S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 969 Yanyan's most beautiful surname

Chapter 969 Yanyan's Most Beautiful Surname (1)


The nurses in the obstetrics and gynecology department pushed the operating bed carrying Ji Ruo to the mortuary room. The wheels of the operating bed rolled over the smooth floor, making loud noises.

In the corridor, Gu Nuoxian was crying heartbroken. The sheet of the operating bed was soaked in blood, drips of blood dripped down the operating bed, leaving a row of shocking red on the ground...

The endless red, in Sidney's eyes, enlarges and shrinks, enlarges and shrinks again.In the end, the pupils of the eyes turned red!


Sidney woke up suddenly.

He widened his eyes, only to realize that it was already late at night.Feeling the moisture on his forehead, he raised his hand in surprise and touched his face, only to realize that he was frightened by the nightmare and broke out in a cold sweat. "Strange, how could I dream of her?"

Sidney covered his face, his lips still trembling.

Well done, how could he dream of the scene of Ji Ruo's death?Sidney always felt like he was forgetting something, one, very important thing.But, he couldn't remember.

Gu Nuoyan, who was asleep beside her, noticed Sidney's uneasiness. She closed her eyes and turned over, patted Sidney's back lightly, and soon fell asleep again.Sidney leaned against the head of the bed, staring at Gu Nuoyan's beautiful side face after she fell asleep, with a pair of glazed golden eyes, keeping secrets.


Kissing Gu Nuoyan's smooth cheek, Sidney's chaotic mood gradually calmed down.

"Nice dream."

On the second day, when Sidney saw Gu Nuoyan sitting on the sofa wiping the gun, she suddenly groaned and said, "I have a stomachache!" She immediately jumped off the sofa and ran to the toilet with her slippers on.

Sidney stared at her flustered back, something flashed through his mind.

He wanted to grab those things, but couldn't touch them.

After 5 minutes, Gu Nuoyan finally walked out of the toilet happily.

She rubbed her stomach with her wet hands and said, "Damn it, the hot pot was too spicy last night, and my body couldn't handle it."

"You don't believe me when I tell you to eat mildly spicy food, but you want to eat abnormally spicy food. You know the pain now!" Sidney gently wiped the water stains on Gu Nuoyan's palm with a towel, Gu Nuoyan gave him a white look, Did not say anything.

His eyes moved down and stopped on Gu Nuoyan's stomach, Sidney's expression suddenly changed, he finally remembered the thing he had neglected! "Wipe your hands dry!" He handed the towel to Gu Nuoyan, and ran upstairs slowly.

Gu Nuoyan tilted her head to watch him disappear into the corridor, then lowered her head to wipe off the water stains on her hands.


Sidney opened the bedside table and threw all the unused condoms into the trash can.Last year, he bought all the condoms on the shelf at one time. He poked holes in all the condoms last time, and now there are only one box and three unused ones left!

Thinking that Gu Nuoyan might be pregnant, Sidney's handsome face turned pale.

With Ji Ruo's example first, he would not dare to take the risk of impregnating Gu Nuoyan!He will never allow Gu Nuoyan to have any surprises!
After so long, he almost forgot about it.Sidney went downstairs with a garbage bag, and Gu Nuoyan leaned against the stairs. She crossed her arms and looked at Sidney, wondering, "What are you doing running up all of a sudden?"

Sidney slightly raised the garbage bag in his hand, and said bluntly, "I forgot to change the garbage bag this morning."

"That's all?" Is it worth Sidney's panic?

Sidney's eyes flickered slightly.

Gu Nuoyan felt vigilant, she walked to Sidney, suddenly reached out and grabbed the garbage bag in his hand, opened it, and saw a whole box of unused condoms and three scattered ones. "What did you throw away?"

(End of this chapter)

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