Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 334 The Last Straw

Chapter 334 The Last Straw (1)
Night Breeze hugged Song Ling tightly, and at the moment Lingjisuo was about to take them out of here, he suddenly saw a red thread hitting Song Ling's neck faster than Lingjisuo's halo spread.The red thread was flying so fast that he didn't have time to see what it was. Just to prevent it from attacking Song Ling, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab the red thread.However, he immediately felt a piercing pain in his fingertips.

Song Ling heard him groan in pain, and hurriedly said, "What's wrong with you?"

Night Breeze didn't expect that the red thread would be a poisonous snake, and he was only bitten on the pulp of his finger, but his entire right arm was numb immediately.He frowned, knowing how venomous the poisonous snake was, he lowered his head to see the concern on Song Ling's pale face in his arms, he felt a pain in his heart, and hugged her tightly with his remaining intact left arm, "It's okay, We can go out soon. You don't have to worry about your eyes, I will definitely find a way to cure your eyes."

The halo from the Lingji lock seemed to make them step into a space-time tunnel. Song Ling felt that her whole body was being attacked by a strong wind. She was also in a boundless darkness and could not see anything. .However, in the darkness, there was a low and gentle voice whispering in her ear.This kind of tenderness spread gradually like a tide, and then she drowned in it, never wanting to come out again.

When she woke up again, she found that she was still lying on a bed, but she felt that her face was covered with a thick layer of gauze.

She couldn't help stretching her hand forward, and called, "Night Breeze, where are you, Night Breeze?"

After she finished speaking, she felt someone pat her outstretched hand with a folding fan, "Girl, don't talk nonsense, it's already daytime, why is the night breeze?"

Song Ling was taken aback, the voice was very deep, and she knew that the person who beat her with a folding fan was a person of high morality, so she could only ask, "Excuse me, senior?"

The man seemed a little angry, "It's only been a year since we left that day, and the girl has forgotten about me?"

This person spoke with such a strong ancient accent, Song Ling finally remembered, "So it's Uncle Bai Yan, Uncle Bai Yan, why are you here?"

Although she managed to remember herself, the anger in Bai Yan's words seemed to grow stronger, "This is my residence, if I'm not here, where should I go?"

Song Ling was taken aback again: "Then why am I here?"

After finishing speaking, she was slapped directly on the head by Bai Yan, "Girl, not only her eyes, but also her brain has been damaged. You fell directly from the sky outside my bamboo forest. How do I know why you are here?"

She came here by herself?In other words, Lingjisuo brought her to find Uncle Bai Yan.Song Ling sat up from the bed, and sure enough, he heard the sound of the bamboo sea churning in the wind. "Then what about Ye Feng who came with me, that cold god of war who came to visit uncle with the group last time, where is he now?"

Bai Yan snorted softly: "I have already said that you are the only girl who fell outside my purple bamboo forest. As for the night wind and white wind, I haven't seen it."

Song Ling said in a daze, "He obviously came with me, how could senior not have seen him?"

Bai Yan's tone seemed to be even more angry, "I have lived for tens of thousands of years, how could I lie to you, a little girl?" Song Ling felt that there was no movement around him, probably because she was angry and left. .

"Uncle, uncle!" Song Ling called out a few times, but the weird Bai Yan had long since disappeared.

Song Ling touched the bandages wrapped around his eyes. The burning pain caused by the snake blood spatter at the beginning had disappeared, and it was refreshing instead.It's just that Song Ling didn't expect that Lingjisuo would bring her to the last surviving god in the ancient god world, but where did Night Breeze go?

After a while, she heard the sound of insects from the bamboo forest outside. Could it be that it is already night?Song Ling really wanted to take off the bandage to see the surrounding scene, but before she could move, she heard a cold voice from above her head, "If you take off the bandage, girl, you will be blind for the rest of your life! "

Song Ling paused, but still put down his hand.She raised her head and said to the top of her head, "Uncle, where are you? I still have a lot to tell you, about the five artifacts of creation in ancient times."

But there was no more sound from above.

Song Ling sighed lightly. It seems that except for her, a peerless saint, all capable people have a little eccentricity.She doesn't know what to do now, she can neither see nor know where Night Breeze is, so she just lies on the bed and continues to sleep, maybe when she wakes up tomorrow, the bandages on her eyes can be removed, and then she can also want to go Wherever you go.

Just like this, while thinking wildly, she forced herself to close her eyes tightly. After a while, her consciousness really became more and more blurred. When she gradually fell asleep, her chest suddenly trembled, as if Someone suddenly threw a boulder at her.But this heavy blow didn't make her feel pain, but it made her wake up instantly.

Song Ling suddenly sat up from the bed, and then she miraculously found that her feet were walking uncontrollably under the bed.She wanted to stop her feet but couldn't do anything, and she also wanted to use mana to stop herself.However, she couldn't do anything other than follow this inexplicable force to move forward.

Later, she felt that she had come to a room. When she stepped into this room, her steps accelerated uncontrollably. She felt that there was an invisible force behind her pushing herself until she stuck to the On hard walls.

Song Ling touched it randomly, and it felt like a piece of paper.She suddenly remembered the first time she came here, when Bai Yan showed her a painting of the five creation gods in ancient times, but she entered a stone room with the wax figures of the five creation gods, and Also know the story of them and the five creation artifacts they carry.

Sure enough, when her face was pressed against the painting on the wall, like the first time, she fell straight forward and fell on a pile of soft straw.

Song Ling probably understood why he came to this place suddenly?Here are the five gods of creation in ancient times, and she has the five artifacts of creation, which is probably the mutual induction between the five artifacts and the five gods of creation.

(End of this chapter)

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