Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 23 Phoenix's Secret

Chapter 23 Phoenix's Secret

Song Ling's face suddenly became hot for some reason, and she was about to scold him for being immodest.But Luqi screamed: "Brother Jin, I'm afraid!"

Phoenix's expression changed, and his figure hurried to Luqi's side.There was only an empty halo of seven colors left on the seven-colored phoenix feathers.Song Ling stuffed it back into his bosom, and his heart seemed to become empty, even feeling a little lost.

After a while, she leaned against the wall and dozed again. No matter what the people in the Demon Realm were, she couldn't sleep like before. She had to be vigilant at all times.

In this way, he remained half asleep and half awake, and Song Ling suddenly felt a figure shaking beside him.She quietly opened her eyes a slit, and found that it was a beautiful banshee in colorful clothes.This banshee is not as charming as the other banshees of the demon clan, but very demure.At this moment, she was squatting in front of the little fox, her long soft eyes were as tender as water, she sighed softly after looking at it for a while, stretched out a pair of flawless white hands, and wanted to touch the little fox's face, but she still put it down. up.

Song Ling felt suspicious, but because he didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend, he didn't dare to act rashly.The banshee had already stood up, but this time she was looking in the direction of Song Ling.

"The girl must be awake, right? I happen to have something to say to the girl."

It turned out to be a clever banshee.Song Ling could only open his eyes and said, "Who are you? Isn't there a barrier here? How did you get in?"

The banshee smiled softly, and this smile finally had a bit of seduction, "I am a butterfly demon from the devil world. You are polite, girl."

It turned out to be a butterfly demon.No wonder it looks so beautiful.Song Ling also remembered that the magic sound and the little fox lost in the domino game today, and it seemed that they wanted to give the butterfly monster to the little fox. Could it be that the magic sound wanted her to come in?
After the butterfly demon introduced herself, her face became serious, "I'm telling you the truth. The reason why I came to disturb the girl this time is because the girl can take this young man out of the devil world, and the sooner the better."

Song Ling was startled for a moment, but also became a little vigilant: "I really want to leave, but I can only do so if I can!"

Butterfly Yao said: "Since the concubine can come in, she can go out. As long as the girl follows the concubine, she will be able to escape from the devil world!" She was about to pull Song Ling's hand, but Song Ling broke away, "You Are you not a member of the Demon Race, why do you want to help us?"

The expression on Die Yao's face looked very anxious, and when Song Ling didn't go with her, there were tears in his eyes, "Doesn't the girl not believe in concubines? Concubines will not harm girls! You know why the devil lord?" Do you want to arrest this young master? Because he wants the ladder cloud map of Dongyang Shangxian. As long as you get it, you will get the most powerful art of war in the Three Realms. If the Demon Realm becomes stronger with this, then the Three Realms will be in danger! "

Song Ling rubbed her nose. What Die Yao said didn't seem like a lie, but how could she know this? Could it be that this was an affair with Infernal Affairs? "Is this sister from the God Realm?"

The expression on Die Yao's face was obviously stunned, but then he smiled wryly: "I am just the most common goblin of the demon race, how could she be a person from the God Realm? I just don't want the Three Realms to fall into chaos by then. That's why I will come here and hope that the girl can take that young master out of the Demon Realm, and the Demon Lord will have no bargaining chips, so naturally he will not be able to get Ti Yuntu."

Song Ling yawned lazily, "That big sister is really great. I couldn't sleep just now, but now I finally feel a little sleepy, so my sister won't send it off."

Die Yao saw that she had said so much about Song Ling but didn't respond at all, and finally her expression changed, "Does the girl not want to leave? Well, I can only take this young master away first."

As she said that, she was about to reach out to hug the little fox, but Song Ling was faster than her, and hugged the little fox in her arms earlier: "Sister seems to really care about the little fox, so what is your relationship with him? "

The Butterfly Demon's beautiful eyes flashed, and her hand suddenly shot out a purple light like an orchid finger, which immediately stopped Song Ling.

She picked up the little fox from Song Ling's arms who could not move at all, "Since the girl refuses to take the concubine body, there is nothing I can do, but this little son must take the concubine body away."

After finishing speaking, she hugged the little fox who was still sleeping soundly and left the stone room in a flash.Poor Song Ling was immobilized and could not speak or move, and could only move his eyes around uneasily.Butterfly Demon's Taoism is really powerful. After nearly an hour, Song Ling was still unable to move, but the door was suddenly and rudely knocked open.

The person who came was the swarthy roc.Looking at his charcoal-like face, Song Ling felt her heart tighten. This could be regarded as meeting an enemy.Dapengniao saw Song Ling sitting on the bed alone, but there was no little fox beside him, and his black face sank: "Where is the little fox?"

Song Ling blinked her eyes, wondering if you don't have eyes, didn't you see that we were fixed?

Dapeng looked around the stone room with cold eyes, and said to the demon soldier behind him: "The little fox is gone, go and report to the demon king!"

After finishing speaking, they heard a "bang" and several people closed the stone door and left in a mighty manner.

Song Ling felt like she was going to cry, didn't she just ignore us like this?If no one comes to release the restraint on her body, not only her neck will be stiff, but her whole body will probably die due to blood coagulation for too long.

Just when she felt that the barking was not working, the door opened again, and the one who came in was the roc who had just left.

Different from just now, the roc stared at her with a pair of dark eyes as soon as it came in.Song Ling's little heart began to jump wildly. Didn't Dapeng want to play tricks on her while no one came?
For some reason, she felt that the aura of the roc bird suddenly became much stronger. He stared at Song Ling for a while, and let out a cold snort: "You little stupid carp is really useless, you are always bullied everywhere. ?”

The only movable pupil in Song Ling's whole body dilated instantly, wouldn't it?
"Dapeng Bird" waved Song Ling's palm, and she was finally able to move.Without caring about moving his stiff body, Song Ling leaned in front of "Dapeng Bird" and said in surprise, "You are the God of War? How did you come to the Demon Realm? Didn't you say you wouldn't come?"

Night Breeze didn't answer her, turned around and left, saying coldly in a tone that would not allow anyone to defy: "Why are you talking so much nonsense? Follow me!"

(End of this chapter)

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