Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 344 Sleeping with the Devil

Chapter 344 Sleeping with the Devil (8)
"Give me the antidote!"

This sentence was almost yelled out by Song Ling.But Mother Long responded with a disdainful ridicule.

Song Ling realized that she hated this kind of laughter so much, she directly raised her palm to smash it into pieces.But she was lucky just now, and the true energy in her body suddenly shrank back, and it was still scurrying around in her body.

"Saint!" This was probably the smoothest time Song Ling heard the Great Wizard speak.She felt that she was being hugged by the great wizard. He was like a natural freezer. Song Ling nestled in his arms. The manic feeling just now subsided a little, but her body was still uncomfortable, and it was the alternation of hot and cold. extremely tormented feeling.

Song Ling suddenly felt that her face was wet, and several streams of liquid flowed from her eyes, her mouth, her nostrils, and her ears, and her mouth was also filled with a fishy-sweet taste.

It turned out that she was bleeding from all seven orifices!
Not only that, when the blood flowed down and soaked into her skin, it was as if her skin was suddenly burned by a raging fire, it was about to split and explode!

She panicked herself, how could she be like this all of a sudden?This feeling is more uncomfortable than a thousand cuts. Is she going to die?

"You are, artifact, power, backlash, I, take you, cross, Hongqiao."

It turned out to be like this.Song Ling wanted to laugh out loud, she hadn't even learned how to exert the power of the Five Divine Weapons yet, she was actually backlashed.Sure enough, it is exactly as what Uncle Bai Yan said, no one can have the five artifacts at the same time, otherwise it will harm others and oneself.She is really hurting others and herself!

Mother Long and the demon queen who turned into Hong'er naturally saw Song Ling's abnormality. They looked at each other and shouted: "It's not that easy to leave!"

Mother Long rushed over first, and when she struck with her palm, the great wizard was shocked and fell directly from the Hongqiao to the edge of the cliff.

Song Ling also fell to the ground.She was surprised: "You, you, you don't even have mana?"

Who would have thought that he and Wan Shizhi, who were originally the two most respected people in Miao Jiang, had no magic power like ordinary people.Then she saw the series of miraculous actions of the great wizard before, how did he do it?
The great wizard was lying on the ground, and suddenly threw his snake stick at Song Ling, saying, "Take it, and leave!"

Song Ling was in so much pain that he could barely move, let alone hold the great wizard's staff.The demon queen sneered and said, "I thought she was difficult to deal with, but she was defeated by me unexpectedly. I didn't expect that the five artifacts of creation could even eat back human bodies, so should we hand them over to the demon king?"

Mother Long snorted: "Since he has tried everything possible to ask for it, we will give it to him. But what the consequences will be, it is none of our business."

Song Ling felt that they were approaching her. No matter what, even if she died, she couldn't let the five artifacts fall into the hands of the demon.She struggled to retreat, but she didn't expect that there was a cliff behind her!

Just when Song Ling was about to fall off the cliff, a big hand grabbed her violently. "Old friend, hold on tight!"

The voice was full of urgency, without the evil spirit of the past.Song Ling never expected that at this moment of life and death, the one who saved her would be the magic voice that she had been hating so much.

But not only the eyes, her body was getting more and more painful, her internal organs, her skin, were about to shatter.Could it be that she was going to die inexplicably today? Moyin's hand was still tightly held by hers. Song Ling suddenly thought that maybe he saved her because he wanted to get the five creation artifacts on her body.And now that she is no longer alive, she might as well use this magic sound as a backing, which can be regarded as the last contribution to the Three Realms.

After thinking about it, she used her greatest strength to pull the magic sound down.

Song Ling almost exerted the greatest strength he could, and the magic sound was caught off guard, so she was pulled down together.Below the Hongqiao is the cold air of ten thousand years. The magic voice wanted to raise his true energy to fly up, but the cold air overwhelmingly directed at them, almost completely freezing them all at once, let alone using mana.

In the bottomless white depths, there is also a faint strong gravitational force that attracts them to keep falling.The cold air was getting heavier and heavier, and after he had been falling for an unknown amount of time, he suddenly noticed a change in his head, and when he looked again, his evil and charming face suddenly changed color, and he saw a white iceberg It is falling from the sky on them.

The iceberg completely covered the direction in which they were falling, not to mention that he couldn't use any mana right now.Moyin looked down at Song Ling, who was held in his arms subconsciously, and was struck by severe pain because of the backlash of the five artifacts of creation, and fell into a coma.Is he actually going to die for this girl?

His ambition, his revenge, the hatred that has been churning in his chest for many years, is this the end?He still doesn't know why he went to save her at that time. Thinking about it now, he feels a little regretful, but unexpectedly, he doesn't feel regretful.

The shadow of the iceberg had already cast on him, he looked down at the girl who was sleeping in his arms, and suddenly a beautiful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, like thousands of lotus flowers blooming suddenly, maybe this is not bad, isn't it? , lonely old friend?
But they didn't die.

When Song Ling opened his eyes, he felt that his eyes were covered by a faint mist of blood, and his limbs and bones were in pain.She subconsciously stroked the corners of her eyes. Uncle Bai Yan told her that if the bandages covering her eyes were removed before her eyes healed, she would become truly blind.

She laughed at herself, it seemed that what Uncle Bai Yan said was a little serious, she could still see a little clearly, and she wasn't completely blind.In the end, she slowly remembered that when she was backlashed by the power of the five creation artifacts, she thought she was about to die, so she dragged the magic voice to die together.However, now it seems that she is not dead, what about the magic sound?
There was a piece of ice under her, it seemed that she was lying on the ice, and there was a heavy pressure on her body, which made her almost unable to breathe.

Song Ling raised his bone-shattering hand and touched upwards, but only found ice, and the size of the ice seemed to be very large, it seemed to be an iceberg.

(End of this chapter)

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