Chapter 328 India (5)
Song Ling nodded, and looked down again. They were almost approaching Luoyun Temple. She couldn't help feeling nervous. Could he really be inside?

Night Breeze mobilized his true energy and accelerated the speed of Xiangyun's descent.When the two disappeared into the dense forest on Lingyun Peak together with Xiangyun, beside the top of a tall tree, one was wearing a blindfold, his face was covered with a thick beard, and his back was bent like a camel's hump The same Indian Ah San was riding on an old donkey that had almost lost all its hair.The sun passed through the gaps in the trees and cast dappled light spots on his body. When it fell on his two black eye patches, they were also flickering and beating, just like the brilliance in the eyes, and there was a breath of light in the brightness. People hate their cunning.

He touched the top of the donkey's head, and said with a joking smile: "My dear donkey, you finally messed up things for me this time, it's just right if you are not happy. It's just that you are so ugly, so I will treat you like this." Will it frighten those simple Taoists? By the way, I remember there is a little Taoist priest named Song Yu who is shyer than girls. "

The old donkey was furious and shook his body desperately, as if he wanted to throw the Indian Ah San, who was several times uglier than the donkey, off him.Indian Ah San flexibly flew down from its back and landed on the top of a tree, still smiled and said: "My good donkey, you are obviously not a real donkey, why are you as smelly as a donkey?"

The old donkey was wheezing, as if he was really annoyed by his words.It stretched its hooves forward, and finally flew away directly.

He threw down his mount and flew away alone. The Indian Ah San seemed to be very happy instead. He smiled so much that the beard on his face trembled, but in the next second, the aura radiating from his whole body was completely different from before.That cynical attitude was no longer there, replaced by a deep solemnity, and even a kind of unspeakable helplessness.

Song Ling and Ye Feng fell from the auspicious clouds to the ground, bypassing the dense forests, and it was the Taoist temple of Luoyun Temple.It's just that there is no Taoist priest in front of the Taoist temple, and a strong smell of incense candles is wafting from the main hall of Luoyun Temple, causing a cloud of green smoke to accumulate in front of the main hall.

Song Ling covered her nose and said, "What are they doing? Are they paying homage to the previous ancestors of Luoyun Temple?"

Night Breeze looked forward carefully for a moment, and said, "Go and have a look."

They walked a few steps, and suddenly several Taoist priests holding swords emerged from the forest on both sides, and the leader shouted, "Who is this? How dare you trespass on my Luoyun Temple!"

After speaking, the Taoist priests quickly formed a formation, and Song Ling nodded, exactly seven of them. Could this be the Big Dipper formation of the Quanzhen Sect?

Before the seven Taoist priests showed the power of their sword formation, Song Ling walked up to the leader Taoist priest with a smile and said, "Song Yu, it's me, don't you recognize me?"

The Taoist priest had a pretty face like a girl's. When he heard Song Ling's words, he was taken aback for a moment, then immediately put down his sword, and said with a simple and honest smile, "So it's the elder sister. Long time no see, how is the elder sister today?" ?”

Song Ling was very pleased to hear this "big sister".She stepped forward and patted Song Yu's shoulder, and sure enough, his face blushed immediately.Song Ling said: "What happened to Luoyun Temple? Why do you all seem to be facing a big enemy?"

Song Yu said: "Master is going to activate the Demon Suppressing Tower today. In order to prevent demons from the demon world from coming to make trouble, he specially ordered me to wait here and guard it."

"Activate the Demon Suppressing Tower?" Song Ling didn't understand, "Could it be that the Demon Suppressing Tower has been sealed?"

Song Yu nodded and said: "The Demon Suppressing Pagoda can subdue the demons and ghosts in the world, but its own evil spirit is also very strong, and it can hurt oneself eight points with one use. When the Luoyun Temple was first built, the patriarch Chen Xu used the Demon Suppressing Tower to subdue it." The demons from all sides in Yunzhou restored peace to Yunzhou, but the Demon Suppressing Pagoda also seriously injured the ancestor. In order to prevent his disciples from being hurt by the evil spirit of the Demon Suppressing Tower, Patriarch Chenxu sealed most of the demon suppressing tower. The spiritual power makes the Demon Town Tower still have the ability to catch monsters but will not hurt the user again. He also made a rule in Luoyun Temple, unless it is a last resort, the seal of the Town Demon Tower is not allowed to be opened!"

"So before the Demon Lord snatched the Zhenyao Tower and used it to capture sister Zi'er, it was also because the Zhenyao Tower hadn't released the seal that suppressed her spiritual power? And last time, all the qualified people in Luoyun Temple The Taoist priests were all taken away by the demon king. I believe that if the head of Lingqiu is willing to open the seal of the demon suppressing tower, maybe they will not fall into the claws of the devil. Even when the whole Taoist temple is facing extinction, the seal of the demon suppressing tower is still It has not been opened, and now, is there anything more serious than this happening in Luoyun Temple?"

After listening to Song Ling's words, Song Yu sighed: "Elder sister's analysis is very reasonable. In fact, I don't know why Master activated the Demon Suppressing Tower. I only know that since Master saw the last time at the Yunzhou Market The young master Feng who came with the eldest sister became serious, and in a few days he announced in front of all the uncles, uncles, brothers and brothers in Luoyun Temple that the Zhenyao Pagoda, which had been sealed for thousands of years, would be truly restored. Its power!"

Song Ling's eyes lit up, he was actually here.Night Breeze couldn't help but sink when he saw her face burst into brilliance.Song Ling felt his unhappiness and asked, "Night Breeze, what's wrong with you?"

Night Breeze looked at her, "The priest doesn't know the reason, but I do."

Song Ling was startled: "You know? You're not from Luoyunguan, how could you know?"

Night Breeze suddenly raised his head and glanced northwest, "Didn't you keep asking me why His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven suddenly wanted to lead the gods to Mount Kunlun? Because he wants to protect the summit of Kunlun."

"Guard the top of Kunlun?"

Night Breeze nodded, and continued: "Do you know the story of Gonggong's anger at Buzhou Mountain? In ancient times, the ancient god Gonggong fought with Zhu Rong, but Gonggong was defeated. In shame, he bumped into Buzhou Mountain, destroying the pillars of heaven and earth. Collapsed. Under the eight pillars of Buzhou Mountain, there was a unparalleled demonic energy suppressed. After a while, the demonic energy began to wreak havoc all over the world, and countless innocent people became the prey of demons. Until later, Nuwa The empress collected five-color stones and repaired the collapsed sky, and the pillars of heaven stood erect again on the top of Zhou, and the ancient gods survived the catastrophe safely."

(End of this chapter)

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