Chapter 363
Ah San of India directly stretched out two fingers to pinch the dagger. He was pretending to tease Song Lingwan and looked at the dagger in his hand carefully, but his expression suddenly changed.

Song Ling noticed his strangeness and thought he was playing tricks on him again, so he didn't want to pay attention to it, but the Indian Ah San had already walked over quickly, took her hand and said, "Dragon Girl, we can't delay here Here, hurry up."

Seeing that his expression didn't look like he was lying, Song Ling hurriedly said, "What's the matter? The Demon Lord is still here, we're going up, what if they come out?"

Ah San from India sighed deeply, "We underestimated them. I'm afraid they weren't frozen in ice at all, and now they have returned to Tianmo Mountain."

Song Ling paused, and looked down at the solid iceberg at her feet, "Are you kidding me? This iceberg is piled so high, even if they can't be crushed to death, how could they escape so quickly. Unless they are on the iceberg There are other ways out of the underground cave, but how is this possible?"

"It's just that there are other ways out, you see." Ah San from India handed her the dagger.Song Ling glanced at it, and said in a daze, "What can you tell from this?"

Ah San of India stretched out his finger and flicked the dagger lightly, and the dagger that was originally good was shattered by his flicks a few times.

Song Ling's eyes widened. He originally wanted to praise India's San's strong fingers.Asan Dao of India: "It is said that the heavenly dog ​​eats the moon, and the sky and the earth are filled with a kind of yin energy. As long as someone activates the power of this yin energy, once all the most yang things are infected by the most yin energy, they will surely die. It will die on its own. The sword is forged in a furnace of raging fire, and it is the most yang thing. This dagger suddenly shattered, it must have been eroded by the yin energy of the Tiangu Eater Moon. This also shows that someone has urged the Tiangu Eater The power of moon to yin energy. Except for the devil king, who else in the devil world can have this kind of power, so they probably escaped when you were about to freeze them!"

After hearing what he said, Song Ling subconsciously took out the treasure chest.Indian Asan asked strangely, "What are you doing?"

Song Ling opened the treasure chest, inspected her treasures, and said, "Many of my treasures are of the Sun, I want to see if they have been destroyed." She pulled out the Yanxuan Sword, green and red Immediately, the receiving light drew an astonishing arc in the ice and snow.

Song Ling put the Yanxuan sword back into the scabbard, and she breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, nothing is broken."

India's Asan sweated, "These are the five artifacts of creation, you shouldn't be so unconfident in their quality assurance?"

Song Ling rolled his eyes at him and said, "Who wants you to talk about all the most yang things?" She suddenly paused while speaking.Ah San from India asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Song Ling came back to his senses: "You said that things of the most yang will not be able to withstand the erosion of the yin energy of the dog eating the moon, so what about people, people of the most yang, what will happen?"

Ah San of India said with a smile: "People of the most yang, I haven't heard that there are people of the most yang in this world."

"Yes." Song Ling suddenly looked at him firmly, "Phoenix, the phoenix born from the ashes, isn't it the man of the sun?"

The corners of Indian Ah San's eyes slightly raised, but he still smiled and said, "What are you talking about? Phoenix?"

Song Ling took a deep breath, and suddenly smiled: "It's nothing, let's go quickly, or it will be really late."

When the two flew up from the ice cave, it was really dark outside, but in the corner of the sky, the moon was still hanging high there.Although it is still glowing with moonlight, it seems that the moonlight is suppressed by something, preventing the light from spreading.

Song Ling said: "It's still a full moon, it seems that the eclipse of the moon hasn't happened yet."

Ah San in India shook her head: "No, it has already started." After he finished speaking, Song Ling saw a black shadow that seemed to be many times darker than the surroundings slowly approaching the moon.Song Ling said: "Is that the Tengu? Why don't I kill it before it eats the moon."

The Indian Ah San still shook his head and said: "You are wrong, that is not a tengu. There is no tengu in this world. The eclipse of the moon by a tengu is just a sign of celestial bodies. When it appears, no one can stop it, but this phenomenon will only Appear overnight. When the sun rises and dawn arrives, the phenomenon of Tiangu eclipsing the moon will also disappear."

Song Ling paused, "Could it be that the celestial signs you're talking about are changes in the orbits between the sun, the moon, and the earth?"

Seeing the bewildered expression on Ah San's face in India, Song Ling curled her lips and said, "I thought that in this world full of legends, any legend would become a reality. I never thought that the world of myths does not exclude science."

Ah San in India also paused and said, "How to say it specifically?"

Song Ling said: "In other words, since we can't stop the Tiangou eclipse, let's stop what we can."


When Song Ling fell into the ice cave, she had already learned from the words of Mother of Dragon and the great shaman of Hanyinjiao that the demon clan's plan would be carried out beside the Hongqiao bridge.It's just that when they came up, they didn't see a single member of the Demon Race, which was somewhat unexpected to Song Ling.

"Big Beard, where do you think they all went?" Song Ling just asked, when the Indian Ah San booed, "Someone is coming."

Not far away was a huge boulder that was as high as two people, India Ah San said: "Let's go there first."

The two stood behind the boulder when they heard the sound of rustling footsteps. It sounded like many people had come here.After a while, Song Ling saw a group of demon soldiers pressing down a dozen girls and walking in the direction of Hongqiao.

Song Ling saw that there were no important figures from the Demon Clan, and she said, "Are these girls the ones who were captured by the Demon Clan? I'll save them!"

Seeing that she was about to jump out, India's Ah San quickly grabbed her, "Why are you so anxious, the big fish hasn't come out yet."

Song Ling curled her lips and said, "It's okay for one big fish and several big fish. I'm afraid that if all the big fish come all at once, your fisherman's net will be broken."

Ah San from India smiled slightly, "It's okay, the net won't fit, so a fishing boat will do."

Song Ling was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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