touch gold order

Chapter 9 Dragon Claw Evil Mountain 2

Chapter 9 Dragon Claw Evil Mountain 2
"It's not that I'm scaring you. You people live in the city all day, how can you understand what happened in the deep mountains and old forests here? The Dragon Claw Mountain was an ordinary mountain in the early years. There is nothing strange about it except that it is a little bigger. , but there is a big mountain surrounded by four hills, like a flat paw, people call it Dragon Claw Mountain, but this is also the name given by the ancient people, we mountain people take it for granted Then call."

"More than 20 years ago, a unit of the People's Liberation Army went to that place and began to dig a hole. Our common people didn't know what it was for. Later, the village chief told us that it was a national air defense missile base. We mountain people didn't know what it was. It’s an anti-aircraft missile. I just know that since I came to the People’s Liberation Army, we mountain people are not allowed to approach there, but it’s okay, there are no residents in the mountain, so if you don’t let them go, don’t go. If you want to pass there, just take a detour. gone."

"Later, I heard that something happened there. I don't know the specifics. I know that when the People's Liberation Army was digging a hole there, water leaked in the mountain and flooded the hole, and people were drowned. Later, they didn't dig there. Maybe Seeing that there was too much water to make a hole there, the PLA withdrew from Longzhao Mountain. The old people said that the dragon’s tendon was poked by digging the dragon’s claw, and the Danjiang dragon here spit out water and drowned people when it got angry. "

"Since then, Longzhao Mountain has started to commit evil spirits. In the past ten years, many people have seen that mountain is brightly lit at night, and they can still hear the rumble of machines. It seems that the People's Liberation Army is still digging holes there. Well, but if you look at it during the day, there is nothing there, and the mountain is still the same, and the hole made by the People's Liberation Army has been filled by our people, so how could someone dig a hole there at night."

"There are even more grisly things. A few years ago, a few bold young people here said that they didn't believe in that evil, so they made an appointment together and entered Longzhao Mountain with a camera during the day, saying that they would wait until night I took photos of the haunted situation, but the next day people found these people on the road outside the mountain, their clothes were torn, and they were all half-crazy. After returning, they kept saying hell, what did they say White-haired ghosts, monsters, etc., gnawed off their clothes and lost their cameras, so I don’t know what happened. Since then, no one dared to approach there. Nian also specially invited someone to do a ritual ceremony, hoping to dispel the anger of the dragon god, but I don't know if it will be useful."

The old man babbled so much that we stopped talking. Boss Wang and the big man looked at each other with frowning eyebrows.Angie didn't show any expression, but my heart was trembling for a while. People's fear of unknown things can hurt people's will and spirit the most, and I don't want to mix with them. At this time, Angie asked the old man: "Old man Uncle, didn’t the government come forward to investigate what happened to you?”

"Girl, you don't know. This kind of thing is scary to say, but who will believe it if it spreads out? Except for us mountain people, people from outside generally don't come here. Besides, tourism has been developed here in the past two years. This matter Not to mention, as long as you don’t go to the mountain specifically, it’s usually fine. So no one has bothered to ask about it in the past two years. The road has been built on the side of the mountain, and none of us will pass there. Girl, I still advise you Just bring your colleague back and forget about it, just don’t go into that place.”

After hearing these words, Anji smiled, turned around and got into the car, and said to the old man: "Please, sir, we will be careful." Then he pulled my head back from the car window, and said to the big man Said: "Let's go, Uncle Xiong." The big man agreed, and said hello: "Brother Wang." He got in the car and started the car again, and said to me, "Boy, sit down."

Lao Huang saw the big car disappearing on the other side of the mountain, so he sighed, and still didn't stop these people, why did such a beautiful girl go to such an evil place.But the young man just now didn't know why he was so excited, he pulled my sleeve and didn't let go.Lao Huang stroked his sleeves, and something fell from it.

I sat on the chair in the back seat of the car again, looked at the people in the car, and thought about what the old man said just now. I don’t really believe those nonsense. Everything is done by ghosts and gods.Most of those who have served in the army are atheists, and I am no exception, but I understand things from a wider perspective. I believe that some things exist objectively, but they cannot be explained by modern methods. As for God Ah, ghost, I haven't seen it, so it's even more impossible to believe it.

I looked at Anji, and it happened that she was also looking at me at this moment. Their eyes met, and she said: "Mr. Liu, is this going to be better?" I turned my head away and ignored her. Seeing that I ignored her, Angie took out a palmtop computer from the backpack and started typing there.

