Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 30 Who Is The Oriole

Chapter 30 Who Is The Oriole
When Fenghuang looked back, his handsome face was filled with anxiety: "Oh no!"

Song Ling was about to ask him why he said this, but Fenghuang quickly walked up to Dieyi and said, "Dieyi, where did you hide the little fox?"

Die Yi was also somewhat confused by Fenghuang's sudden change of expression, "Didn't I tell you before? It's hidden in a place where no one can find it."

Fenghuang smiled wryly: "Perhaps no one could be found just now, but not necessarily now. Look!"

He raised his palm towards Dieyi, and Song Ling also stared wide-eyed to see what he was talking about, only to see that the belly of Phoenix's five fingers was covered with a layer of faint purple fluorescent light.

But Dieyi's face turned pale immediately: "This is the pollen of Zixuanying!"

Song Ling wanted to ask Zixuan Ying what it was, but the voice of the devil's voice suddenly echoed in the air: "Die Yao, haven't you been refusing to see your son and your father-in-law because of unspeakable secrets? I see you have been in the devil for many years. For the sake of the clan, I will help you!"

This little Zhengtai Demon Lord has already left, why is his voice heard again?Song Ling thought he was invisible and couldn't help but look around.Fenghuang looked at her and frowned and said, "You don't need to look for it, he's not here, he's using a thousand-mile voice transmission."

Song Ling also frowned at him, "From his tone, he seems to have found the little fox, but when Sister Dieyi came in just now, she didn't tell us where to hide the little fox, even if he installed a monitor here, it's impossible Found the little fox? Could it be that some kind of Zixuan cherry blossom powder is causing the trouble?"

But Fenghuang asked back: "What is a monitor?"

Song Ling paused for a moment. This was a serious generation gap between people from two different worlds. She didn't understand what they said, and they didn't understand what she said.

"A monitor is a kind of baby that allows you to clearly know the whole story of an event even if you are not at the scene where it happened."

Fenghuang said helplessly: "Sure enough, it's a treasure again. According to what you said, the pollen of Zixuanying can also be called the monitor you mentioned. As long as it is sprinkled on a person, every move of this person can be monitored by the other person." Know."

Song Ling took a closer look at the colorful clothes on Die Yi's body after listening, and sure enough, under the reflection of the strong white light from the ice cellar, the back of her clothes was stained with a faint purple halo.Not only on her body, because of her walking just now, there was also some thin halo on the floor of the ice cellar.No wonder Fenghuang walked around strangely, it turned out that he saw the purple halo on Die Yi's body before he saw it on the ground.

Fenghuang looked sideways at Dieyi and said: "Perhaps they had expected that you would come to kidnap the little fox, so they sprayed pollen on the little fox in advance, and the pollen will naturally fall on you, so that they can Using the little fox as bait, I got the ladder cloud map of Dongyang Shangxian, and got your water spirit pearl!"

Dieyi's beautiful eyes were already filled with tears. She supported the ice coffin, and stared at the six-tailed white fox in the ice coffin: "It's my concubine who is too careless. I hurt Xiaobao, my husband, and Dongyang." Shangxian, harmed everyone."

Song Ling thought that now was not the time to pursue responsibility, but she didn't expect that the little Zhengtai Mojun who bickered with her the first time they met was so deep in the city. No wonder he left the ice cellar so readily. Recruited.

"Sister Dieyi, what are we waiting for? Hurry up and discuss the countermeasures with Dongyang Shangxian. Dongyang Shangxian likes little foxes so much. Maybe the devil will send all his treasures to him immediately. Gave it to the Demon Lord!"

Die Yi's body shook, with obvious hesitation on her face, she murmured a few times before saying: "Concubine... I can't go to Dongyang Shangxian."

Fenghuang approached her a few steps, and said in an almost questioning tone: "What happened back then? Based on what I know about Dongxu, he would never be so bold as to steal the water spirit bead just because he wanted to help you become a fairy." It is impossible for a person who values ​​family affection as much as the Shangxian of Dongyang to let you stay in the devil world for so many years without paying attention!"

Song Ling also wanted to know, and she also looked at Die Yi with wide eyes without blinking.Unexpectedly, after hesitating, Dieyi plopped and knelt in front of Fenghuang, "Feng Jun, I beg you to save Xiaobao!"

Fenghuang frowned: "You should know that you are the only one who can save the little fox."

Dieyi shook her head in pain: "No, I can't go to see Dongyang Shangxian, even if I die, I can't go to see Dongyang Shangxian!"

After she finished speaking, she buried her head in the ice coffin, crying uncontrollably.

Fenghuang sighed and said: "Okay, I will do my best. I will ensure the safety of the little fox, and I will not let Ti Yuntu fall into the hands of the devil. Since this place has been discovered, you can no longer live in it. You should change it." Come on, take care!"

As he spoke, he walked up to Song Ling and simply picked her up and walked out of the ice cellar.

In such an atmosphere, Song Ling couldn't care less about being shy. When she left the ice cellar, she poked her head out of Fenghuang's arms and looked in. Die Yi's whole thin back was shaking from crying. It was very sad to get up.

Stepping back into the sea of ​​flowers in the demon world, in front of so many female demon boys and flower spirits, Song Ling was no longer embarrassed to ask Fenghuang to hug her, so Fenghuang stepped out of the sea of ​​flowers step by step with her on his back.

The one who came was infinitely curious, but when he went back, he looked sad.Song Ling turned her head to Feng Jun's face, "Feng Jun, you said that sister Dieyi cared so much about the little fox, why didn't she go to see Dongyang Shangxian? Could it be that Dongyang Shangxian was her father-killing enemy, or Is it her master who killed her master and enemy, or killed her parents and master? Yes, this kind of thinking is very possible. After all, immortals and demons are not at odds. Sister Yi's relatives were all killed, that's why Sister Dieyi refused to see him!"

Listening to her self-justification, she thought it was very reasonable. After a long talk, the corner of Fenghuang's lips, which was originally heavy, finally showed a smile: "Xiao Long'er's imagination is not bad, but it's really unreliable. You Do you think that apart from collecting treasures, Dongyang Shangxian also has a hobby of slaying demons and defending Dao?"

Right!Song Ling thought about Dongyang Shangxian's smiling appearance, he really didn't look like a god who would kill innocent people indiscriminately.

(End of this chapter)

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