Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 316: Imperial Decree

Chapter 316: Imperial Decree (2)
Song Ling raised her head in disbelief. The Heavenly Emperor actually wanted her to capture the Phoenix with her own hands. This was even more cruel than when she heard the news of the Phoenix's demonic relapse!
Song Ling was still kneeling in the clouds in a daze.The Heavenly Emperor stretched out his right palm lightly, and there was a silver roll of paper exuding a faint halo on his palm, "Tianqi Shuijun accepts the order!"

Song Ling received the imperial decree, but immediately raised his head to look directly at the Emperor of Heaven and said, "My lord, in front of the Xianhuang Gate of Penglai Island, you told Xiaolong to help Lord Feng, but now, you are going to give up on him." ?"

The Emperor of Heaven sighed, "But do you think you have really helped him?"

Song Ling was startled. The Heavenly Emperor was right. She had known for a long time that the only way to completely free the phoenix from the evil way was to use the combined power of the five creation artifacts.But up to now, apart from being able to use the five artifacts to fight against the enemy, she still doesn't know how to help Fenghuang, and it seems that she has never thought about how she can use this unrivaled power that she has finally obtained to help Fenghuang.

"Receive the imperial decree and do what you should do." After the Heavenly Emperor said this, his figure became thinner and thinner like the cloud, and finally disappeared completely in front of Song Ling.

Although the silver imperial decree of the God Realm was only a small scroll, Song Ling felt that it weighed tens of thousands of catties when he held it in his hand.She stood up and looked at the misty mountains surrounded by clouds and mists. Maybe the Emperor of Heaven didn't really want her to capture Phoenix, but he was telling her that only she could save Phoenix.

She walked back in the direction she came from, and soon came to the top of Kunlun, only to find that Night Breeze was standing next to the sky pillar that buried the golden wheel of the sun god's red ice.Song Ling walked towards him, and before she could say hello to him, Night Breeze turned around, her black eyes resting on her face for a moment, "I follow His Majesty's order and wait for you here."

Song Ling said, "Do you know where he is?"

Night Breeze shook his head and said, "I don't know, but you do."

Song Ling was taken aback, then looked at him fixedly and said, "But you obviously overestimated me. If I knew where he is? Now I wouldn't go to Kunlun Mountain to ask the Emperor of Heaven. But as long as we find a People, we will definitely be able to find Feng Jun's whereabouts."

Night Breeze's black eyes lit up: "You mean you know everything?"

Song Ling nodded: "I just saw in the Xuantian mirror that Feng Jun went berserk again that day in the East China Sea. He not only injured many shrimp soldiers and crab generals in the East China Sea, but finally, including the Dragon Mother, all the soldiers in the East China Sea All the creatures were taken in by him with Tianya Haijiao, which he snatched from Dragon Mother and was intended to trap me and Fengjun. But Linglong was able to take advantage of the chaos and escape with Wanshizhi. If I guessed correctly, she He should have returned to Miaojiang with everything known."

The color in Ye Feng's black eyes gradually eased, and he obviously believed her words, but he still asked deliberately, "Are you sure?"

Song Ling laughed: "Of course I'm sure. So let's go to Miaojiang now. As for those heavenly soldiers and generals, it's better not to take them with you. One is that the people living in Miaojiang are mortals, but they can't bear to be scared." , but the Demon Lord is just opposite Kunlun Mountain, on Kunlun Mountain, it is better to have more troops."

Night Breeze frowned, "Of course I know that."

Song Ling smiled and stopped talking. In fact, she couldn't accept that she brought a group of soldiers to meet Fenghuang in the name of crusade against sinners.

When the two arrived in Miaojiang, they were going to the island in the rushing river.Looking at the rusty chain bridge in front of him, Song Ling couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The great wizard of the Hanyin Sect said that she would come back, but he didn't expect this day to be so fast.

Seeing Song Ling walking up the chain bridge with ease, Ye Feng didn't ask any more questions, but walked quietly behind her.Suddenly a gust of wind blew by, and the iron chain shook violently a few times. Song Ling staggered and almost fell into the river because she had been thinking about something. Then a voice said lightly: "Don't be afraid, I'm behind you."

Song Ling was taken aback, but his words made her feel mixed.But she just looked back and smiled brightly: "Don't be afraid, isn't it just a chain bridge, even with only one chain, I can get by." After she finished speaking, she looked around, and it was not yet fully bright, so there were no seedlings around. After the person was behind, Song Ling jumped up and quickly reached the other side.

Night Breeze looked at the smug smile she showed him while standing on the shore, but she was in a daze. Did she mean that she was deliberately refusing his concern?
When they arrived at the small island where the Miao people lived, the place Song Ling went to at the beginning was naturally in front of the floor where Wanshizhi lived, each floor was covered with flowers of various colors, but once there, Song Ling found that the building above The red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple flowers have all been removed.

Night Breeze looked up and said, "There's no one up there."

Song Ling frowned: "Anyway, let's go up and have a look, maybe we can leave a clue." She flew directly to the seventh floor.

On the seventh floor, there are no large clusters of bright and fragrant red flowers, and there are no red poisonous scorpions that make her shudder at the first sight, but the room is still covered with white flowers as thin as cicada's wings. Light yarn.After Ye Feng saw these veils, his face suddenly changed. He asked Song Ling, "You said that the people who live here are known as all knowers, so what does he look like?"

Song Ling was slightly surprised: "Why do you ask this? Don't you know him?"

Night Breeze said: "I know that in Miaojiang there is a person who claims to know everything about all the big and small things in the Three Realms. At first, I just thought that he was just a charlatan who didn't know the heights of the sky and boasted indiscriminately, so I didn't take it seriously. You Tell me, what does he look like?"

Song Ling's mind was moved. Judging from Phoenix's attitude towards Wanshizhi, they seemed to be related. Now that Night Breeze said something like this, does Wanshizhi really have anything to do with the God Realm?Thinking of this, Song Ling replied honestly: "His appearance and the aura exuding from his whole body seem to be an out-and-out fairy, but it's a pity that he is blind. Not only that, he doesn't even seem to be able to walk. She can sit in a wheelchair all day long and be taken care of by a smart and beautiful girl named Linglong."

(End of this chapter)

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