Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 3 The Transforming Dragon Meets the Phoenix Bird

Chapter 3 The Transforming Dragon Meets the Phoenix Bird

Could it be that he was really going to be smashed to pieces?Song Ling was really not reconciled, Bilian Fairy and Paralyzed Face might be somewhere in the sky right now, holding hot tea while knocking melon seeds, happily waiting for her how to change from fish to fish foam!

I don't want to be someone else's free viewing object!Song Ling roared, and at the moment when a jet of water hit her, she jumped up suddenly, and this leap had already brought out her greatest potential.Not only did she escape the attack of the water column, but she also suddenly found herself in a water area emitting a faint golden light.

The water potential in this area is obviously much milder.Song Ling also found a pale pink lotus floating in front of him. In the center of the lotus was a golden pill the size of a plum, and the golden light was emitted from this golden pill.

Song Ling's heart could no longer be described as ecstasy.Unexpectedly, she was so lucky and fateful, not only did she not die when she was caught in the whirlpool, but she also found this kind of treasure.Although she wasn't sure if it was a treasure, but judging by its posture, it must be a good thing.

She swam towards the lotus without hesitation, but the lotus seemed to move by itself. Every time she passed, the lotus would automatically move forward.Song Ling once again brought out her potential, she simply jumped up onto the lotus.She held the golden pill in her mouth, although she couldn't taste it, but it was very comfortable to hold it softly, but she didn't know what would happen if she swallowed it in one bite.Also, she found that her jumping ability is really getting better and better. She wonders if she will continue to maintain it after she becomes a human being. If she keeps it, she may become an Asian girl Liu Xiang or something.

When Song Ling was thinking about these things, the lotus that was moving smoothly on the water suddenly fell straight towards the water below tens of feet high.

Song Ling screamed in fright, and she immediately swallowed the golden core in her mouth.Sure enough, food should not be eaten indiscriminately. As soon as she ate the golden pill, she felt extremely hot all over her body, as if something was clamoring to erupt from her body.

Her body was getting hotter and hotter, and finally turned red, looking like a cooked braised fish.Lianhua was getting closer and closer to the water below. Seeing that she was either thrown to death or burned to death, Song Ling let out a long moan in pain.Please pay attention, it is a long moan, not a weak spit of bubbles like before!

This long chant is powerful and loud, like the power of the sky that has been bound for a long time has finally been vented!Song Ling felt that his body was getting bigger and bigger, and every fish scale on his body seemed to be getting stronger.

Finally, with a louder long chant, Song Ling jumped up and flew straight to the sky.

She has turned into a dragon!
Song Ling, who had just turned into a dragon, felt that every cell in his body was excited, screaming and boiling.

Who would have thought that she would actually win the one-in-ten-million chance, which is even more unconfident than winning the 500 million jackpot by buying a lottery ticket.

After tossing in the clouds for a while, Song Ling decided to go back to Longmen.She was a good person when she was a human being, and a good fish when she was a carp, so now she naturally wants to be a kind dragon.Since the carp jumps the dragon gate, and only one carp can transform into a dragon every hundred years, she has the responsibility and obligation to persuade the remaining carp not to die.

But when she flew to Longmen, what she saw was a peaceful scene.Except for the carp carcasses floating on the water, even the turbulent waterfall tens of feet high could not be seen.

Song Ling silently said "Ani Tuo Buddha" and "Amen". Although she has turned into a dragon, these carps have been her compatriots for a while, so seeing them die tragically will not be a joy thing.

She had just turned into a dragon, and besides being able to ride the clouds and ride the fog, she couldn't do any other spells, let alone transform into a human form.Song Ling had no choice but to use his claws to grab the carp carcasses one by one to the shore, then dig a hole and bury them.This was indeed a physical effort, and Song Ling was so tired that he was out of breath after a while.She coiled up on the ground and was about to rest for a while, but saw a huge black thing floating in the water not far away.

Curiosity suddenly arose in Song Ling's heart, and she flew to the top of the black mass regardless of her tiredness.It wasn't a fish, and although it looked charred, it had two distinctly dark wings.She remembered that she seemed to be slapped by the wings of a strange bird into the thrilling waterfall of Longmen, could it be this bird?
Thinking that she was almost smashed to pieces because of this strange bird, Song Ling wanted to turn around and fly.But she suddenly saw the wings of this strange bird moving twice, could it be that it is not dead yet?

Song Ling hesitated. She even wanted to give those dead carps a good place to go, let alone a bird that still had breath?
After a battle between heaven and man in his mind, Song Ling still held the strange bird with his claws.Well, she, Song Ling, is a good person, how could she be as knowledgeable as a bird?
Although this strange bird was dark and ugly, it was very heavy.With Song Ling's current state, she naturally didn't dare to go to a place with people to find a veterinarian for this strange bird.After a lot of effort, Song Ling found a mountain that looked good, and found a cave for the strange bird to cultivate.

But to be honest, she doesn't know how to make a bird recuperate, but based on her experience in reading novels and TV dramas in the past, when an injured person recuperates in a cave, he must light a fire, so will the injured bird also be cured? A fire to roast?
Song Ling is an actionist, she will do what she says.After setting up a pile of dry logs, she tried breathing on them.Sure enough, she was a fire-breathing dragon, and the firewood immediately ignited into a big fire.Song Ling was warming on the fire, and flicked the long dragon tail absent-mindedly.She has done what she should do, and whether she can survive depends on the fate of that strange bird.

Thinking about the first time she transformed into a dragon today, she was too busy doing coolies before she had time to show off to the paralyzed face and Fairy Bilian, and she didn't have time to sniff the long-lost fragrance of the earth and blue sky.She moved to the side of the already angry strange bird and looked at it boredly.It had to be said that she had never seen such an ugly bird, as if it had just been burned by fire, not to mention not a few feathers could be seen, the whole body was black, like a piece of carbon.Song Ling took one look and couldn't bear to take another look. She turned her head and soon fell asleep from exhaustion.

(End of this chapter)

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