To be honest, although they kidnapped me now, I don't have any hatred for Angie. I am usually a carefree person. I dared to hit him with a wine bottle, but facing this and my age Similar girls just can't be fierce, and I can't tell.Is it the seemingly pure temperament on her body?Or is it her pitiful look that I see You Lian, which makes me not heart-warming to include her in the ranks of kidnappers?I was a little confused, and looked at the other people, all of them were sullen at the moment, staring at the scenery outside the car, thinking about their own thoughts, and didn't speak.I knocked my head, and turned my head to look at the receding scenery outside the car window.

At this time, it was approaching dusk, and this super-large Hummer jeep was driving on the narrow mountain road, almost stuck on the road teeth. On the other side of the river, there are towering mountains and cliffs. The sun shines a few golden rays from the glass on one side of the car, which makes the eyes itchy and comfortable. I sigh in my heart, damn, if I am not under anesthesia In this situation of kidnapping, it is very pleasant to play in this kind of place.I don't know that the old hair didn't find the SIM card I stuffed in his sleeve just now, but if he found it, he doesn't know what it is.

At this time, Boss Wang who was sitting in front made a phone call: "San'er, where are you? Are you waiting by the side of the road? There was no signal on the phone just now. We are almost there. Where are you now? Oh, okay. !!" Putting down the phone, he said to us: "San'er is waiting in front, let's get ready and get ready to go into the mountain later."

Into the mountains!When I heard this, I thought to myself, it seems that there is no hope of getting out. If my body is not so limp, I can actually run, but now I can’t lift my energy. If I want to walk, I will definitely not run very far. I was brought back by that big man, but I have experienced it before.I didn't expect them to give me such a thing as an anesthesia injection.If I knew it earlier, it would have been more lively in the bar.

Just as he was thinking about it, he felt that the car slowed down. Boss Wang in front said: "I saw him, pull over."

The Humvee slowed down and stopped, and I heard a familiar voice, "Boss Wang, you are here, we have been waiting for you for three days, you have made me look like a savage these three days, hehe."

"You've worked hard, San'er, oh, you're here too," Boss Wang turned his face and shouted to the car, "Anji, come down and meet your Uncle Sun and San'er. By the way, get our Mr. Liu too Come down."

"Hey." Angie agreed, and said to me: "Can you go now, come on, let's go down."

I was pulled out of the car, and I saw Triangle Eyes and a fat man standing on the side of the road talking to that Boss Wang, and when I got down, Triangle Eyes squeezed his small eyes and smiled and said to me: "Hey , Brother, let’s meet again, you are in good health, how about the bottle my buddy gave you.”

When I saw this guy's wretched and wretched face with a hippie smile, I didn't get angry. When I met him, I smiled angrily and said: "Take off your blessings, you can still eat, and you didn't spit it out. Why are you kid?" Will he be here?" My body was limp and I couldn't move, otherwise I would have gone up to give him a blow.

This guy saw that my expression was not quite right, so he turned his face and looked at Anji, his small eyes were shining, and he called tremblingly: "Miss Anji, hello." I almost didn't sit down when I heard that, this guy Have you changed your gender? Why is it so nasty?Seeing this kid's perverted appearance, Anji just replied indifferently: "Hello." He walked over to Boss Wang.

Anji saw the fat man standing next to Boss Wang, and stepped forward and called, "Uncle Sun." When I heard her call, I turned my face away, and I was surprised when I saw the fat man. It was the director of the police station where I was arrested. He was wearing plain clothes, and I almost didn't recognize him.I'm confused, is this guy one of them? No wonder Triangle Eye goes in and out of the police station just like he walks in his own yard.

The fat director also saw me, first nodded to Anji and the big man, then pointed to me, and asked the boss Wang: "Head, did you bring this kid too, can he be useful?" ?”

"Whether it's useful or not, let's wait until we get to the mountain. I've considered all the ways I can think of. It's best to be well prepared. Besides, Mr. Liu Jinwei's ancestors are also related to the things here. I'll talk about it in detail later." , it’s important to go into the mountain.” Boss Wang shouted: “San’er, stop talking nonsense there, get the car in quickly, and we’ll go into the mountain right now.”

The triangular eye agreed, ran over, and told the big man and the fat director to drive the car to a side road. I saw that the road was originally covered by a half-person high dirt slope and many big tree branches. Yes, it is impossible to see from the side of the road that cars can be entered inside, but the Hummer Jeep has a lot of horsepower and high tires. It is like playing with the dirt slope. After the big man and the fat director drove the car into the woods, they were inside After fiddling for a long time before they came out, the two of them carried a big green military package, which seemed to be some kind of equipment, and then the triangular eye greeted and led the way, and everyone followed him into the area Hundreds of miles of virgin forest.

(End of this chapter)

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