Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 367 The Grand Finale

Chapter 367 The Grand Finale (1)
The Yin-Yang Dharma King said "yes", and opened the Yin-Yang fan in his hand, and suddenly there was a strong wind in the world, and all the flames and flints were automatically extinguished because of the great power of his fan.The moon appeared in the sky again, but it was obviously bigger than before.

The great sorcerer was holding the snake stick, but as soon as the blue light in the snake stick appeared, it was wiped out by the Yin-Yang Dharma King with a fan.The Yin-Yang Dharma King slapped the Great Wizard's staff directly, and all the magic power of the Great Wizard came from the snake staff in his hand, so when the Yin-Yang Dharma King slapped him, his snake staff fell off his hand directly.

Song Ling's heart tightened, and when the Yin-Yang Dharma King was about to use the fan to take away the snake stick, she directly raised her palm to split the fan's wind.She held the snake stick, but saw the great wizard limp on the ground as if he had been severely injured.

Song Ling walked over and wanted to help him up. He was originally a person like ice, but at this moment his body was scalded like flames. Not only was his face covered with bean-like sweat, but even his clothes were completely covered in tears. Wet with sweat.

"Great wizard, why are you doing this?"

The great wizard raised his eyes to look at Song Ling, and then looked at the moon in the sky that was getting smaller and smaller again. He suddenly grabbed Song Ling's hand and said, "Saint, catch my eyes!"

Song Ling was taken aback, "What are you talking about?"

"Blind, my, my, eyes." The great wizard repeated again.

Seeing that Song Ling didn't respond for a long time, he raised his four fingers together and stabbed hard at his eyes.Song Ling quickly grabbed his hands, "Great Wizard, what's wrong with you?"

When Song Ling grabbed his hand, it was as if she was holding two balls of fire, but even though there was a strong burning pain in her hands, she still didn't dare to let go.Although she still doesn't know exactly what happened, she has already guessed that there must be a big secret about this great wizard, and this secret must be related to Empress Nuwa and her.

He lay on the ground with his eyes tightly closed, but tears kept falling from those eyes, and the sky began to rain heavily again.It's just that when the icy rain fell on the great wizard, the temperature on his body didn't drop, but became even higher.

"Quick, blind my, yes, eyes."

He is still repeating this sentence.In fact, Song Ling knew in his heart that as long as it rained heavily, a rainbow bridge would be formed on the edge of the cliff. At that time, the magic voice would lead the group of demons through the rainbow bridge to Kunlun Mountain. That was the real dangerous moment.It's just that if she wants to blind a person like this, she can't do it!

Song Ling covered the great wizard's eyes, trying to prevent his tears from flowing like Cai just now, but the more she covered them, the harder his tears flowed.The edge of the cliff has been covered with colorful water vapor, and the color is getting thicker and thicker.

Song Ling was also helpless at the moment, she could only shout at the boulder: "Big Beard!"

But there was no movement behind the boulder.Mother Long laughed and said, "Little Yu'er, what's your name? I have long heard that the Hongqiao at the junction of Tianmo Mountain and Kunlun Mountain is one of the most beautiful wonders in the Three Realms. It's a pity that I didn't appreciate it yesterday. It's not as good as today." Let's enjoy this wonderful scene together, shall we?"

As she said that, she said to the Yin-Yang Dharma King: "Dharma King, it's very good for me to see that great wizard's snake stick, why don't you help me get it!"

"You dare!" Song Ling stood up abruptly, and stopped in front of the great wizard. Her eyes were wide open, and the fierce light that shone out even the devils in front of her couldn't help but be shocked by her eyes.

She wiped off the rain on her face, and a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of her lips, "The majestic demon king of the demon world, let a little dragon mother of the East China Sea fiddle here like this, Moyin, it seems that I really overestimated you before." !"

With Mo Yin's arrogant temperament, Song Ling would definitely be angry when he said that.But he just glanced past Song Ling and looked behind Song Ling, deep shock also flashed in his black eyes.

Song Ling couldn't help but look back and was shocked.After losing Song Ling's restraint, the great wizard actually gouged out his own eyes. His empty eye sockets were dripping with blood, and his hands were holding his eyeballs.

How courageous it is to goug out one's own eyes with one's own hands!Song Ling covered her mouth, not daring to take another look at the bloody thing in his hand.What she didn't expect was that these two eyeballs suddenly turned into two transparent ice balls emitting cold air.

"Saint, saint." The great wizard lay on the ground and murmured indiscriminately.

Song Ling quickly walked to him and helped him up. The temperature on his body was not as high as before.Song Ling wanted to give him some real energy, but the great wizard put the two transparent ice balls in front of Song Ling, "Saint, please take them to the bottom of the East China Sea for me."

The two ice hockey pucks were raised in front of Song Ling's hands, and Song Ling felt that his hands seemed to have turned transparent under the cold air from the ice hockey pucks. Could this be the secret in the great wizard's eyes?Anyone who takes a look at his eyes will turn into ice sculptures because his eyeballs are actually two extremely cold ice balls.

"Saint, take it, take it."

Where did Song Ling dare to take it? She fed a Ganoderma lucidum grass to the great wizard, "Who the hell are you? What is your relationship with Empress Nuwa?"

He didn't speak, but Song Ling suddenly felt a shock in her arms, and then a white lotus flew out of her arms.This white lotus was given to her by him when she left Miaojiang for the first time.Since Song Ling came to this world, he had collected countless rare treasures, so he didn't pay much attention to the white lotus that he gave as a gift.

When the white lotus, which was originally only the size of a palm, flew out of Song Ling's treasure chest, it gradually grew in size. After a while, the size of the white lotus could almost accommodate two people lying on it.It slowly flew towards the great wizard, and then gently supported him on the petals, and the petals slowly closed, gradually wrapping the great wizard inside.And the transparent ice puck in the great wizard's hand fell directly into Song Ling's hand.

Moyin frowned all the time and looked thoughtfully at what happened all of a sudden. Princess Qinghe walked up to him and said, "Your Majesty, the Hongqiao has been completed. Let's hurry to the end when the Tiangu Eclipse Moon is about to be completed." Go to Kunlun Mountain in the past, when the time comes, the sky pillar will collapse, the demonic energy will be released, and His Majesty's grand plan to unify the three realms will be just around the corner!"

(End of this chapter)

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