Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 305: Hanyin Sect

Chapter 305: Hanyin Sect (2)
"Feng Jun?" Song Ling held his hand back in distress, but when he became a demon, so many people who used to respect him began to hate him, but who knew that he was the most pitiful person.

Song Ling lay quietly in Fenghuang's arms. She knew he was injured, so this kind of thing that made her blush and heartbeat would not happen.She enjoys the intoxicating temperature in his arms, is this the feeling between husband and wife?

"Feng Jun, who was peeking at us just now, is it someone from the Hanyin sect?"

Fenghuang suddenly lifted the quilt and sat up, with a gleam in his red eyes, "There is no one outside, it's almost done. Xiao Longer, come with me to a place."

Just now he said he wanted to rest and now he mysteriously said where he was going, Song Ling didn't want to go, so he stayed under the covers and refused to get up.Fenghuang smiled wickedly again, he leaned down and kissed Song Ling on the face, "It's fine if you don't go. It just so happens that I owe Xiao Long'er a bridal night!" As he spoke, he made a gesture to untie her clothes, Song Ling Blushing, he slapped off his wolf claws, and said angrily: "Feng Jun, you are still injured."

Feng Jun let out a slow "Oh", and smiled even more wickedly, "It is said that peony flowers die under the sun, and being a ghost is also romantic, let alone such a small injury!" Seeing his wolf claws stretched out again, Song Ling Quickly pushed him away, jumped off the bed and said, "Let's go, where do you think you are going?" , I don't know what kind of situation it will become?
Behind her, Fenghuang smiled vividly from a pair of bewitching red eyes into fox eyes, but when Song Ling opened the door first, the smile in the eyes gradually dissipated and turned into a helpless smile. The sadness of release.

Song Ling pushed open the door and looked up at the sky. The moon hadn't come out yet, it was just gray. According to the modern time, it was only seven or eight o'clock in the evening.But Fenghuang still dragged her to pretend to sleep so early, did he do it on purpose?Before Fenghuang became a demon, she couldn't stand his monstrous appearance. Now that they were all married, Song Ling only hoped that the seven orifices would not bleed from being stimulated by this flirtatious bird.

As soon as this idea came up, Song Ling noticed that Fenghuang was standing quietly beside her, but his eyes were focused on the yellow ribbon on the Hanyin tree.

Song Ling asked: "Feng Jun, why are they tying so many yellow ribbons on the tree? Is it to welcome us?"

Fenghuang looked at her in surprise and said, "If you want to treat yourself as a monster, then consider these exorcism silk cloths as welcoming us."

Song Ling was stunned: "Exorcism silk? What evil?"

Fenghuang pretended to look around mysteriously, then looked at Song Ling strangely and said, "Little Long'er, do you know why the surrounding area is so quiet even though it's this hour in the Miao Border?"

Song Ling paused, and immediately said with disdain: "You wouldn't say it's because there are monsters and goblins coming here at night, so these Miao people are too scared to come out. Don't forget, I don't care about the devil world and the underworld." I know how many times I've been there, and now there's nothing that scares me." Although she was stubborn, she still trembled a little, no matter how powerful the monster was, she just closed her eyes and beat it, but for ghosts Said that even a weak little ghost can scare her enough.

Fenghuang smiled slightly: "Since Xiao Long'er is not afraid, then come with me."

Song Ling hesitated for a moment, but followed.But Fenghuang just walked around the Hanyin trees, Song Ling asked curiously: "Feng Jun, what are you doing, are you going around in circles?"

Fenghuang said: "The great wizards of the Hanyin Sect regard you as the saint of the Hanyin Sect, so I will naturally take you to the Hanyin Sect now."

Song Ling looked up at the black building in the hazy night, and said in surprise, "Hanyin Sect, isn't this the Hanyin Sect?"

Fenghuang didn't speak, and still walked around the Hanyin tree a few times. After he walked 49 times in total, Fenghuang raised his sleeves, and saw a red light splitting across, between the two largest Hanyin trees. A puff of green smoke rose, and then two white pillars appeared.

Fenghuang said: "This is the Hanyin Sect. I think the great wizard Bi has been waiting for us inside for a long time, let's go in."

Knowing that they are waiting for them, but still taking the initiative to go in, is this called throwing yourself into a trap?But seeing that Fenghuang had already entered, Song Ling had no choice but to follow in.Behind these two pillars, there really is a hole in the sky, but inside is shrouded in a white biting cold air, Song Ling shivered as she walked, she walked up to Fenghuang quickly and said: "Feng Jun, it's really cold here, you Can you still stand it?"

Fenghuang smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have a fire lotus on my body, the coldness is nothing." He said with a wry smile: "It's a pity, I also snatched this thing from that fire dragon, if one day I If you can see the fire dragon, you must return the fire lotus to him and apologize to him."

Song Ling nodded, and suddenly saw in the hazy white mist, a group of things whiter than the white mist were floating leisurely towards them.

"Ah! This is a ghost!" Song Ling was so frightened that he quickly grabbed Phoenix's arm.Fenghuang laughed and said, "Aren't you afraid of everything? Why are you so scared? These are not ghosts, they are specially here to greet you, a holy woman, see clearly."

Song Ling let go of his hand, only to realize that this large mass of things whiter than snow was actually lotus petals larger than banana leaves. When these petals floated in front of Song Ling, they automatically Condensed into a complete lotus.

Song Ling had never seen such a pure white, such a huge white lotus.And it has been lingering in front of her, as if it had an infinite nostalgia for her.

Fenghuang said: "Sit on it quickly, it can take us to the real Hanyin Sect."

sit on it?Such a beautiful Bailian sat on her butt, isn't that a waste of Hong Guoguo?Seeing Song Ling standing still stupidly, the corner of Fenghuang's lips curled up, and he raised his feet leisurely, sitting gracefully and contentedly among the lotus leaves.The white lotus in red clothes seems to have constituted the most dazzling picture scroll in the world.

Song Ling couldn't help but stare dumbfounded. When she saw Fenghuang hooking her fingers at her, there was a bang in her head, and she couldn't help sitting on it as if she had been bewitched.Due to the cold air below, Song Ling could not smell the smell of the white lotus. Now that she was sitting and lying between the lotus leaves, an elegant fragrance slowly lingered around her body. This fragrance seemed to penetrate into the In every cell of hers, its floral fragrance is even more alluring than the condensed fragrance of the carefully cultivated petals of seven colors.

(End of this chapter)

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