the cup, and then walked towards Shao Wanqing's bedroom.He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. "Are you still sleeping?" Allen hesitated for a moment, then decided to open the door and go in.

The door was pushed open, and when he saw the neatly stacked sheets on the bed, he was a little dazed.

"Did it go out?" Allen tilted his head, a little confused.He retreated to the room, sat at the dining table and waited for Marshal Shao to have breakfast, then took out his mobile phone and called Shao Wanqing.A cold lady's recording came over the phone——

Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily turned off, please try again later. Sorry, the-number-you-dialed-is-power-off. please—try—later.


Allen stared at the phone and fell into a daze mode.

"Okay, let's eat." Marshal Shao obediently sat down on the chair after washing up.He picked up a potato tower and just took a bite when he heard Allen say, "Xiao Shuai, there is something very serious that I have to tell you."

Marshal Shao licked the crumbs of food on his lips, an expression I understood. "Alan wants to tell me that you are my father, right?"

Allen was a little surprised, "How do you know I'm your father?"

"Mom hates Mu Jingan, she won't give birth to Mu Jingan's child." Marshal Shao took another bite of the potato tart, and said with disdain again: "Besides, I'm more handsome than that bitch Mu Jingan!"

A mouthful of coffee was sprayed from Allen's mouth, and it was sprayed directly on Marshal Shao's face.

Marshal Shao calmly took out a tissue and gracefully wiped the milk on his face. "Really, I just washed my face..." Marshal Shao slightly frowned his delicate face, feeling displeased that he had to wash his face after eating.

Allen beat his chest and stamped his feet for a few seconds before he really digested Marshal Shao's shocking words just now.

"Xiaoshuai, tell me the truth, am I better or worse than the father you imagined?" Allen asked Marshal Shao with anxiety. To be honest, it was the first time he knew that he had a child. At that time, Allen really didn't have the absurd feeling of being struck by lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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