S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 966 There is beauty and one person is gentle and clear

Chapter 966 There is beauty and a person who is gentle and clear (2)


The lion was injured, and a pair of yellow pupils were full of anger.

He opened his bloody mouth wide and bit Albert's head.Albert closed his eyes, waiting for the luck of death.

The gunshot rang out, and one of the lion's eyes was directly shattered, and the flesh and blood were shattered.

The second shot rang out, and the bullet penetrated into the lion's abdomen. The lion shook and fell to the ground soon.Shao Wanqing fell to the ground, and Albert was free, but he was afraid of falling to the ground after a while.

The two raised their heads and looked in the direction of the gunshots.

Allen was carrying a khaki backpack, a black hat on his head, and a shotgun in his hand.He was wearing a mud-colored shirt, and he had trekked in this desolate grassland for nearly a week, and it was now covered with yellow sand.

Seeing Allen, the surprise in Shao Wanqing's heart faded and was replaced by surprise.

"How did you come?"

Shao Wanqing pushed away the lion's body, and then sat down on the lion's belly.Albert also got up, touched his broken face, and spat on the ground.Alan ran down the hill, and his footsteps stopped beside Shao Wanqing.

"Tsk, if I don't come, you will be finished today!"

Allen squatted down, he opened his backpack, took out two prepared injections from it, and injected them into the wounds of Shao Wanqing and Albert, and then bandaged Shao Wanqing's wounds. "Hmph!" The bandage was a little tight, and Shao Wanqing's expression changed slightly due to the pain.

"Blindness, what's the fun with a girl like you in such a dangerous place!" Although Ai Lun was accusing Shao Wanqing, the force in his hand was much gentler.

Shao Wan watched him quietly, without speaking.

"Thanks!" Albert casually wiped off the blood on his face and said to Allen.

Allen glanced at Albert, his eyes neither salty nor light.

He still remembers revenge!

It was this bastard who polluted his son into a big dirty king.Stared at by Allen with unpleasant eyes, Albert was a little confused. "Did I offend you?"

Allen snorted coldly and ignored him directly.

Shao Wanqing watched from the side without saying a word.

"Let's go, it's really hot at noon."

Shao Wanqing nodded. As soon as she stood up, Alan hugged her in her arms. "What are you doing?" Shao Wanqing lowered her head, no one saw her blushing cheeks.Allen didn't explain anything, just said: "Injured people are not qualified to speak."

Alan carried a shotgun on his left shoulder, hugged Shao Wanqing with both arms, and walked very steadily.

Albert grumbled, he picked up the camera in the thorny forest, and followed them.

An hour later, they joined the main force.

The guide Alan found was also with Shao Wanqing and his team. Seeing that Shao Wanqing and Albert were injured, they quickly poured half a basin of precious mineral water, washed their wounds, and then bandaged them again.

After the wound was bandaged, a group of people sat in a circle on the ground.

Albert checked the camera and confirmed that there was no damage and nothing was lost, so he was relieved.Shao Wanqing took a bite of the avocado that Alan handed over, and then asked, "How did you find us?"

Alan was sitting next to Shao Wanqing. He looked at Shao Wanqing who was eating, and felt a little tired from the long journey for several days, so he felt happier. "I have been looking for you on this grassland for a week."

Shao Wanqing was silent.

"It's dangerous here, you shouldn't be here."

Ai Lun snorted coldly, "The more dangerous it is, the more we can't let you stay here alone." Shao Wanqing turned her head to look at Ai Lun, her eyebrows raised slightly.Allen clicked his tongue and said, "I don't trust you, so I came here.

(End of this chapter)

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