Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 354 The Memory of the Demon Monarch

Chapter 354 The Memory of the Demon Monarch (10)
Hongxiu nodded, her brother Wan will always be the one who understands her best and understands her the most.From that day on, she became the red-sleeved fairy who was cared for by all the gods, but in the middle of the night, she sat alone by the Milky Way, and she couldn't help thinking of how he took her on the Milky Way in the Demon Realm. The wind is like flying in the smoke, but she is walking in Yuyao Fairy Garden, which is obviously the most beautiful garden in the Three Realms, but she feels that the fragrance they emit is not as good as the intoxicating fragrance of the fiery red place that day.What happened to her?That man is obviously the sworn enemy who destroyed her people, and last time he played tricks on her so viciously.She should hate him to the bone, but why every time when she was in a daze silently, the pair of narrow and deep black eyes and the malicious smile on the corner of his mouth always appeared in her mind .

No matter what, she still stayed in Jiuzhongtian quietly for another 100 years. For 100 years, those eyes and that smile have become more and more blurred in her mind.She will be like this from now on, she will still be that carefree red sleeve, until that day finally completely overturns her originally planned life trajectory.

That day, she watered the fairy flowers in Yuyao Fairy Garden as usual. These flowers were cultivated by herself, except for Brother Wan, they were her best friends.There was a rebellion in the South China Sea three months ago. His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven ordered Brother Wan and God of War Ye Feng to go to the South China Sea to quell the rebellion. Counting the days, he should be back too.

Hongxiu finally finished watering the last flower, she was very lazy, and was about to go out, when she suddenly saw a little fairy running over in a panic, and shouted at Hongxiu: "Fairy Hongxiu, it's not good, Xingyun An accident happened!"

The water ladle in Hongxiu's hand fell to the ground immediately.She ran to the little fairy and said, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"God of War and Shangxian Xingyun went to the South China Sea to quell the rebellion. They had already been successfully put down. God of War came back first, and Shangxian Xingyun stayed there to deal with the aftermath. Unexpectedly, the demon world was behind the rebellion in the South China Sea. According to them, the Demon Lord brought three Thousands of demon soldiers surrounded the South China Sea again, and Shangxian Xingyun stayed there with only a thousand heavenly soldiers! Those thousand heavenly soldiers died quickly, and Shangxian Xingyun also disappeared in the scuffle!"

Hong Xiu's face turned pale immediately.Whereabouts unknown or unknown life and death?In this Jiuchongtian, the best thing for her is Brother Wan, how could she just watch him have an accident.

"Hasn't the God of War already returned? Didn't he send troops to kill Brother Wan?"

"The God of War has ordered troops at Nantianmen..."

Hongxiu didn't wait for Xiaoxian'e to finish, and ran to Nantianmen.As expected, Night Breeze, the god of war, was wearing a black battle armor and stood in front of a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers with a silver light battle ax in his hand.He is so majestic, but where is her brother Wan now?How could that man, who was as elegant as an ink painting, be stained with those sinful bloodstains on his spotless white clothes?
In the end, when Night Breeze led the [-] heavenly soldiers to the South China Sea, Hongxiu also disguised himself as a small sky soldier and mixed in with the [-]-strong army.She has lived in the Nine Heavens since she was a child, and she doesn't know the sufferings of the human world, and she has never seen war, especially the war between the gods and demons.The blue water turned into a sea of ​​blood, and there were countless dead fish and shrimps floating on the surface of the sea.Hongxiu resisted the urge to gag and dived to the bottom of the South China Sea.But she searched all over the South China Sea Dragon Palace, but she couldn't find Wan Xingyun.Although the South China Sea is not as rich as the East China Sea, it is also one of the four great seas. The seabed is not only vast, but its structure is even more complex than that of the East China Sea.

After going around for a long time, Hongxiu finally succeeded in getting lost.She was walking carelessly on the bottom of the South China Sea, when suddenly a magic soldier slashed at her with a big knife.Hongxiu was startled, instinctively she raised her fairy sword to resist.This demon soldier was not good at martial arts, and he couldn't resist her fairy sword.When the blood of the magic soldier splashed on Hongxiu's heavenly soldier uniform, Hongxiu was completely shocked.This was the first time in her life that she killed someone. The warm blood splashed on her body, but she felt that her heart froze immediately.

Hongxiu was so frightened that she screamed and ran away, not daring to look at the corpse of the demon soldier any more.But the blood on her body still made her feel panic. She ran not long and suddenly saw a black robe hanging on the coral reef nearby.She couldn't care less and took off the bloody clothes on her body and put on this black robe.

After walking a few steps, a rough male voice said from behind: "The one in front, stop."

Hong Xiu froze, she clenched the fairy sword in her hand, and ran straight away.But after running a few steps, she was surrounded by men in black, and one of them said impatiently, "What are you running for? Come with me." As she spoke, she couldn't help but dragging Hong Xiu's arm forward.

That person was tall and burly, and Hongxiu was picked up by him like a chick, without even struggling.In the end, she was half-hijacked by several people and taken to a cave.As soon as Hongxiu entered the cave, he immediately saw a black-haired stern man.She was startled, she hadn't seen him for 100 years, his appearance had become blurred in her memory, but seeing him again gave her a thrilling feeling.

Compared with the powerful aura he gave her when they first met that day, he looked a little weak at this moment, and the veins on his forehead were bulging as if he was holding back something.The person who brought her over walked up to him and said, "Your Majesty, I found another person. I have gathered 36 of them, and they should be able to protect Your Majesty!"

The Demon Lord raised his head, his dark eyes fixed on Hong Xiu.Hongxiu thumped in his heart, but he quickly looked away, and said to the man, "Start!"

It turned out that he no longer remembered her.That's right, it's been 100 years, how could he remember her, a little fairy from the God Realm?While Hongxiu felt rejoiced, she was also inexplicably disappointed.

She knew that she was brought here by wearing the clothes of the magic soldier by mistake, but what are they going to do? The 36 demon soldiers plus herself were arranged in a strange formation to surround the demon king.Hongxiu saw that Mojun closed her eyes, as if doing a magic trick, and then she felt a strong wind blowing towards her.When Hongxiu felt that she was about to be blown away by the wind, the surroundings suddenly spun, and when she came back to her senses, she was no longer in the cave at the bottom of the South China Sea, but in front of a palace.

Hongxiu also recognized this palace, it was the place where the Demon Lord lived.It turned out that when the demon king cast a spell just now, he brought her to the demon world at once.The Demon Lord was probably seriously injured, and was soon sent to the dormitory to rest.Hongxiu was mixed among the 36 magic soldiers. He wanted to just break up with them and escape quietly.Who would have thought that the person who brought her suddenly pointed at her and said, "You, go and take care of Your Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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