Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 303 Restoration

Chapter 303 Restoration (2)
Sure enough, she heard Princess Qinghe cursing in a low voice: "Damn it! How many times have I told you not to look into his eyes!"

The great wizard said again: "You haven't answered my question yet."

He only said a few words, but every word seemed to carry a huge chill, even Song Ling felt his whole body tremble uncontrollably while hiding in the cave.She hugged Fenghuang back worriedly, but Fenghuang laughed softly in her ear: "I would rather be colder if I can get Xiao Long'er to take the initiative to throw me into my arms."

Song Ling glared at him, but felt sweet in her heart, that the enchanting and rascal Fenghuang really came back.

Turning his attention slightly, Song Ling suddenly found that there seemed to be no movement outside.She heard Fenghuang sigh: "They have already left. That woman is right, the place is too dark, Xiao Long'er help me out quickly, if you delay a little longer, I'm afraid you will become a widow."

Song Ling gave him a blank look, and he actually called his aunt "that woman", which shows that he also has a deep prejudice against Princess Qinghe, but didn't he respect her before?

Fenghuang said in a tone that had seen her thoughts clearly: "She is not my aunt, my Aunt Qinghe was locked up by her in a dark place. And this woman was originally in this dark place Yes, but now she is running out from inside to do evil everywhere."

Song Ling was stunned for a moment and said, "You mean, Princess Qinghe was impersonated?"

Fenghuang smiled wryly, but stopped answering her.He was seriously injured, Song Ling had to support him to get out of the cave.When they got outside, not only did they not see Princess Qinghe and the others, they didn't even see the great wizard.

Song Ling said with emotion: "I really didn't expect the great wizard to rescue him. Seeing his strange appearance, I thought he was not a good person."

But Fenghuang smiled and said: "I don't know if he is a good person or not. I just wondered about you. It is said that the eyes of the great wizard of the Hanyin Sect are colder than ten thousand years of ice. Anyone who looks at him will not be able to bear it." The coldness in his eyes condensed into ice, and you will be fine."

Song Ling pretended to be very modest, but actually said with a high-pitched smile, "I can even own the five artifacts of creation, so it shouldn't be surprising to have one more skill."

The corner of Phoenix's mouth twitched.Song Ling looked at him, she still likes the current Phoenix, with rich expressions, this is the real Phoenix with flesh and blood, but why is his hair including his eyes still red after he clearly recovered his memory?
When she posed this question to Fenghuang, Fenghuang immediately said with a bitter face: "Stop talking, I am also the most beautiful man in the Three Realms, but I was born into a red-haired monster. I must find someone later." A dye that never fades has dyed my red hair black, but I wonder if there is any dye in this world that can also dye my eyes black?"

This time it was Song Ling's turn to twitch her mouth and face. She decided to take back the thought that came to her just now. It was the East Demon King Phoenix who made her get used to it. Although he was cold, he was still a normal person. Get goosebumps all over your body!

Just when she was about to punch this stinky slut, she suddenly heard a voice that was colder than ice and said word by word: "Your injury is serious, you need it, hurry up, treat!"

Song Ling turned his head away immediately, but Fenghuang closed his eyes lightly. It turned out that he was also afraid of seeing the eyes of the great wizard Hanyin.

Fenghuang's eyes were closed, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Thank you, you saved me again."

The great wizard couldn't see any expression on his face, he turned to Song Ling and said, "Please, saint, come back, teach me!"

Song Ling curled her lips, what kind of saint, what kind of saint is she?This Hanyin Sect actually used living people to sacrifice, and it was obvious at first glance that it was a cult, so she didn't want to be the saint of this cult.Fenghuang opened his eyes, and said to her with a playful smile: "Saint, you didn't hear what the great wizard said, let's go."

Song Ling looked at his pale face and said in a daze, "Feng Jun?"

Fenghuang held her hand and said softly: "Let's go, don't worry, nothing will happen."

Judging from the way Phoenix and the great wizard get along, they seem to have known each other for a long time.Now that Fenghuang said so, Song Ling tried to have a look with this great wizard who could freeze people with just a pair of eyes.

The great wizard walked in front first, followed by Song Ling and Fenghuang. Under the bright sunlight, Fenghuang's face became even paler.Song Ling worried: "Feng Jun, you are seriously injured, do you want to heal your injuries before leaving?"

Phoenix shook his head, suddenly a very heavy cold air hit, it turned out that the great wizard suddenly came to them.Fenghuang was already afraid of the cold, but as soon as the great wizard approached Song Ling, he found that there was a layer of coldness between Fenghuang's brows, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.Her heart tightened, and she wanted to let the great wizard go away, but the great wizard raised the snake stick in his hand towards Song Ling, and then said softly: "Saint, don't move, I am here to heal his wounds. "

Seeing the snake staff engraved with a green snake's head, and thinking that there was a two-headed cobra hidden inside, Song Ling suddenly felt a little creepy.She took a few steps away from him, but the great wizard aimed at the phoenix with the snake stick, and a cloud of green energy shot towards the phoenix immediately.Even though he knew that this cloud of green gas was highly poisonous, Fenghuang still did not dodge or dodge, allowing the poisonous gas to spray on him, then he closed his eyes and fell leisurely on the ground.

This time Song Ling couldn't bear it anymore, she glared angrily, "You're poisoning him!"

The great wizard raised his eyes and looked at her lightly. Although she would not be frozen into ice cubes like other people when she looked at him, the deep chill coming from those eyes still made Song Ling couldn't help but hit her. a shudder.

"I am, I am, fighting poison with poison!"

Fight poison with fire?Song Ling nervously looked at the comatose Phoenix, "You mean Lord Feng was poisoned?"

The great wizard nodded: "Poison, I can't understand it, and the devil, I can't get rid of it!"

Song Ling was taken aback. Could it be that Phoenix was able to recover his memory because of this mysterious great wizard?And judging from his words, Phoenix has not completely eliminated his demon nature, so his current appearance is still the same as when he became a demon.

"Send him, return, teach, you, have, method."

As he spoke, the great wizard quickened his pace and walked forward, disappearing into the woods in a short while.Song Ling smiled wryly, it seemed that in order to save Fenghuang, she had to go to that weird Hanyin to teach her.Song Ling called Xiangyun and put the phoenix on it. When she drove Xiangyun to the back of the black hall, the rows of tall trees that she had never seen before were suddenly covered with yellow ribbons.Song Ling secretly thought it was funny, even if she was welcome as a saint who appeared out of nowhere, it didn't have to be like this.She is not a mortal who has returned from prison, what is she doing with a yellow ribbon?
(End of this chapter)

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